Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

so what's your point? was not a state of the union speech......instead trump tirned it into a a ****** to attend MAGA rally.....with nothing but lies for the fools that believe in the dema god
There is hope beyond the house of hate

Racist Trump Supporters 101

Trump Campaign Ads Using Paid Actors to Endorse Trump
A series of Facebook ads depicting people endorsing President Donald Trump are not actual American citizens pledging support, but rather paid spokesmodels, according to the Associated Press. Stock foo

Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him ...
Jun 17, 2015 · A casting call was sent out last week "looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement." ... Asked if Trump paid anyone to …

Mystery ad offers pay for Trump support at rally
Mystery ad offers pay for Trump support at rally. A possibly fake Craigslist ad offered to pay actors, "minorities especially," to appear as supporters for President Donald Trump at his Phoenix rally.
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There is hope beyond the house of hate

Donald Trump Says He Can Buy Politicians; John Kasich Asks ...
Aug 07, 2015 · Donald Trump Says He Can Buy Politicians, None of His Rivals Disagree. Lee Fang. Lee Fang. ... “If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people
Another Insane Trump Rant, But This One Had a Revealing Moment

At this point, thanks to the almighty curve on which we as a nation have decided to grade Donald Trump, American president, Thursday night's yell-fest in Toledo was just another Very Presidential Event. The world's most powerful man demonized his political opponents as enemies of the state because they want Congress to have some role in making less-and-less-theoretical war on Iran. He called members of the assembled press "sick," and again suggested the free press has no legitimate role in our democratic republic if it fails to support his version of reality. He again characterized Hispanic immigrants as violent criminals, MS-13 "animals" against whom any measures are presumably justified. He lied, and also threw out more evidence-free claims about imminent attacks that justified his assassination of Iran's second most important figure. He yelled, and not for the first time, that the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has a "pencil neck." This is all considered normal.

But there was one moment that proved particularly revealing. In the course of these explosions of, uh, patriotism, El Jefe tends to drift on and off the script provided to him by his lackeys—chiefly, the Santa Monica Wormtongue Stephen Miller. In the course of one such drift last night, he railed against Democrats on-script and then jumped off to, for perhaps the first time in his life, reflect on what he's doing.

Let's just get a transcript here.
But they want to have open borders. they want to have sanctuary cities. The radical Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now. They are stone-cold crazy. You know, it's interesting. As I'm saying this stuff, you know—they want crime, they want chaos—I'm saying all this stuff, and then I say, "Gee, now I sort of understand why they hate me, right?" [Chuckles.] But it's true. It's true. Their policies are a disaster. They're bad politicians, and they have horrible policies. But what they do, they stick together, and they're vicious. They're vicious, horrible people. I didn't use to say that. They're horrible people. What they do to people is a disgrace. But they stick together.

You might say he's just joking around, but the blasé way he recites the "stuff" he says about Democrats points to it being a kind of bit. It's a routine. Unlike Miller and unlike the people in the crowd, Donald Trump is no true believer. He's a vector for forces that long predate him, the fear and resentment of a changing world that has long blasted out of Fox News and talk radio. He knows what people want to hear and he says it. He thinks something will help him so he says it. Democrats? Sure, call 'em vicious and horrible crime-wanters.

It's times like these that you remember Donald Trump does not actually care about any of this stuff. He does not care about illegal immigrationhe's employed undocumented immigrants at his properties and on construction projects. He does not care about these people in the crowd who support him so enthusiastically, one of whom he shouted out for booing the very mention of Central American countries. Everybody's a mark or an enemy. Do they love me, or do they not love me? The Democrats have chosen to oppose him, so now he'll say whatever's necessary to destroy them. Meanwhile, can you imagine what the Liberal Media would do if Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren called Republicans "vicious, horrible people" who want crime and chaos? The Washington Post fact-checker needles Sanders for intricate healthcare policy claims that...are true.

Is Trump's rapacious cynicism better or worse than being a true believer? I suppose we're about to find out. The run-up to the 2018 elections, where Trump himself was not even on the ballot, were incredibly ugly. Imagine what's about to come over the next 11 months.

Trump Reveals Apocalyptic Democrat-Bashing Is a Routine
Jan 10, 2020 · It's times like these that you remember Donald Trump does not actually care about any of this stuff. In the midst of apocalyptic Democrat-bashing, the president seemed to …
How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals ...
Jul 21, 2016 · How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals Though Trump’s hardly a model of Christianity, the vast majority of evangelicals say they’ll vote for him — here’s how he pulled that off

14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...
Jun 21, 2016 · Earlier that month, he tweeted, "Good people, reject (Clinton) but don't associate yourself with Trump. He will disgrace & taint all who snuggle up to him." He will disgrace & taint all who ...
The guy does not promote Violence?...….guess again

Trump's endorsement of violence reaches new level: He may ...
Mar 13, 2016 · When Donald Trump said Sunday that he might pay the legal fees of a man charged with hitting a protester in the face at one of his rallies, it was the latest of many occasions when the leading …

Donald Trump Says It’s ‘Very Appropriate’ For His ...
Mar 11, 2016 · Donald Trump Says It’s ‘Very Appropriate’ For His Supporters To Beat Protesters At Rallies ... after announcing he will endorse Trump during a news conference at …

people have had enough?

Did 71 Percent of Trump’s Endorsements Lose in the 2018 ...
Nov 09, 2018 · Did 71 Percent of Trump’s Endorsements Lose in the 2018 Midterms? This figure may be accurate if limited to people Trump has supported via his Twitter account, but it is not an accurate …

Trump Endorsements: 36 Of Trump's Candidates Lost : NPR
Nov 08, 2018 · Trump Endorsements: 36 Of Trump's Candidates Lost Trump highlighted the success of candidates he held rallies for, embracing the idea that the midterms were a …

The First 2 Congressmen To Endorse Trump Have Been ...
The First 2 Congressmen To Endorse Trump Have Been Indicted Reps. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) and Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) are now in hot water over allegations of …
a man with no morals…….strictly everything is for the money....even pyramid scams.....corruption knows no limits....I could go on for several pages on this

Trump Persuaded Struggling People to Invest in Scams ...
Oct 29, 2018 · Those business entities were ACN, a telecommunications marketing company that paid Mr. Trump millions of dollars to endorse its products; the Trump Network, a vitamin marketing enterprise; and the

Eric Trump on paying contractors: We paypeople when they ...
Oct 17, 2019 · Eric Trump, executive vice president of The Trump Organization, defended the company against allegations that it does not pay contractors. Eric Trump on paying contractors: We pay

A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles
Jul 11, 2018 · But Trump refused to pay the final bill of around $84,000. Friel's ******* suspected that Trump also used his clout in the industry to block the company from getting other Atlantic City contracts.

Trump must face marketing scam lawsuit, escapes ...
A federal judge on Wednesday said U.S. President Donald Trump and his adult children must face part of a lawsuit alleging they used their family name to promote sham marketing opportunities, but ...

ACN - American Communications Network - a pyramid scheme ...
ACN reps are allowed to use this words to describe Trump's endorsement Donald Trump has agreed to endorse and promote ACN and our vision. He will be featured in a variety of print and video media over the coming months, all designed to help you build your ACN business.

Donald Trump Made Millions From Multilevel Marketing Firm ...
Over the past decade, Donald Trump has earned millions of dollars for extolling ACN Inc., a multilevel marketing firm that has weathered regulatory investigations in three countries.

Trump ordered to pay $2M for misusing his charitable ...
In addition, the foundation paid $158,000 to resolve a lawsuit over a prize for a hole-in-one contest at a Trump-owned golf course, and $5,000 for ads promoting Trump's hotels in the programs for ...
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How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals ...
Jul 21, 2016 · How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals Though Trump’s hardly a model of Christianity, the vast majority of evangelicals say they’ll vote for him — here’s how he pulled that off

14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...
Jun 21, 2016 · Earlier that month, he tweeted, "Good people, reject (Clinton) but don't associate yourself with Trump. He will disgrace & taint all who snuggle up to him." He will disgrace & taint all who ...
That would be interesting @subhub174014 but among some of the pastors and a few rabbis I listen they all appear fairly supportive of Trump below if you were to read and/or listen to their programs and hear their guests too who are religious figures of their own? :unsure:


And do you remember this guy speaking up for Trump during the RNC in 2016? You would remember @subhub174014 because I spoke of him before several times but lots of other newbies to the thread might not.
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I'm just throwing a few jabs because I've been made as hell about our senators and congressional leaders spending all their time trying to impeach the president - and blaming him for exactly what they are doing; and what they have done.
It's all a political stunt because they are all guilty and hoping and praying that President Donald Trump doesn't win the next election. So much, that the front-runner now is a communist clown.
I'm tired of it being okay if your party does something, but will attack the other party if they do it or support the same things you were supporting during your parties time in office.
This has gone back and forth my entire life. One party will support something, as long as they are "in power", but oppose it as soon as the other party is "in power". Not only support it, but hate on the other party for supporting the same thing you were in favor of ten years before.
And they are using all of us as puppets, and we are attacking each other over issues that are close to our heart - while they all go and have lunch together and laugh about it.
That would be interesting @subhub174014 but among some of the pastors and a few rabbis I listen they all appear fairly supportive of Trump below if you were to read and/or listen to their programs and hear their guests too who are religious figures of their own? :unsure:


How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals ...
Jul 21, 2016 · How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals Though Trump’s hardly a model of Christianity, the vast majority of evangelicals say they’ll vote for him — here’s how he pulled that off

14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...
Jun 21, 2016 · Earlier that month, he tweeted, "Good people, reject (Clinton) but don't associate yourself with Trump. He will disgrace & taint all who snuggle up to him." He will disgrace & taint all who ...

Source: Jerry Falwell, Jr. Was Paid 30 Pieces Of Silver To ...
CLEVELAND, OH—Just before his speech at the Republican National Convention Thursday, an anonymous source within the GOP revealed that Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, Jr. was paid 30 pieces of silver for his hearty endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States.
People seeing me post here make a lot of assumptions...
Come get some mountain air in Montana. We got plenty. I'm in the place where they tell you the glaciers are melting. I live here - please come see them.
A couple have called me racist. Please, I'm here and have been for years.
I have two black grandchildren and another on the way.
I can sometimes spot a racist here because they will make a big deal about how many white people are in Montana and wonder how I ever located any black men here.
Newsflash, most of our population is Native American and we have plenty of racial diversity.
Newsflash 2 - Your internet search will probably not get you that information, because Native Americans don't fill out census reports. They don't like the government. (There's a much deeper well there, that I Won't delve into right now)
I'm just throwing a few jabs because I've been made as hell about our senators and congressional leaders spending all their time trying to impeach the president - and blaming him for exactly what they are doing; and what they have done.
It's all a political stunt because they are all guilty and hoping and praying that President Donald Trump doesn't win the next election. So much, that the front-runner now is a communist clown.
I'm tired of it being okay if your party does something, but will attack the other party if they do it or support the same things you were supporting during your parties time in office.
This has gone back and forth my entire life. One party will support something, as long as they are "in power", but oppose it as soon as the other party is "in power". Not only support it, but hate on the other party for supporting the same thing you were in favor of ten years before.
And they are using all of us as puppets, and we are attacking each other over issues that are close to our heart - while they all go and have lunch together and laugh about it.

mad about that.....and yet no outrage over the 5 years the right spent investigating bill clintons blow job...…..or 2 years investigating Bengahzi when a lot of it was budget cuts.....just a bit hypocritical I would say
How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals ...
Jul 21, 2016 · How Donald Trump Divided and Conquered Evangelicals Though Trump’s hardly a model of Christianity, the vast majority of evangelicals say they’ll vote for him — here’s how he pulled that off

14 conservative Christians who are not supporting Trump ...
Jun 21, 2016 · Earlier that month, he tweeted, "Good people, reject (Clinton) but don't associate yourself with Trump. He will disgrace & taint all who snuggle up to him." He will disgrace & taint all who ...

Source: Jerry Falwell, Jr. Was Paid 30 Pieces Of Silver To ...
CLEVELAND, OH—Just before his speech at the Republican National Convention Thursday, an anonymous source within the GOP revealed that Evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, Jr. was paid 30 pieces of silver for his hearty endorsement of Donald Trump for President of the United States.

Now you're off your're quoting rolling stone and babylonbee as sources???!!! LOL!!
People seeing me post here make a lot of assumptions...
Come get some mountain air in Montana. We got plenty. I'm in the place where they tell you the glaciers are melting. I live here - please come see them.
A couple have called me racist. Please, I'm here and have been for years.
I have two black grandchildren and another on the way.
I can sometimes spot a racist here because they will make a big deal about how many white people are in Montana and wonder how I ever located any black men here.
Newsflash, most of our population is Native American and we have plenty of racial diversity.
Newsflash 2 - Your internet search will probably not get you that information, because Native Americans don't fill out census reports. They don't like the government. (There's a much deeper well there, that I Won't delve into right now)

if it looks like a turd.....and smells like a turd.....good chance...…..

and my grandmother is a full ******* indian so not interested in what you have to say there!