Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

well hope this holds Polk county exit polls...Des Moines in polk county.....AMY leading big time.....joe in second.....hope that holds true...sanders and warren …..gone?...can only hope...….there might be hope for the dems yet

hate those fucking exit polls they always get you thinking one thing.....only to step on your balls at the end of the night
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By always being the liberal leftist Democratic Party they have continued to push the line to destroy anything having do with conservative values. The Democratic Party has lost all sense of reality, everything they now stand for proves just where they are. I admit that Donald Trumps personality if far from politically correct, but if he doesn't get reelected in November, what will your answers be then? Instead of complaining about how bad you think Trump is, who do your beloved democrats have that can do the Job to your satisfaction? Another thing to remember is that this country is so divided right now, that if a Democrat or even a Democratic Socialist wins, the Republican Party that has had to put up with the constant harassment of President Trump from day one, will remember this and react accordingly. What is your solution ?

what the hell would you think the state bird is the mosquito…..
in one of the counties it showed just ONE sanders they went over to talk to him....he said he has friends coming he is just there to keep thing honest...…..that is entirely false!...Been there done that...…..he will walk around and listen in on all the different groups…..sees someone in one group or another not really sure about who they are supporting....he will pull them off to the side and pressure them to go for Sanders

and he acted just like a trumptard……..when asked why he was supporting Sanders...he just liked the way he talked
Another thing to remember is that this country is so divided right now, that if a Democrat or even a Democratic Socialist wins, the Republican Party that has had to put up with the constant harassment of President Trump from day one, will remember this and react accordingly. What is your solution ?
Well, the best solution is to stop it before it gets started, unfortunately, it got started when Obama became president. You obviously slept through those eight years that the Republicans attacked every thing the President tried to do. Not only that, they did it so OPENLY ... announcing what they were doing, so there's no denying that they did or didn't do it. You can thank the likes of Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Jim DeMint, Frank Luntz, Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Eric Cantor, and several others that I can't recall right off the bat. Now, please go ahead and say "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN" ... oh and lets not forget the Grover Norquist "No Tax" pledge that 95% of the Republicans signed. It was all called the "Republican Conspiracy" and even included the likes & funding of the Koch Brothers. There's plenty of info on this as Republicans love to brag about their accomplishments when they do them. Unfortunately, the #1 big target remains .... Health Care. They never could dissolve the PPACA as they never had any intentions of replacing it with a real Republican solution.
We've had this discussion several times before; Republicans prefer NOT to discuss it as many of those names mentioned above have long been voted out of the Republican party ... a bunch of Tea Party liars who actually had their OWN agenda but couldn't manage to really start their own party, thus they fucked up the Republican party which is yet to recover. And, I'm betting that in November another major blow to the Republicans, who've made yet another critical error by backing Trump, will take place as a huge landslide of removals will occur. I know here in NC we're chomping at the bit to vote the dogs out... ALL of them that have an "R" attached to their titles.
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Curiosity makes me ask. Are you guys ok with their plan to reduce the amount of money provided for medicaid? I mean really, He's only doing things that provides a profit to anyone aligned with him.
You're preaching to the choir with us Democrats. Its all about money "to the top" obviously. You're here in NC, you know what the political climate is like, here ... when you go to vote this year, be sure to invite your neighbor to go with you. I've had my fill of these dirt bag Republicans.
I'd think you'd gloat a little bit with a pro-Trump slogan on your back? Maybe something like...

View attachment 3128016

But do you notice that a lot of anti Trumpers are not on these days like @Zwing, and @Subby and many others? Only @subhub174014 is here and whose handle I am permitted to mention as someone openly against Trump. All the others scatter while Trump is winning? :unsure:
Sorry to disappoint, but just have been busy lately.

Nice to see the light shown on conservative corruption as of late though.
do you notice that a lot of anti Trumpers are not on these days like @Zwing, and @Subby and many others?
Could it be because most if US have JOBS and FAMILY OBLIGATIONS, STIFF? Besides, it just goes back and forth, back and forth ... no end or variance to the same arguments over and over and over. Einstein said it best "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results" ... but then, I guess some of you have nothing in your lives better to do. The recent so called Senate "trial" with no witnesses and no documents kind of proves you folks aren't after the truth. So ... "go at it"!
Liberal Professors teaching socialism in college - what do you expect ????

NO that's not true...….my nephew went to college a democrat...graduated a republican...….after using his dads working money to get the education....then turn his back on it......if my 2 were to came out leaning right there would be hell to pay

most of it is the "burn" talking a political revolution to fix health care and all these other freebies.....what college kid with thousands of dollars in college bills would want all that...… nephew got out owing almost 60 thousand bucks.....and just walks away becoming a republican while his dad is still paying it off
It doesn't matter who gets the DNC Nomination @blkdlaur as the Democrats will still lose against Trump 🇺🇸 later this year in 2020.

Dream on!.....we have not thrown in the towel YET...there is still hope.....although saw or read someplace yesterday that 53% of the country does like this free medicate for all pitch.....didn't think the number was that high...…..but just like in the midterms the left got in over health care....they had a little taste and trump took it away......the right has nothing...never has....except big promises.....everyone on the left is offering some kind of health care

so no matter how good the economy if you are paying through the nose to stay healthy.....not going to cut it!

couldn't find a real current one...but here is a couple

Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Jun 23, 2017 · Here's how much the average American spends on health care. ... Americans pay $3.4 trillion a year for medical care ... Young people, who are expected to ...

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost Per Month?
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost per Month in Each State? The national average health insurance premium for a benchmark plan in 2020 is $462, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The following data reflects the national average, and each state’s average, but does not include any reduction in cost from subsidies .

trump going to get his ruling on gutting more aca this year...….now he is wanting to stop that ruling from coming out until AFTER the election…………… care a big issue for America.....and might be his downfall

a lot of these independents don't like all the giveaway programs and might drive them not to vote or to vote for trump....but a lot also knows a Dem will get them health care
NO that's not true...….my nephew went to college a democrat...graduated a republican...….after using his dads working money to get the education....then turn his back on it......if my 2 were to came out leaning right there would be hell to pay

most of it is the "burn" talking a political revolution to fix health care and all these other freebies.....what college kid with thousands of dollars in college bills would want all that...… nephew got out owing almost 60 thousand bucks.....and just walks away becoming a republican while his dad is still paying it off
That must wound you @subhub174014 : having your nephew become a Republican? I guess you have to "re-educate" him?
Dream on!.....we have not thrown in the towel YET...there is still hope.....although saw or read someplace yesterday that 53% of the country does like this free medicate for all pitch.....didn't think the number was that high...…..but just like in the midterms the left got in over health care....they had a little taste and trump took it away......the right has nothing...never has....except big promises.....everyone on the left is offering some kind of health care

so no matter how good the economy if you are paying through the nose to stay healthy.....not going to cut it!

couldn't find a real current one...but here is a couple

Here's how much the average American spends on health care
Jun 23, 2017 · Here's how much the average American spends on health care. ... Americans pay $3.4 trillion a year for medical care ... Young people, who are expected to ...

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost Per Month?
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost per Month in Each State? The national average health insurance premium for a benchmark plan in 2020 is $462, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The following data reflects the national average, and each state’s average, but does not include any reduction in cost from subsidies .

trump going to get his ruling on gutting more aca this year...….now he is wanting to stop that ruling from coming out until AFTER the election…………… care a big issue for America.....and might be his downfall
Time will tell in November later this year @subhub174014 . :unsure:

It will settle all arguments with the collective American electorate rising up and deciding who should sit in the Oval office.
That must wound you @subhub174014 : having your nephew become a Republican? I guess you have to "re-educate" him?

yes...his brother worked hard to put him in college....he knows how I feel about it....hopefully I won't hear my sons ever say anything about it......but my sons know how I have always been involved in politics....where as my brother a typical Dem...votes once in a while
yes...his brother worked hard to put him in college....he knows how I feel about it....hopefully I won't hear my sons ever say anything about it......but my sons know how I have always been involved in politics....where as my brother a typical Dem...votes once in a while
I hope your nephew has the good sense not to visit you wearing a MAGA hat? Or showing up with a friend like this guy I saw on the news during the Iowa Caucus?
