Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

can't even read an article for one thing......not interested in whatever else you have to say...….just more bullshit

The liberal white male cannot abide an opinion that strays from his media indoctrination. The very thought that someone may have formed ideas without reading "an article" is frightening to the hive mind. This is why the liberal white male only deals in volumes of approved thought that are written for him.


A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as ...
Oct 19, 2018 · A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as encouraging violence This comes after he praised a congressman who assaulted a reporter.

Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans ...
Dec 19, 2016 · Racial slurs, nasty rhetoric and violence at Trump rallies have become commonplace against protesters, bystanders, and reporters. Assaults are committed not only by rowdy Trump fans, but by the staff he employs to keep the events safe. But rather than denounce these incidents, Trump is making them part of his brand, and uses them to rev up crowds.

Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence - The New York Times
Mar 14, 2016 · transcript. Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence Donald J. Trump has appealed to the raw anger of voters and encouraged crowds at rallies to …

Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate –
Jun 15, 2016 · Democracy & Government Donald Trump and the Escalation of Hate. A number of civil-rights organizations have spoken out about the rise of hate speech

Trump campaign rallies linked with increase in violence ...
The researchers on the study suggested that the rise in assaults on the days of Trump rallies either came from violence at or near the rallies, or they stemmed from the "aggressive mood" shown by ...

Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent ...
Mar 22, 2019 · Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes ... on both sides” for the violence. ... incident data and Trump rally data to …

Trump is Leading a “Revolution” to Destroy America

by Jesse Jackson

As the House of Representatives moved toward impeaching President Donald Trump this week — by what all predict will be a vote divided largely by party — it is time for reflection.

The House will indict the president for abuse of his office — trying to enlist a foreign government to intervene in our election by announcing an investigation of his potential opponent in the upcoming presidential race and for obstruction of justice in his extreme efforts to block the congressional investigation of his abuses.

This is an indictment focused, for simplicity sake, on a single course of action and its coverup.

In fact, the challenge posed by Trump is far greater than that. Trump is leading a counterrevolution against the America that is, and the America that will be.

He does so by savagely attacking American institutions — and by unrelenting lies designed to produce a cocoon of misinformation — an alternative reality — to con his ardent supporters.

Trump has scorned the Constitution and its tripartite division of power.

He scorns the Congress — both the Democratic House and the Republican Senate, ignores its subpoenas, dismisses its powers and holds himself and his administration immune from its oversight.

He traduces the courts, appointing right-wing activist judges while impugning the motives of any justice that rules in ways he does not like.

He floods the courts with lawsuits, many groundless, to delay and to avoid accountability both personally and as president.

He abuses the press, accusing them of being the enemy of the people and of spreading “fake news,” even as he retweets and recycles false conspiracy theories and big lies.

He has dismantled the interagency national security process, upended American policy — often with the sole apparent motive of reversing anything President Barack Obama accomplished — while abusing allies, his own appointees and the career professionals with sudden reversals of policy and pronouncement.

He has clearly decided that the presidency is above the law, as well as beyond the reach of Congress and courts.

While I, and many other reformers, agree with some of Trump’s stated goals — to bring the “endless wars” to a close, to transform our trading policy, to pressure the Federal Reserve to keep its foot off the brakes of the economy without clear evidence of rising inflation — Trump’s imperious and impetuous actions do more to discredit those goals than to serve them.

In other areas — most significantly in the existential threat posed by catastrophic climate change — Trump has abandoned the most important responsibility of the president to defend the nation’s security.

His conscious political strategy is to foster division, inflaming racial, gender and other divides. This has fed an already rising tide of hatred that is breeding more violence in this land.

Rather than signing the bipartisan immigration reform that he had previously agreed to support, he chose instead to preserve the contention rather than to move to solve the challenge.

The result of this reckless and ruthless course is a country ever more divided.

Trump clearly has cemented the support of about 40 percent to 45 percent of the American people.

That support has cowed Republican legislators — senators and representatives — who now rise to defend behavior that they know is dangerous and policies that violate their previously cherished conservative principles
— from free trade to support for allies to presidents serving as moral examples.

Now, as senators gear up for holding what looks to be a sham trial on the impeachment charges brought from the House, they might pause for reflection.

For many, this vote may be their last historic vote, one which will help define their legacy.

All face constituents — Trump’s so-called “base” — who demand that they support the president no matter what he does.

This is a test of leadership.

True leaders don’t follow opinion polls, they mold opinion.

They do not allow the fervent few to drown out the call of their conscience. They recognize the obligations of party, but also the call of honest patriotism, of acting in moments of historic decision for the sake of the country.

They realize that history will hold them to account, as well as their own children and grandchildren
. Trump’s minions are demanding abject loyalty.

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has already confessed that he is taking his clues from the White House. Before bowing to that pressure, senators should pause, reflect, look in the mirror and probe their conscience.

Who are they? What are they prepared to stomach?

Jesse Jackson is the founder of Rainbow/PUSH.

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Aug 30, 2019 · While Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on China and its subsequent retaliation is not the only reason for the stress farmers are under, it is a self-inflicted wound.
No doubt the propaganda mills are on your side - too bad ya can’t caucus for shite :}

always been a little crazy way of doing it

I made precinct captain twice made it all the way to cut once on my gun stance...…..but it is just a long drawn out process of elimination you have to have a certain percentage of people....if you don't...other groups come over and try to sway you into their will go one or two rounds...until it gets down to one or two people...that is just one pick a delegate to go to the same thing again if need be....pick more delegates goes to state....same thing again ….then you come up with the person the state wants....but as far as I know this is a first time it was like this....they relied on computers the last few years......used to it was all head count and some called it into polling HDQ
The liberal white male cannot abide an opinion that strays from his media indoctrination. The very thought that someone may have formed ideas without reading "an article" is frightening to the hive mind. This is why the liberal white male only deals in volumes of approved thought that are written for him.

View attachment 3130264

wouldn't expect anything less from need to get off cartoon net work and try a news station …..but then can you handle things that does not go into see spot run!.....speaks a lot about your intellect...or lack there of

people like you exist as a punishment to people with actual sense.
re: joe-biden-kisses-granddaughter-on-lips-during-iowa-rally
Ah, cute ... so check these out ... I'd put the ones of him kissing Ivanka on the mouth when she was under 16, and the one of her straddling his knee at a Beach Boys Concert (age 14) in a hotpants outfit and her arm around "daddy", but I'm afraid B2W might kick me off here. Got 'em much younger of Ivanka sitting on "daddy's lap" in the back of a limo, too .... definitely not what a daddy would want spread around. Its long been rumored that Trump & Ivanka had a "thing" going, and when the photos appear on the internet, they're immediately taken down ... wonder why?


So, you want to toss a few rumors around about Biden, its going to be fun swapping a few rumor pies with you ... YOUR TURN ... what you got?