Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

NO that's not true...….my nephew went to college a democrat...graduated a republican...….after using his dads working money to get the education....then turn his back on it......if my 2 were to came out leaning right there would be hell to pay

most of it is the "burn" talking a political revolution to fix health care and all these other freebies.....what college kid with thousands of dollars in college bills would want all that...… nephew got out owing almost 60 thousand bucks.....and just walks away becoming a republican while his dad is still paying it off
My camping in Iraq paid for mine
I hope your nephew has the good sense not to visit you wearing a MAGA hat? Or showing up with a friend like this guy I saw on the news during the Iowa Caucus?

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well I grew up on the are and always have been ….republicans.....nephew and I went at it pretty good over the holidays....he really doesn't know much about politics...…..just what he gets from the people he hangs around with...…..which is pretty much how most get their politics anyway......from whom they talk and work with......I am one of the rare ones.....that actually lives and breathes politics...….but learned just how important it was right when I got out of the army....also my stint in the army showed me just how much NOT to believe what the government tells you
well I grew up on the are and always have been ….republicans.....nephew and I went at it pretty good over the holidays....he really doesn't know much about politics...…..just what he gets from the people he hangs around with...…..which is pretty much how most get their politics anyway......from whom they talk and work with......I am one of the rare ones.....that actually lives and breathes politics...….but learned just how important it was right when I got out of the army....also my stint in the army showed me just how much NOT to believe what the government tells you
Sounds similar to the experience Jesse Ventura had as a kid when JFK was murdered. A lot of those questions why he was murdered will always remain unanswered.
BTW.......unlike my nephew......I grew up in a republican family and it didn't go over well when I turned up a Dem...….but in my family....just like most other farmers...had no idea why they were republicans......just that they were...…..I knew the issues and had answers for all their statements...…..ended any further discussions
my brother also grew up republican....but when he went to work in town......kind of changed his tune...but rarely voted.....I kept him pumped full....but don't think he really cared one way or another....maybe why nephew is republican
Mmmmmmm how odd....can't get the Iowa results out.....computers went down and needing to count by hand....a first for computer problems...……….is this a Russian trial...…..have to wonder
It was a joke I made months ago but maybe there might be some logic going back to counting chads and paper and going back to physically transmit the ballots by Pony Express or by Brinks truck? At the very least that kind of low tech can't be hacked by anyone abroad? :unsure:
Getting your excuses ready already?

Not at all...…...I think the dems are shooting themselves in the foot and maybe taking themselves out...….but last night talking to all those people...… care a major issue...…...and trump has done nothing on that but make it worse.....and the dems have passed a Bi-Partisan ******* bill.....that has been sitting on Mcconnells desk for over a year now...….

sounds like health care might be a major issue on this election....not the economy....which only trump says is great

2020 Election Hackers Are Coming -- And We're Not Ready ...
Jan 17, 2020 · Hackers Are Coming for the 2020 Election — And We’re Not Ready ... sinking feeling over what he knew Russia had already done. By hacking the ... Russian-based hackers tested election websites …

Chaos Is the Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow ...
Jan 10, 2020 · Election systems in all 50 states were targets of Russian hackers in 2016, though voting went smoothly in most places. In the estimation of many officials and experts, the effort was probably a ...

Russian Election Hacking Could Be Much Worse in 2020
Russian Election Hacking in 2020 Could Easily Be Much Worse Than 2016. ... The first thing to remember is that he already has. ... the product of most of all of your hard work, creativity ...
Last edited:
Damn.....where was that damned wall when we needed it!

Texas: 36 migrants dump truck, appeared to be hauling ...
2 hours ago · Texas: 36 migrants dump truck, appeared to be hauling gravel. A dump truck carrying 36 migrants in a secret compartment was found in Texas near the Mexican border last week, a report said. Police in Laredo received an anonymous call last Thursday, and the tipster claimed people were trapped inside of a disabled truck that […]

Texas police found 36 migrants under load of gravel in ...
10 hours ago · LAREDO, Texas -- A tip from an anonymous caller led police in Laredo, Texas, to a surprising discovery: 36 migrants trapped in a hidden compartment inside a dump truck
Not at all...…...I think the dems are shooting themselves in the foot and maybe taking themselves out...….but last night talking to all those people...… care a major issue...…...and trump has done nothing on that but make it worse.....and the dems have passed a Bi-Partisan ******* bill.....that has been sitting on Mcconnells desk for over a year now...….

sounds like health care might be a major issue on this election....not the economy....which only trump says is great

2020 Election Hackers Are Coming -- And We're Not Ready ...
Jan 17, 2020 · Hackers Are Coming for the 2020 Election — And We’re Not Ready ... sinking feeling over what he knew Russia had already done. By hacking the ... Russian-based hackers tested election websites …

Chaos Is the Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow ...
Jan 10, 2020 · Election systems in all 50 states were targets of Russian hackers in 2016, though voting went smoothly in most places. In the estimation of many officials and experts, the effort was probably a ...

Russian Election Hacking Could Be Much Worse in 2020
Russian Election Hacking in 2020 Could Easily Be Much Worse Than 2016. ... The first thing to remember is that he already has. ... the product of most of all of your hard work, creativity ...

2/3 said. It was all beating trump didn't care On issues
Most ******* eat up the socialist ******* buy the shovel full in college it was sickening. That's why a large percentage fail when they hit the real world
Universities have always been insular retreats, where privileged people are protected from the harsh realities of the outside world and the real economic marketplace. (No where else but a university can someone get paid pretty well to study and elucidate on the lyrics of Bob Dylan.)

I have a theory that the Vietnam War permanently changed the worldview of the coddled uni-bubble elitists. With the threat of death in the jungle looming over them, their petty interdepartmental squabbles over position papers meant nothing. Either graduating or dropping out -- with a low draft number -- was a likely ticket to the Nam. This gave them a genuine cause to rally for, and they could protest the Vietnam War with fearful vigor and the smug self-righteousness that liberals love. Even today, the aging gray-ponytail professors are still wearing the symbol of their most important struggle.

Vietnam set the standard for university rebellion. We have nothing remotely as significant on campus today. So to feel as if they are fighting a worthy battle, today's safe, pampered uni-elitists invent microaggressions and social privilege classes to fight against. They look ridiculous to outsiders, but it's all they have.
2/3 said. It was all beating trump didn't care On issues

true....that is what they say and believe....but not what they are doing.....they know the independent are what makes or breaks an election.....and one thing the independent go along with the republicans on is spending....they do not and will not like all the giveaway programs warren and sanders are talking about...….there is 3 conservative Dems that the independants would probably support......and those 3 are not getting the Democrat support