Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

the rest…..

more of how this loser has damaged america


  1. Trampled on the religious liberty of Muslims with his attempts at unconstitutional travel bans. President Trump’s January 27 executive action on refugees and revised March 6 executive action both aimed to prohibit travel to the United States for nationals of Muslim-majority nations and fundamentally reshape the refugee admissions program to prioritize the claims of Christians. Trumps actions have alienated the Muslims communities not only within the United States but also around the world, damaging critical relationships with national security allies.

  1. Attempted to redefine religious liberty only for those who share a conservative Christian faith. From the anti-Muslim travel bans to disturbing Holocaust-denying remarks, the administration is a threat to religious minorities, many of whom are already vulnerable to rising incidents of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry.

  1. Promises to destroy the Johnson Amendment, which prevents nonprofit organizations—including houses of worship—from endorsing political candidates. A leaked draft executive order indicates plans to insert religious exemptions in federal nondiscrimination protections, revealing a pattern of attempts to redefine the foundational value of religious freedom so it will only protect people of faith who share conservative Christian beliefs.
Gun violence prevention
  1. Signed a law that weakens the firearms background check system and undermines enforcement of the current law that prohibits certain individuals with a serious mental illness from gun possession. Using the shortcut process of the Congressional Review Act, President Trump repealed a Social Security Administration regulation that formalized the process by which the agency could provide to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, the names of beneficiaries who—because of serious mental illness—are prohibited from gun possession under federal law. This action represents a significant step backward from recent efforts at the federal and state level to better enforce current law by ensuring that all records of prohibited purchasers are provided to NICS.

  1. Made it easier for fugitives to buy guns. Under federal law, anyone who is “a fugitive from justice” is prohibited from buying and possessing guns. Since at least 2006, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives have disagreed over the proper scope of this law, with the FBI adopting a position that it applies to all individuals with an outstanding arrest warrant while the ATF argued for a narrower interpretation that it applies only to individuals who had left the state where the warrant was issued. Because the FBI is the agency that operates the background check system, that agency’s interpretation prevailed. However, in February 2017, the Department of Justice issued new guidance resolving this dispute by adopting ATF’s interpretation and dramatically narrowing the category of individuals with active criminal warrants who will be prohibited from buying guns.
Health care
  1. Attempted to repeal the ACA. Repeal of the ACA would cause significant stress and anxiety for millions of families who rely on it for coverage. The AHCA would have resulted in 24 million more people being uninsured in 10 years—breaking President Trump’s promise to cover “everybody.” It would also have broken Trump’s campaign promise not to cut Medicaid.

  1. Undermined the ACA marketplace. The Trump administration has already undermined the ACA marketplace by refusing to officially abandon its efforts to repeal the law. In addition, its refusal to commit unequivocally to paying the cost-sharing reduction subsidies is generating massive uncertainty for insurers. This uncertainty is having a direct impact on the marketplace by encouraging insurers to quit the market in 2018 or raise premiums.

  1. Began to undermine Medicaid. In a letter to governors by Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma, the administration encouraged states to pursue harmful changes to their Medicaid programs, including work requirements and increased cost-sharing.

  1. Made ACA marketplace enrollment more difficult. In the final days of the most recent open enrollment period, the Trump administration cancelled TV ads and email outreach, which are critical in helping people remember the deadline and enroll in time. Although some of this was restored after a backlash, a former chief marketing officer estimated that the administration’s actions reduced enrollment by 480,000 people.

  1. Stripped Title X funding. With Vice President Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote, the Senate voted to overturn Obama era protections for Title X providers. Trump signed the bill, which allows states to block Title X funding. Title X funding provides critical reproductive, educational, and counseling services related to family planning and contraception to 4 million clients each year.

  1. Reinstated the Global Gag Rule. One of Trump’s first actions as president was to reinstate the Global Gag Rule, which prevents recipients of U.S. foreign aid from offering any information, referrals, services, or advocacy regarding abortion care—even if they do so with separate funding sources. The Global Gag Rule will lead to more maternal deaths, more unintended pregnancies, and higher rates of unsafe abortion.

  1. Proposed cutting funds for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.The Trump budget proposes a $50 million reduction in funding for the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, which works with organizations across the United States to implement evidence based, proven programming.

  1. Proposed defunding Planned Parenthood. President Trump’s health care bill, the AHCA, would defund Planned Parenthood, which served 2.5 million patients in 2014.
Higher education
  1. Proposed deep cuts to programs that help make college more accessible and affordable for low-income students and students of color.President Trump’s budget proposed more than $5 billion in cuts to valuable programs, including the Pell Grant program and the work-study program, which provide needed funds to help low-income students afford the rising cost of college. The cuts also target important college-access programs—including TRIO and GEAR UP—that provide supports such as tutoring, mentoring, and research opportunities to low-income and first-generation students.

  1. Rescinded protections for student loan borrowers. On March 16, the Trump administration withdrew measures to protect struggling student loan borrowers and made repayment more difficult by allowing debt collectors to charge a 16 percent fee—even when the borrower agrees to make good on their debt within 60 days. On April 11, the Trump administration stripped away important measures that would hold student loan servicers accountable when their actions are not in the best interest of students. It has been well-documented that servicers sometimes place borrowers in repayment programs that could ultimately make it more difficult for them to repay their debt.

  1. Failed to help students when a critical resource for financial aid and loan repayment was shut down. In March 2017, with no advance warning, the IRS and U.S. Department of Education disabled a key web-based tool that helps millions of students apply for aid and repay their loans. Failure to notify students put financial aid applicants at risk of losing access to grant aid that helps pay for college and put student loan borrowers at risk of seeing their payments jump by hundreds of dollars.

  1. Endangered students by appointing for-profit college officials to top positions. Robert Eitel, senior counselor to Secretary of Education DeVos, joined the administration well before he even left his job at Bridgepoint Education—a for-profit college company facing multiple federal investigations. And Taylor Hansen, a former lobbyist for for-profit colleges—whose *******’s student loan debt-collection company sued the Obama administration—served on the department’s “beachhead” team.

  1. Undercut students’ civil rights by naming skeptics to top civil rights positions. The nominee to serve as general counsel in the Department of Education, Carlos Muñiz, defended Florida State University against allegations that it protected a star quarterback from ******* charges. And the new head of the Office for Civil Rights, Candice Jackson, has claimed she experienced discrimination for being white and called the women who accused President Trump of assault and harassment “fake victims.”
K-12 education
  1. Proposed completely eliminating federal funding for after-school programs. In President Trump’s budget, the administration zeroed out the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, which provides $1.2 billion to districts across the country for after-school programs that support students and working families. This funding serves more than 1.6 million students participating in these programs.

  1. Proposed completely eliminating federal funding to support teacher quality. In President Trump’s budget, the administration zeroed out Title II of the Every Student Succeeds Act, which provides $2.4 billion to states and districts for teacher recruitment, training, retention, and support. This cut translates to a loss of 40,000 teacher salaries.

  1. Nominated the highly unqualified and anti-public school Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. DeVos’s only experience with education is as a lobbyist and megadonor pushing private school voucher schemes in states across the country. Instead of working to support public schools and the students that attend these schools, she has called public education a “dead end.”

  1. Rescinded the Obama administration’s regulations that supported school accountability under the new Every Student Succeeds Act. Through the Congressional Review Act, Congress and President Trump eliminated key protections and guidance for states and districts to implement the law, leaving significant confusion at the state and local level. The Trump administration has also signaled that it will take a very lax enforcement stance with states, opening the door for states to ignore their responsibilities to protect vulnerable students.

  1. Rescinded the Obama administration’s regulations that supported improving teacher preparation programs. Through the Congressional Review Act, Congress and Trump eliminated requirements for states to make sure that teacher preparation programs are helping prospective teachers gain the skills needed to be successful in the classroom and support student learning. Without these regulations, states will continue to struggle to improve teacher preparation programs and support the most effective programs.

  1. Proposed cutting $9 billion from public education while spending $1.4 billion on school choice. This proposal includes harmful private school voucher schemes and the creation of a new $250 million federal program that will allow taxpayer dollars to flow to private schools, which are not accountable; can discriminate in admissions and discipline; and are not subject to basic monitoring, oversight, and civil rights laws.

  1. Proposed cutting crucial support for school reform efforts. By zeroing out support for the AmeriCorps program, President Trump would undercut many of the most successful education organizations—from KIPP Public Charter Schools, to Teach For America, to City Year—that have had positive effects on students across the country and rely on that program.
  1. Named Jeff Sessions, a long-time opponent of civil rights, as attorney general, the top law enforcer in the nation. Sessions co-sponsored the First Amendment Defense Act, a draconian measure that prohibits the federal government from taking “discriminatory action” against any business or person that discriminates against LGBTQ people. The act aims to protect the right of all entities to refuse service to LGBTQ people based on two sets of religious beliefs: “(1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” As a federal prosecutor in 1983, Sessions prosecuted a trio of voting rights activists for voter fraud. As the chief enforcer of the civil rights laws of the United States, it is almost impossible to imagine how he will now protect the very community for which he endorsed discrimination.

  1. Appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch—a judge with a long record of ruling against the rights of workers, women, and students with disabilities—to the Supreme Court. Justice Gorsuch will rule on fundamental constitutional issues—including civil rights, the role of money in politics, and reproductive rights. For example, he will soon vote on whether the Court should allow North Carolina’s 2013 voting bill—which a lower court said targeted black voters with “almost surgical precision”—to remain in effect.

  1. Pressured the Senate to enact the “nuclear option” to get his Supreme Court nominee confirmed. Nearly every other justice on the Court had bipartisan support and crossed the 60-vote threshold at some point during their confirmation process, but many senators objected to President Trump’s nominee. The nuclear option means Senate leaders can now confirm Trump’s ideologically driven judges with a simple majority.

  1. Undermined the legitimacy of the court system. As a candidate and as president, Trump has attacked judges whose rulings he does not like and undermined the legitimacy of these courts. He called a judge who ruled against his discriminatory Muslim ban a “so-called judge.” During the campaign, he said that a Mexican-American judge could not be impartial in a lawsuit against Trump due to his ethnicity. These attacks on the third branch of government undermine the founders’ separation of powers as well as the very rule of law.

  1. Nominated ideological extremists to federal courts. The Trump administration is already vetting conservative ideologues to appoint to federal courts. President Trump’s nominations, particularly for seats on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, signal an aggressive push to bend the federal judiciary ideologically. Trump has well over 100 seats to fill—thanks to Senate obstruction during President Obama’s term—and Trump recently announced that the administration would no longer seek the recommendation from the nonpartisan American Bar Association.

  1. Proposed eliminating the Legal Services Corporation. Already scarce access to justice will be put even further out of reach for 60.6 million low-income Americans under President Trump’s proposal to eliminate the Legal Services Corporation—the nation’s main funding stream for civil legal services.

  1. Tried but failed to stop Baltimore police reform efforts. Attorney General Sessions asked a court at the last minute not to accept a consent decree that was supported by the Baltimore police commissioner, mayor, community members, and career Department of Justice attorneys. The federal court rejected Sessions’ motion, allowing needed police reforms that would build trust between the police and the communities they serve to proceed.

  1. Attempted to bring back the war on *******. The outdated strategy was ineffective and caused long-term devastation to thousands of families. Attorney General Sessions is implementing a tough-on-crime approach that would increase federal prosecutions and long prison sentences even for low-level, nonviolent offenders. Even as the Trump administration pushes outdated law-and-order policies, Democratic and Republican governors are making progress on sentencing reform, ******* treatment, and alternatives to incarceration.

  1. Supported outdated and ineffective criminal justice reforms that have a disproportionate impact on communities of color. Attorney General Sessions should be focusing on the need for police reform; supporting innovative crime-reduction strategies; and ensuring ******* treatment and alternatives to incarceration are available. Yet, instead, he has ordered a review of current pattern and practice cases of police misconduct where evidence and a clear record has shown a police department has acted with systemic misconduct. He has also questioned decades of research and science rejecting a tough-on-crime approach.

  1. Reversed the Obama era Department of Justice’s order to stop contracting with private prison facilities. Private prisons create a perverse incentive to incarcerate more people since these companies are motivated to increase profit, which is generated only if there are more inmates filling their facilities. Private prisons that contracted with the Department of Justice were found by the department itself to be less efficient and have more issues with security and management.
Racial justice
  1. Supported economic policies that are detrimental to communities of color. Many of the budget cuts proposed by President Trump would cut key social service programs. For example, 41 percent of the 9 million Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC, recipients are people of color. The budget also eliminates the Minority Business Development Agency, which promotes business development for people of color—the fastest growing segment of the population.

  1. Supported education policies that do not support students of color. The Trump administration supports cuts to Pell Grants and tuition assistance programs as well as cuts to after-school programs that would affect 1 in 4 African American students. The administration also supports voucher programs that do not encourage the success of students of color.

  1. Pushed environmental policies that will negatively affect communities of color. As noted above, the EPA wants to eradicate programs dedicated to reducing exposure to lead paint, which disproportionately affects communities of color. The EPA is also cutting funding for the environmental justice office that had just been set up to specifically deal with lead, pollution, and other issues facing communities of color.
  1. Turned a blind eye to illegal anti-transgender discrimination in schools. The Trump administration revoked Title IX guidance issued by the Department of Education clarifying schools’ long-standing obligations under federal civil rights law to treat transgender students equally and with dignity. Transgender students face pervasive harassment and discrimination in schools, impeding these students’ ability to learn. Nearly 1 in 6 out transgender K-12 students have been ****** to leave school because of this harassment.

  1. Erased LGBTQ people from federal surveys, making it impossible to know if government programs serve them fairly. The Trump administration removed questions about LGBTQ people from key federal surveys about programs that serve seniors and people with disabilities, without which policymakers and advocates cannot ensure LGBTQ people have equal access to key government services such as Meals on Wheels. The administration also appears to have included—but then gone back and omitted—questions about LGBTQ people from the American Community Survey, an annual survey that gathers information about Americans’ educational attainment, housing, and health coverage.

  1. Appointed longtime opponents of LGBTQ rights—including members of anti-LGBTQ hate groups—to key administration positions. Many of President Trump’s appointees, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price, made their careers standing in the way of LGBTQ rights—and now, they’re in charge of agencies that enforce those very rights. The appointments get even more disturbing the closer you look: Trump tapped Ken Blackwell, a former fellow at an anti-LGBTQ hate group, as a domestic policy adviser; selected leaders of the hate group C-FAM for the president’s delegation to the United Nations; and appointed Roger Severino, a longtime opponent of transgender civil rights, to run the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights.

  1. Proposed slashing funding for research to cure HIV/AIDS. President Trump has proposed devastating cuts to health research, including $6 billion in cuts to the National Institutes of Health in the budget and a $50 million cut to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s HIV research and prevention programs. The administration has also pushed a $300 million cut to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR—an extraordinarily successful program that provides lifesaving treatment to 11.5 million people worldwide and has broad bipartisan support.

  1. Barred refugees and asylum seekers fleeing anti-LGBTQ persecution from protection in the United States. President Trump’s refugee suspension blocked LGBTQ Syrian and Iraqi refugees from finding protection in the United States, leaving them stranded in countries where they are persecuted. His policy of detaining all immigrants who enter at the southern border and expanding the populations targeted for deportation traps LGBTQ asylum seekers in dangerous immigrant detention facilities and increases the risk that they will be wrongly deported to countries where their lives are at risk. The administration also decided to close the only dedicated transgender immigrant detention pod in the country, leaving transgender immigrants in detention at risk.
National security
  1. Made Americans less safe from the Islamic State, or IS. The anti-Muslim bigotry of the Trump administration makes every American less safe by helping IS and other terrorist groups recruit followers. As one IS commander in Afghanistan put it, the Trump administration’s “utter hate towards Muslims will make our job much easier because we can recruit thousands.” The original Muslim ban included Iraq, where Iraqi soldier fighting alongside U.S. forces against IS called it a “betrayal.”

  1. Made Americans more vulnerable to pandemic diseases such as Zika and Ebola. Massive cuts in aid, diplomacy, and health proposed in President Trump’s FY 2017 budget would end the Global Health Security account, which works to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks around the world, including Ebola. In his proposed budget, Trump has also called for the elimination of funding for the Fogarty International Center, which supports global health research initiatives, including for infectious diseases research in developing countries.

  1. Undermined American jobs and security by ceding global leadership to Beijing. President Trump has taken no actions to achieve more balanced trade with China. He recklessly toyed with overturning nearly 40 years of official policy recognizing “one China” but backed down during his first call with the Chinese president, showing that his threats were hollow. Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claimed they would stop China from building on disputed islands in the South China Sea, but China proceeds to do what it wants, where it wants. Trump’s summit with President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago resort resulted in no progress on any difficult issues. Beijing sees Washington as hot air with little substance. Trump’s all talk, no action approach is encouraging repression over freedom and making authoritarian leaders confident that repression will be tolerated.

  1. Oversaw an increase in civilian deaths from U.S. military operations. After years of decline, civilian deaths from U.S. military operations have surged under Trump, destroying families, undermining strategic aims, and providing a propaganda boon to U.S. enemies. U.S. military spokesperson Col. Joseph Scrocca said “[More civilian casualties] is probably detrimental to the strength of our coalition. And that’s exactly what ISIS is trying to target right now.” Civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria have spiked in 2017, already far surpassing the total for all of 2016. Trump’s first major raid as president, in Yemen in January, was decided over dinner in the White House—far outside the regular process—and resulted in dozens of civilian deaths.

  1. Threatened national security and hurt the integrity of America’s democracy by an ongoing lack of transparency and refusal to disclose details about his finances and ties to Russia. Americans cannot know who President Trump might owe money or what obligations or commitment he and his team could have to Russia or other foreign powers. Trump’s refusal to condemn the Russian government’s interference in the 2016 elections; release his tax returns; step away from his business; and support an independent commission and special counsel to get to the bottom of Russia’s influence over the 2016 election are a green light to Russians and others who want to meddle in U.S. democracy. All Americans from all political parties are vulnerable when foreign influence, money, and hacking can run roughshod though America’s democratic institutions.
This list is just a sample of the ways in which President Trump and his administration have already broken their promises to Americans and revealed their true priorities. As this list grows, real damage is being done to communities and working families across the nation. Trump should heed their calls to put the needs of ordinary Americans ahead of corporations and the wealthy

Your counter appears to be broken @subhub174014 ?
complaining about how stupid someone is....and then tuning in 3 or 4 times a day to watch

has to be the height of stupidity
I'm more interested in the final outcome of this impeachment process where Trump 🇺🇸 will most likely be completely vindicated by the Senate as the Republicans control it and the campaigning can proceed where America's electorate can express their disgust at the Democrats for wasting America's time and resources through impeaching Trump without his removal. ;):unsure:
I'm more interested in the final outcome of this impeachment process where Trump 🇺🇸 will most likely be completely vindicated by the Senate as the Republicans control it and the campaigning can proceed where America's electorate can express their disgust at the Democrats for wasting America's time and resources through impeaching Trump without his removal. ;):unsure:

how can it not controlled they do what they isn't a trial without witness's...other wise it is just a political show....the real court will be with public opinion...and everyday more comes out......the right trying to push this through in a hurry so none of it counts....probably get it done...….but then last number I saw 70% of the country wanted witness's and don't think that will go over well with the public...those independants are what will make or break this election...…..trump probably get back in through corruption....but that doesn't mean he will have control of anything
I'm more interested in the final outcome of this impeachment process where Trump 🇺🇸 will most likely be completely vindicated by the Senate as the Republicans control it and the campaigning can proceed where America's electorate can express their disgust at the Democrats for wasting America's time and resources through impeaching Trump without his removal. ;):unsure:
how can it not controlled they do what they isn't a trial without witness's...other wise it is just a political show....the real court will be with public opinion...and everyday more comes out......the right trying to push this through in a hurry so none of it counts....probably get it done...….but then last number I saw 70% of the country wanted witness's and don't think that will go over well with the public...those independants are what will make or break this election...…..trump probably get back in through corruption....but that doesn't mean he will have control of anything
From your perspective @subhub174014 seeing that you don't strongly disagree with me that there is even a possibility, to me a strong likelihood, that Trump will maintain his presidency and be allowed to campaign for his second term as POTUS, the Dems should have a plan B, preferably including the involvement of having America forget there was any impeachment process to begin with.
From your perspective @subhub174014 seeing that you don't strongly disagree with me that there is even a possibility, to me a strong likelihood, that Trump will maintain his presidency and be allowed to campaign for his second term as POTUS, the Dems should have a plan B, preferably including the involvement of having America forget there was any impeachment process to begin with.

wrong..…..and who knows about the re-election...I think it is a good chance....but then if Biden gets the nod...maybe not....although the right trying to help trump trash Biden...…..since most know the independent's will support Biden….and not Sanders or warren
wrong..…..and who knows about the re-election...I think it is a good chance....but then if Biden gets the nod...maybe not....although the right trying to help trump trash Biden...…..since most know the independent's will support Biden….and not Sanders or warren
We shall see. But even if Trump were to fail as POTUS before November this year of 2020 I suspect I would have won with that initial poll created by someone who now prefers to remain unnamed these days as my result was the closest. If you recall I did say Trump would not only survive his initial first 4 years and he would probably serve another 4 years. At that time when his poll was created there was not even an option for Trump to survive his first term? ;)
shouldn't you be out searching the alleys for some ******* wino to *******....oh wait....too cold for that.....guess you will have to find another adult store and try n get a date there....and then spending most of the week digging those splinters out of your chin from hanging around those glory holes

subhub the dizzy dolt's mode of operation:
  • continuously complain about sexual talk, despite my not referencing it.
  • in the absence of sexual talk, he reminds me: ooh ooh nanci, you hot thing, you didn't mention sexy sissy sex.
  • then, contrary to his own complaint, provides his own crude version of sex talk
It's obvious dizzy dolt fantasizes about the very alternative sex practices that he claims to be repulsed by. He got a full two-finger grip on his nubben as he types with one hand. Unfortunately for our closet sissy, his nubben hasn't been as stiff as his frozen garden hose for 50 years.
subhub the dizzy dolt's mode of operation:
  • continuously complain about sexual talk, despite my not referencing it.
  • in the absence of sexual talk, he reminds me: ooh ooh nanci, you hot thing, you didn't mention sexy sissy sex.
  • then, contrary to his own complaint, provides his own crude version of sex talk
It's obvious dizzy dolt fantasizes about the very alternative sex practices that he claims to be repulsed by. He got a full two-finger grip on his nubben as he types with one hand. Unfortunately for our closet sissy, his nubben hasn't been as stiff as his frozen garden hose for 50 years.

save your will need it for your blow up date
well you have been so grouchy lately...… a freshly neutered pit bull....I was just trying to get to the bottom of it....oh wait......getting to the bottom of things is your fetish isn't it?
you might need another trip to the glory hole
We shall see. But even if Trump were to fail as POTUS before November this year of 2020 I suspect I would have won with that initial poll created by someone who now prefers to remain unnamed these days as my result was the closest. If you recall I did say Trump would not only survive his initial first 4 years and he would probably serve another 4 years. At that time when his poll was created there was not even an option for Trump to survive his first term? ;)

well the right has such a hate for Obama......and especially since they fucked up the economy and he repaired it....just eats the hell out of them....…..and with public opinion not real good for trump and the right.....they know if trump should be impeached they would get another dem again......and they would rather destroy the country than let that happen!
We shall see. But even if Trump were to fail as POTUS before November this year of 2020 I suspect I would have won with that initial poll created by someone who now prefers to remain unnamed these days as my result was the closest. If you recall I did say Trump would not only survive his initial first 4 years and he would probably serve another 4 years. At that time when his poll was created there was not even an option for Trump to survive his first term? ;)
well the right has such a hate for Obama......and especially since they fucked up the economy and he repaired it....just eats the hell out of them....…..and with public opinion not real good for trump and the right.....they know if trump should be impeached they would get another dem again......and they would rather destroy the country than let that happen!
Where from my post that you commented did you see ANYTHING about Obama? And when it comes to the economy Trump hasn't dropped the ball as it is performing at record highs in America. Plus Trump 🇺🇸 is not removed from the office of POTUS yet @subhub174014, or the giggling @BlkCumsHeavy . ;)
Where from my post that you commented did you see ANYTHING about Obama? And when it comes to the economy Trump hasn't dropped the ball as it is performing at record highs in America. Plus Trump 🇺🇸 is not removed from the office of POTUS yet @subhub174014, or the giggling @BlkCumsHeavy . ;)

you were talking about his second term...and the impeachment.....I was/am saying the right will never let the impeachment happen...and the reason I posted above!

go back and look at the charts......trump inherited a growing economy...and even with all the lip service he is providing...he can still not fill Obama's shoes!
you were talking about his second term...and the impeachment.....I was/am saying the right will never let the impeachment happen...and the reason I posted above!

go back and look at the charts......trump inherited a growing economy...and even with all the lip service he is providing...he can still not fill Obama's shoes!
I neither doubted anything you said about Obama's achievement with the economy while he was POTUS, nor that Trump initially benefitted from it either. However just as you initially doubted that Trump would last this long as POTUS @subhub174014 , Trump could be approaching the end of his second term potentially serving 8 years in office, and when it comes to the economy you would still say it was all due to Obama while neglecting the fact that Trump had the reigns as POTUS for 2 terms at that point? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:
I neither doubted anything you said about Obama's achievement with the economy while he was POTUS, nor that Trump initially benefitted from it either. However just as you initially doubted that Trump would last this long as POTUS @subhub174014 , Trump could be approaching the end of his second term potentially serving 8 years in office, and when it comes to the economy you would still say it was all due to Obama while neglecting the fact that Trump had the reigns as POTUS for 2 terms at that point? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:

will agree he will probably make it the 4 years....although an entire hour long dinner with rudyg and associates being released today....but doubt anything will change the rights mind as I mentioned above......and a better than even chance he might make re-election with the dems shooting themselves in the foot right now...…..

as for the economy Obama gave him a good far he just hasn't fucked it up yet..….but just how good is the economy when most are not seeing anything in their pocket?...….that is what got people mad at Obama...people not seeing anything......

and trump has been juggling numbers and playing a shell game with the economy for a the interest rate......that is just a "sugar high".....people like it and take advantage of it when the Fed's first lower it....but then comes the time they have to pay it back

and he is taking "trickle down" economics farther that Reagan and bush did....they both put us into a recession.....odds not in his favor
subhub the dizzy dolt's mode of operation:
  • continuously complain about sexual talk, despite my not referencing it.
  • in the absence of sexual talk, he reminds me: ooh ooh nanci, you hot thing, you didn't mention sexy sissy sex.
  • then, contrary to his own complaint, provides his own crude version of sex talk
It's obvious dizzy dolt fantasizes about the very alternative sex practices that he claims to be repulsed by. He got a full two-finger grip on his nubben as he types with one hand. Unfortunately for our closet sissy, his nubben hasn't been as stiff as his frozen garden hose for 50 years.

not talking about you sexual interests?" ….you do most posts!

but I'm referring to your lack of political knowledge and continual smart remarks with nothing productive coming out of you at just trying to figure out the reason for your continual snide posts...

so what is the issue...…..didn't get that full time position at Roto-Rooter...…...and having to still work part time as scuba diver for them?
is that the reason for your continued "pleasant" conversations
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will agree he will probably make it the 4 years....although an entire hour long dinner with rudyg and associates being released today....but doubt anything will change the rights mind as I mentioned above......and a better than even chance he might make re-election with the dems shooting themselves in the foot right now...…..

as for the economy Obama gave him a good far he just hasn't fucked it up yet..….but just how good is the economy when most are not seeing anything in their pocket?...….that is what got people mad at Obama...people not seeing anything......

and trump has been juggling numbers and playing a shell game with the economy for a the interest rate......that is just a "sugar high".....people like it and take advantage of it when the Fed's first lower it....but then comes the time they have to pay it back

and he is taking "trickle down" economics farther that Reagan and bush did....they both put us into a recession.....odds not in his favor
