Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Since its now a foregone conclusion that Trump will not be removed from office. And the state of the union address will be coming up soon,. Should Trump refuse to go to Congress and instead have it in an arena filled with his supporters and taunt the Democrats? Or go into Congress and taunt the Democrats that he is still their president? LOL; "I'M BAAAAAAACKKKK"
Should Trump refuse to go to Congress and instead have it in an arena filled with his supporters and taunt the Democrats?
Actually I think Nancy Pelosi should rescind her invitation to Trump to do the State Of The Union, and most of us Democrats hope she does. Or maybe, every time Trump mentions the Democrats (any democrat) all the Democrats blow on a kazoo.
Yeah - cause like I been sayin right along you’re a bunch of sore LOSERS 😝
You've won a few battles by "default" actually ... we'll see if Trump is successful in lying and cheating his way through the election. New information is continuing to come in almost daily on Trump and Rudy ... don't expect the road to November to be smooth and clear. Plus, Trump's good at continuing to brag and run his loud mouth and shoot himself in the foot ... that'll certainly happen between now and November.
Interesting that you use that analogy. What about Trump screaming for 8 years that Obama was not a natural citizen of the US? You faithful Trump supporters believe anything that spills out of the mouth of the Great LiarNChief, even though his lies & exaggerations have now reached OVER 10,000 since being President and none with an ounce of "fact". Just so happens that its Joe Biden now because he's afraid he will have to run against Biden. So I guess its "Burisma, Burisma" for the next 7-8 months? It was Hillary before that ... e-mails, e-mails, e-mails ... Benghazi ... Benghazi ... Benghazi. Nothing ever materialized. It didn't matter, however. Trump seems to realize that he can get away with smearing the name of his challengers; no one really expects his words to be challenged seriously. All that's happening to Trump is that his tactics of nastiness are starting to be matched by Democrats with a bit of their own fire & brimstone. Trump can dish it out ... but can't take it. He'll reach out to anyone who will LIE for him. Or refuse to respond to subpoenas for him.
What about Ivanka Trump; are we to believe she got those China trademarks on her own? How about Jared Kushner; do you think he's qualified to draw up a Middle East peace plan simply because he's read a few books on the subject? A bit of Trump family nepotism if ever I heard of it.
View attachment 3125327 .... or stay ignorant, I really don't care, but Trump & Republicans are in for a hard road for the next 9 months. I can't wait to see the Trump & Biden debates on TV ... I doubt there'll be more than one or two, however. Hard Facts just aren't Trump's cup of tea, is it?
Trump did have that perspective that Obama was not an American but you forget @MacNfries that he did ultimately correct that mistake here when he ultimately concluded Obama is an American where he was born in America:

You do make an intriguing argument against Ivanka and Jared but I'll let the American electorate hash that out. After this latest failed attempt to prematurely remove Trump from the office of POTUS I'd think the Republicans are simply going to moonwalk their way to the White House once more. By the way as of February 3rd, 2020 with as you rightfully say there are only 9 months left before the American election, exactly who has the nomination for the Democrats? They have a lot of work to do is they want to defeat Trump 🇺🇸 .

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You just don't like President Donald Trump.
You are new to these political threads @DeeAnnaMontana . I am on this site for over 3 years and I can personally vouch that @subhub174014 not only hates Trump but he is probably the president of his state's anti Trump club. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

There are others but they prefer their profile names not used. Extra points of respect towards @subhub174014 for putting his neck out. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
With what your imagination?
How would you know? It doesn't take a big dick for a man to enjoy a nice pussy ... it might take a big dick to satisfy a pussy, however. That said, you shouldhn't be making reference to my cock. You a Homo? Kinda figured you were.
I figure all your homo friends are going to lower their trouser zippers to half mast when you die someday.
only as a future convict!...….hoping he gets life behind bars.....then I will look up to the builders that will confine him....and the guards who will laugh at him
Let's say your dream does come to reality and somehow Trump did ultimately get locked up @subhub174014 . And that Melania divorced him and dumped him. I doubt that he would be alone for the rest of his life.

Just as this site is educational as I knew nothing about cucks before joining this site, do you realize that there is another subculture out there where women, for whatever reason, seek men locked up in prison. So if Trump was newly single and locked up for the rest of his life he'd undoubtedly get loads of offers for marriage.

Examples are:

Furthermore the best example that crossed my mind was Charles Manson:

"In 2014, it was announced[by whom?] that the imprisoned Manson was engaged to 26 year-old Afton Elaine Burton and had obtained a marriage license on November 7.[108] Manson gave Burton the nickname "Star". She had been visiting him in prison for at least nine years and maintained several websites that proclaimed his innocence.[109] The wedding license expired on February 5, 2015 without a marriage ceremony taking place."
( from )

So if even a convicted killer like Charles Manson could win a woman's heart behind bars, I'd think in a similar yet dystopic scenario Trump would get a harem of women after him. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Actually I think Nancy Pelosi should rescind her invitation to Trump to do the State Of The Union, and most of us Democrats hope she does. Or maybe, every time Trump mentions the Democrats (any democrat) all the Democrats blow on a kazoo.
You are making me think of my c.hildhood @MacNfries. What the Democrats really need is the magic of the Great Gazoo to defeat Trump 🇺🇸 in their final last effort to win. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


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Let's say your dream does come to reality and somehow Trump did ultimately get locked up @subhub174014 . And that Melania divorced him and dumped him. I doubt that he would be alone for the rest of his life.

Just as this site is educational as I knew nothing about cucks before joining this site, do you realize that there is another subculture out there where women, for whatever reason, seek men locked up in prison. So if Trump was newly single and locked up for the rest of his life he'd undoubtedly get loads of offers for marriage.

Examples are:

Furthermore the best example that crossed my mind was Charles Manson:

"In 2014, it was announced[by whom?] that the imprisoned Manson was engaged to 26 year-old Afton Elaine Burton and had obtained a marriage license on November 7.[108] Manson gave Burton the nickname "Star". She had been visiting him in prison for at least nine years and maintained several websites that proclaimed his innocence.[109] The wedding license expired on February 5, 2015 without a marriage ceremony taking place."
( from )

So if even a convicted killer like Charles Manson could win a woman's heart behind bars, I'd think in a similar yet dystopic scenario Trump would get a harem of women after him. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

well...….first....I really doubt he would ever see jail time....but a guy can dream can't he?....he just has to much money and to big a fish to fry....all kinds of reason but just don't see them putting the "ex-president" in jail....anyone else ….yes!.....but not a former pres

and I think if Melania was going to divorce him and dump him she would have done it by guess is after his 2 other expensive divorces......he has her over a BIG money barrell

being alone for the rest of his life?...…...has other inmates!

but I read somewhere that he still has some "Epstien" type parties at Mar a lago with and for some close friends......don't know how involved it is and I'm sure it is something that the press won't get ahold of.....other that wild parties

yes on the loads of offers for marriage.....crazy how that happens and is true.....what do women have to gain doing that?...never understood that
You are making me think of my c.hildhood @MacNfries. What the Democrats really need is the magic of the Great Gazoo to defeat Trump 🇺🇸 in their final last effort to win. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 3126987

well what is really sad....the dems had this in the bag....majority of country dislikes trump...….his approval rating at it's highest just over 40%...…..even counting some republicans.....70% of the country does not want to see him run could the dems lose

well lets look at what trump AND the right are doing to Biden.....everything that they have stated has been shown to be wrong.....but like anything lie enough after a while people believe it.....and even if it was all true it is no where near as bad as some of the ******* trump has and is pulling right now

Sanders......he was a sneaky fuck in caught pulling some ******* and the dems wouldn't back him....already doing it now...look at the "altered" vid he put out on Biden......gets caught and said it was someone from his campaign and he didn't he didn't know he was hacking Hillary's site on the DNC server to get the names of her donors...had to hack to get there....and then he said he thought that was all free access in the DNC....couldn't explain trying to get Hillary's people to come work for him AND bring the names of all those with them......and that little show the other night with Gibbard and etc on Hillary...….just reminded a lot of Dems' why they don't like him.....doubt he can pull off the nomination......might but doubt it....and I don't think he can beat trump...

Warren…….tell you anything to get your many promises trying to give the country away and no idea of how to pay for any of it....and I think in a debate with trump she would be in tears...….

Klobacheck?....very good and very knowledgeable and very qualified...…..just can't seem to pick up steam for whatever reason...and I still don't see the country putting a women in ….

the Mayor....probably one of the best they have vet.....knowledgeable and etc....and like Amy.....not trying to give the farm away...very realistic in his approach.....but has the race issue....didn't handle it well and is hurting him.....and don't think the country will vote for a gay...….we have had 5 in the past....but all in the closet!

Bloomberg....great ideas......knows how to handle the not corrupt since he needs no money...he could buy trump several times over......and might have stood the best chance of doing something......EXCEPT...he just shot himself in the foot this week...…..reminding people of his stance on guns...….he won't go nowhere with that gun stance

so where does that leave the Dems?......the one thing all of the dems have in common is their dislike of trump...….but they have to offer something......Biden best bet...….but the right all the way back to Dukakis have smeared their opponent…..always turns out false AFTER the election...but to late...that is one thing the right does consistently….and people believe the lies
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