Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing on foreign policy

Killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, is an important win for America’s national security. But almost every detail of the raid that has emerged in the days since points to a truth we already knew: Donald Trump is the most reckless and incompetent commander in chief we’ve ever had.

His impulsive decision to withdraw our troops from northeast Syria was not just a gift to our adversaries and a betrayal of our Kurdish partners. It reportedly also imperiled a priority counterterrorism mission that had been months in the planning. Trump is quick to claim the credit, but he made the job harder and more dangerous for our forces. And his abandonment of the Kurds is all the more galling knowing they provided critical information that enabled us to track al-Baghdadi. Ultimately, the U.S. military and our intelligence professionals are so good that they succeeded in getting their man — in spite of Trump.

Every day that Donald Trump is in charge of our national security is a dangerous day for the American people.

He has abandoned our allies while embracing dictators. He has abdicated American global leadership, ceding ground to Russia and China. He started an irresponsible trade war that has delivered next to nothing, except more pain for Iowa’s farmers, manufacturers and workers.

He has walked away from our democratic values, turned his back on human rights, and ignored massive humanitarian suffering. He made the decision to rip children away from their parents. He has withdrawn from international agreements that made us safer, like the Paris climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. And he has repeatedly failed or refused to lead on critical issues that require global cooperation — from confronting the climate emergency to preventing the spread of disease to curbing nuclear threats.

After almost three years, he still has no idea what he’s doing on foreign policy, and there’s no indication that he cares. He continually puts his personal interest ahead of the national interest, and he still has more than a year in office. Imagine the damage he could inflict in that time.

The next president will face the enormous responsibility of picking up the pieces of America’s foreign policy and restoring respect for the United States around the world.

That person will have to address the world as it is in January 2021 — in whatever state of disarray Trump leaves it — and there won’t be time to lose building relationships with world leaders from scratch, or learning what it means to run the government and command the greatest military ******* in history. We need a leader who can, on day one, pick up the phone to call our NATO allies and leave no doubt of whether the United States will meet its obligations or stand up for democracy and freedom.

Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing on foreign policy ...
Oct 31, 2019 · Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing on foreign policy | Opinion 'The next president will face the enormous responsibility of picking up the pieces of America’s foreign policy
Damn I just love it when someone posts something about dems.…… me the opportunity to find everything wrong with trump....and once I start just don't know where to stop

Trump’s Credibility Problem Is Now America’s

One of Republicans’ favorite critiques of former President Barack Obama during his time in office was that he undermined American credibility on the world stage through his reticence to project U.S. hard power to its maximal extent.

The main and most compelling case for this critique was Obama’s 2013 warning to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that he would face consequences if he used chemical weapons against his own citizens. Assad did so anyway, and Obama declined to follow through on the threat, leery of getting the U.S. embroiled in another messy Middle Eastern conflict or repeating the destabilizing consequences of our intervention in Libya.

“Credibility” was also bandied about as a reason why it was wrong for Obama to withdraw U.S. soldiers from Iraq and attempt to draw them down in Afghanistan as well, with right-wing hawks complaining that “the job was not done” in these countries — though of course, the ever-changing nature of “the job” had always been the fundamental problem these entanglements. Obama was likewise dinged by the right for not mustering a more forceful (that is, “credible”) response after Russia low-key invaded Ukraine, even if that threatened a direct confrontation with Russia.

Less than a year and a half into his term, President Donald Trump has done more damage to U.S. foreign policy credibility than even the right-wing bogeyman version of Obama managed to do in eight years. Yet, strangely, few of these credibility hawks seem particularly perturbed by his choices. Of course, Trump is guilty of some of the exact same sins they pin on Obama, particularly in Syria, where the U.S. is still failing to hold Assad accountable for his continued *******. Yet ,he is also undermining our credibility in another, equally important way: by diluting our allies’ confidence that the U.S. can be relied on to uphold its commitments.

Take for example his abrupt decision on Thursday to cancel a planned summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un over his country’s nuclear weapons program. The summit was the product of Trump’s own misunderstanding and rash decision-making in the first place, and not in any way coordinated with our allies or other key players in East Asia (i.e., China).

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Trump’s Credibility Problem Is Now America’s
Less than a year and a half into his term, President Donald Trump has done more damage to U.S. foreign policy credibility than even the right-wing bogeyman version of Obama managed to do in eight ...
What gets me is the amount of liberals that make an appearance on here once or maybe I few times whine about Trump and leave.The Black men that are complaining the the republican party is elite Rich white men and wonder why minorities and are missing from being republican Senators and House Representatives. That is an easy answer, Stop voting Democratic, they have never ever cared about your welfare. What is wrong with this picture? Over 90% of black Americans vote Democrat, it is the plan of that party to give the poor just enough to keep them depending on the welfare programs. Slavery was Democratic vs Republican not the South vs the North, Northern Democrats were for slavery as much as Southern Democrats were. Do some honest research.

Complaining? Nah, @Hottobe cucked, just really asking though I ALREADY knew the answer to the question that I asked regarding Republicans! I was just seeing if at least one White Republican would ACTUALLY tell the truth regarding the question that I asked! I ALREADY know WHY there aren't many Blacks representing the Republican Party in Congress! *******, not REALLY all that difficult to figure out! Now, it is true that MOST Blacks vote Democratic, not ALL, which I can understand why MOST vote along with that particular political Party! Real talk though, coming from a Black Man who is an Independent, it doesn't matter what Party Black people vote for because the ONLY ones who can dictate what Politicians will do is THEMSELVES! Just like how my second home city of Atlanta is building up LEFT and RIGHT! The reason for that is because my Black people in the city of Atlanta kept voting for the RIGHT person who would represent THEM, but DO the right thing AT ALL times! You know that saying "Actions speak louder than words"! Not one White POLITICIAN has DONE that, period! But it has worked in Atlanta though and I UNDERSTAND why! Each Black mayor that has been elected in Atlanta has gone and spoken in every Black community asking what can I do for you or what is it that you need that you may need some assistance with, and TRUE enough HE or SHE has DONE what they said they will do ALL of the time! There was no need for a REMINDER or ANYTHING like that! Like I stated in a previous post, when I was ten years old and seeing how Blacks were owning so many businesses in Atlanta and being prosperous, that sure made a young kid VERY PROUD to see that! By the way, talking about Slavery, throughout my years growing up in the U.S., they would always celebrate 4th of July (Independence Day) and folks would be ALL happy and ******* celebrating! But, thing is, back on July 4, 1776, my people were still ENSLAVED when that holiday was created! As one of the Wayans said, "I don't see what all the excitement is about because Black folks were still slaves" Have to admit that brotha DEFINITELY told the truth!
Complaining? Nah, @Hottobe cucked, just really asking though I ALREADY knew the answer to the question that I asked regarding Republicans! I was just seeing if at least one White Republican would ACTUALLY tell the truth regarding the question that I asked! I ALREADY know WHY there aren't many Blacks representing the Republican Party in Congress! *******, not REALLY all that difficult to figure out! Now, it is true that MOST Blacks vote Democratic, not ALL, which I can understand why MOST vote along with that particular political Party! Real talk though, coming from a Black Man who is an Independent, it doesn't matter what Party Black people vote for because the ONLY ones who can dictate what Politicians will do is THEMSELVES! Just like how my second home city of Atlanta is building up LEFT and RIGHT! The reason for that is because my Black people in the city of Atlanta kept voting for the RIGHT person who would represent THEM, but DO the right thing AT ALL times! You know that saying "Actions speak louder than words"! Not one White POLITICIAN has DONE that, period! But it has worked in Atlanta though and I UNDERSTAND why! Each Black mayor that has been elected in Atlanta has gone and spoken in every Black community asking what can I do for you or what is it that you need that you may need some assistance with, and TRUE enough HE or SHE has DONE what they said they will do ALL of the time! There was no need for a REMINDER or ANYTHING like that! Like I stated in a previous post, when I was ten years old and seeing how Blacks were owning so many businesses in Atlanta and being prosperous, that sure made a young kid VERY PROUD to see that! By the way, talking about Slavery, throughout my years growing up in the U.S., they would always celebrate 4th of July (Independence Day) and folks would be ALL happy and ******* celebrating! But, thing is, back on July 4, 1776, my people were still ENSLAVED when that holiday was created! As one of the Wayans said, "I don't see what all the excitement is about because Black folks were still slaves" Have to admit that brotha DEFINITELY told the truth!
I truly respect everything you just wrote, I am very pleased that you can see the truth. Understand I am 62 and I live in Maine, I am not a racist man and I never have been. The state of Maine has less then 2% black people, there are a few more Latino people a little over 2%. Don't be offended but my view on how all Americans should relate to slavery is. Holding on to the past isn't going to help anyone, slavery has been on this earth for 6000 years, the Romans had both Black and White Slaves, the Israelite's were taken as Slaves many times over the years. Mankind has been cruel to each other since there has been mankind on this earth. Celebrating 1776 why not? It is your country as much as anyone, we are Americans. If we did not gain victory from England, the freedoms we have today might not exist for any of us.
Complaining? Nah, @Hottobe cucked, just really asking though I ALREADY knew the answer to the question that I asked regarding Republicans! I was just seeing if at least one White Republican would ACTUALLY tell the truth regarding the question that I asked! I ALREADY know WHY there aren't many Blacks representing the Republican Party in Congress! *******, not REALLY all that difficult to figure out! Now, it is true that MOST Blacks vote Democratic, not ALL, which I can understand why MOST vote along with that particular political Party! Real talk though, coming from a Black Man who is an Independent, it doesn't matter what Party Black people vote for because the ONLY ones who can dictate what Politicians will do is THEMSELVES! Just like how my second home city of Atlanta is building up LEFT and RIGHT! The reason for that is because my Black people in the city of Atlanta kept voting for the RIGHT person who would represent THEM, but DO the right thing AT ALL times! You know that saying "Actions speak louder than words"! Not one White POLITICIAN has DONE that, period! But it has worked in Atlanta though and I UNDERSTAND why! Each Black mayor that has been elected in Atlanta has gone and spoken in every Black community asking what can I do for you or what is it that you need that you may need some assistance with, and TRUE enough HE or SHE has DONE what they said they will do ALL of the time! There was no need for a REMINDER or ANYTHING like that! Like I stated in a previous post, when I was ten years old and seeing how Blacks were owning so many businesses in Atlanta and being prosperous, that sure made a young kid VERY PROUD to see that! By the way, talking about Slavery, throughout my years growing up in the U.S., they would always celebrate 4th of July (Independence Day) and folks would be ALL happy and ******* celebrating! But, thing is, back on July 4, 1776, my people were still ENSLAVED when that holiday was created! As one of the Wayans said, "I don't see what all the excitement is about because Black folks were still slaves" Have to admit that brotha DEFINITELY told the truth!

he is going to give all kinds of excuses of why he is not a racist......and then tell how much he supports one
I truly respect everything you just wrote, I am very pleased that you can see the truth. Understand I am 62 and I live in Maine, I am not a racist man and I never have been. The state of Maine has less then 2% black people, there are a few more Latino people a little over 2%. Don't be offended but my view on how all Americans should relate to slavery is. Holding on to the past isn't going to help anyone, slavery has been on this earth for 6000 years, the Romans had both Black and White Slaves, the Israelite's were taken as Slaves many times over the years. Mankind has been cruel to each other since there has been mankind on this earth. Celebrating 1776 why not? It is your country as much as anyone, we are Americans. If we did not gain victory from England, the freedoms we have today might not exist for any of us.
Thank you for that, @Hottobe cucked! When Trump said, "I am the least RACIST person that you will ever meet"! Anytime, a white Individual states that to prove they aren't racist, RED FLAGS automatically go up! And, I must state, I am not calling you a RACIST at all though I STILL think Trump is one, which he ISN'T afraid to show it! I feel that it is nice to hold on to the past BECAUSE if you DO NOT, then you are LIABLE to do the exact same thing like in past history! Plus, for me, I feel that it is IMPERATIVE to not forgot about the past because it is ALWAYS good, for me especially, to understand my own Black History and not FORGET IT! By the way, nobody OWNS this country because the true people that were here before you and me are the Clovis people! The United States is a MELTING pot of different ethnicities, which is what makes this country great! Instead of the Europeans killing and dominating the Native Americans back then, why didn't the Europeans try to develop an UNDERSTANDING relationship with the Indian tribe? Oh yea, just a little tidbit of Black history that I found out since, Hottobe, kindly brought that up about Romans, well, the First Romans were Black people!
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6 promises Trump has made about health care - POLITICO
6 promises Trump has made about health care. ... over the next decade — a finding that will test Trump’s health care ... to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, ...

President Trump’s false promises on healthcare | TheHill
President Trump’s false promises on healthcare. ... “Not everybody is going to have health care — some ... it has left 28 million people still without health coverage, and failed to ...

Trump promises incredible health care, again
Apr 02, 2019 · President Donald Trump waves after signing an executive order on health care in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Oct. 12, 2017, in Washington. (Photo: Evan Vucci/AP) Upon taking office, Trump continued to make promises of a hypothetical ideal health care plan. “We have a plan that I think is going to be fantastic.

Trump’s cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare ...
Mar 12, 2019 · President Donald Trump’s 2020 budget breaks one of his biggest campaign promises to voters: that he would leave Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare untouched.
as time goes on the truth will come out...always does....right trying to avoid calling bolten and trump stopping Bolton...but he has a book deal don't think he is not going to say anything in the book?...…….and now.... the 2 friends of RudyG that trump swears that he doesn't know a vid just surfaced of all 4 having dinner that went on for a hour and half....just another photo op with people he doesn't know?

I hope at sometime when this all does come out......and it will eventually........... a bunch of them face conspiracy/cover up charges

and then what to do with the trumptards….who have knowingly participated in the cover up and helped to cover it up with their fellow americans
...….take a lot of jails.....can't deport them...other countries want productive citizens and the trumptards have shown to be not the sharpest knife in the drawer.…….with them not being very patriotic to the country what to do with them.....after all they have shown their allegiance to be to trump and not america
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VFW Demands Trump Apology for Comment on Troops' Head ...
Jan 24, 2020 · A veterans group is demanding an apology from President Donald Trump for remarks that it insists “minimized” injuries to U.S. troops stationed at an Iraq airbase when Iranian missiles struck earlier this month. The Pentagon announced several dozen American troops troops suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) as a result of the Jan. 8 strikes; Trump referred to…