Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump
Feb 21, 2017 · Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump. That being said, the economy Trump inherited is one in which the labor market is tight, housing and manufacturing are improving and wages are beginning to increase. Trump is inheriting an economy with one of the lowest jobless rates of any incoming president in modern times.

For the last time: Trump inherited a good economy, and he ...
Jul 12, 2019 · The economy, then, is a lot like Trump's business. He inherited far more than most people could ever dream but tried to convince everyone that it was far less than it obviously was.
Nobody was spending more then they had to under obama there was no confidence

republicans were trying for a one term pres and were sitting on the money for one thing

Idle corporate cash piles up - Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
Jul 16, 2012 · Idle corporate cash piles up. ... unless there are strict rules, the money can be used to buy back company stock while destroying jobs. ... regarding their complaint that they can’t make any money under Obama – that he’s somehow strangling them with his pinko anti-business ways. They’re clearly doing fine. The above numbers prove it.
Your a salesman the product is a small part of sale the consumer is buying you if they are not comfortable with your ability to come through forget it. TRUMP COMES THROUGH
Nobody was spending more then they had to under obama there was no confidence

they were crying they didn't get another republican president....but look what Bush left disaster...but they wanted to be the ones to clean it up....although history shows the right has created the mess in the economy and the left has always repaired it

tell me one other pres that the opposing party signed a pledge to do nothing to help the new pres or the country while he was pres....that is a claim only the right can make...…...everyone else has put country first......not the republicans...….even right now it is party over country!

your man should be in jail!
Didn't show the act just bragging

Classic trump fan do not condemn and call it out. Wow! Would you want him to grab your ******* or wife by the pussy without permission? Must clear and sound minded folks would find that creepy. ??
NPR and The Washington Post are totally biased against Trump - simply promote the Democrat talking points. I’ve stated before and reasonable people understand that so called facts can be skewed to almost any point of view.
They are doing it right now they just didn't aign something first.

no they are not....they are writing checks they have no way of cashing....doing things that make trump look ghood and re-electable...but in 2021? it will fall..maybe sooner

don't get me wrong I am not pro democrat......but I am anti republican!
How do you support America and not the president.When Obama was on office I always looked for positives for the betterment of country ive never heard anything positive from you
How do you support America and not the president.When Obama was on office I always looked for positives for the betterment of country ive never heard anything positive from you

maybe you did......but your party sure didn't
and like I said before we fought against communism and dictators....and this guy loves both....not for me!

just his Russian ties are enough for me to never want anything to do with him
Listen to the “Squad” and then you’ll know what communism and anti-American rhetoric sounds like - plus race baiting - God Bless them - best thing ever for Trump - showing America where the left wants to go!!!!!!!

did he?….lied his way into it...….most of the world thinks he is a joke....
look at Iran he broke the agreement with Iran because it was an Obama achievement......and breaking the word of America in doing he is letting Israel goad him into doing more...and has us close to war...they shoot down one of our drones and he does nothing!...not showing a lot of leadership there...….plus if you notice no one else is backing us on the Iran deal......all of them told him to leave it alone...….he know more than our intelligence and that of other countries....he just wanted to show his ass...break something Obama put together and thought because he is trump and the US he could buffalo his way through iran…...It didn't happen!

look at his tariffs on china......the American people are going to pay for that...he wanted to make them buckle and they didn't....had he gone to the WTO and got others involved it would have worked and the avg American wouldn't be paying for his mistake
So if your company got new ceo you didn't agree with would you sabotage the company hoping he'd be replaced

no..but I would damned sure be vocal about what I had to say......if he could show me he knows what he is doing and on how his plans should work...fine

this guy has no plan no strategy and what he is doing is not working!