Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you call it BS,,,,Because for you trying to understand facts it is...….BLIND STUPIDITY

as for getting pissed....naw….we understand that trumptards only understand what the cult leader tells them to...…..we are just waiting for you all to have a ******* of the America can recover from the stupidity it has been in for the last couple of years

people like you exist as a punishment to people with actual sense.
All lies, are you sure you are not suffering from dementia ?

Here is the truth, YES the 100% Bias Democratic House of Shifty, Nadler and Pelosi, falsely have hung impeachment on President Trump
Hottobe, you can't possibly KNOW the truth. You're not privy to all the information there is regarding this impeachment. You may "feel" he is innocent; you may have a strong opinion that Trump is innocent ... BUT you can't possibly know that.
You know, Hottobe, new "documented" and "recorded" information regarding Trump's involvement n the Ukraine scandal are coming out daily now as more and more of those involved are starting to realize their own nuts are in the slingers IF they lie and Trump loses. Particularly one that is starting to backtrack is GA Barr now. By the time the actual Senate starts the trial on Tuesday, next week, there's really no telling what will come out in the trial. That said, you and other "believers" still have no doubt Trump is being framed. Well over 2/3 of the country want pertinent witnesses as they now suspect Trump is hiding a lot of information.
So, I'm honestly trying to understand your position on this. Question, are you saying Trump is NOT GUILTY because he wasn't involved in any of the charges being brought against him, OR, are you saying Trump is NOT GUILTY because he iexempt from any charges as a "sitting President?"
And if you feel the President is innocent because he is a sitting President, do you think this also makes Pres. Nixon & Clinton innocent as well?
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All lies, are you sure you are not suffering from dementia ?

you mean dickmeantforya?
You rabid foaming at the mouth Dems keep hoping you can undo the 2016 election - we know cause you’re such freakin sore LOSERS and your bozo candidates have NOT a chance against such a dynamic president - it’s obvious you just are totally deluded or delusional and that TDS has ya by the balls :}

did you just cut n paste this from earlier?
I know you guys get delusional when confronted with facts.....but get some more meds if you are low....and try to expand your imagination just a little.....and if you still feel the need to repost your same comments from earlier today...yesterday and several other least throw in a few period so it doesn't look exactly the same
All lies, are you sure you are not suffering from dementia ?

Yale psychiatrist explains how to deprogram Trump ...
May 17, 2019 · Yale psychiatrist explains how to deprogram Trump supporters who’ve been sucked into the vortex of his lies

How to Deprogram Truth-Denying Trump Voters –
Oct 26, 2017 · In some cases they used this tactic to motivate their own supporters, and in others they used it as a voter suppression tactic against Clinton supporters. The Trump

A brain science expert explains how to deprogram truth ...
Oct 27, 2017 · A brain science expert explains how to deprogram truth-denying Trump supporters
You rabid foaming at the mouth Dems keep hoping you can undo the 2016 election - we know cause you’re such freakin sore LOSERS and your bozo candidates have NOT a chance against such a dynamic president - it’s obvious you just are totally deluded or delusional and that TDS has ya by the balls :}

you might fit into one of these?

I seem to have slammed my penis in the car door? | Yahoo ...
Apr 08, 2009 · Hello there yahoo! I have a little questiona-roonie for yall What should i do if my penis got slammed in a car door? You many be wondering..." my, my, my , how could you do such a foolish thing!" Well....let me explain to you...It all started on a sunny monday afternoon...3:30 pm to be exact... I had just gotten back from a trip to the local starbucks with my no whip mocha frappe.

Nudist Slams Testicles In Car Door. - Fun Tech Talk
May 24, 2007 · Most everyone at sometime or another has smashed their finger while closing a door. The excruciating pain of a smashed finger cannot compare to the pain suffered by a 73 year old . nudist this week in Florida.. While staying at the RV campground section of the Cypress Cove . Nudist Resort near Orlando Florida, the sun worshiper’s slip up almost cost him his testicles.

but in your case I think you are trying to think with it

Why Does My Penis Hurt? 8 Common Pains, Explained.
May 22, 2019 · Your penis is a complicated thing. Below your belt and between your legs, there are a lot of very delicate parts carrying out very important bodily …
Hottobe, you can't possibly KNOW the truth. You're not privy to all the information there is regarding this impeachment. You may "feel" he is innocent; you may have a strong opinion that Trump is innocent ... BUT you can't possibly know that.
You know, Hottobe, new "documented" and "recorded" information regarding Trump's involvement n the Ukraine scandal are coming out daily now as more and more of those involved are starting to realize their own nuts are in the slingers IF they lie and Trump loses. Particularly one that is starting to backtrack is GA Barr now. By the time the actual Senate starts the trial on Tuesday, next week, there's really no telling what will come out in the trial. That said, you and other "believers" still have no doubt Trump is being framed. Well over 2/3 of the country want pertinent witnesses as they now suspect Trump is hiding a lot of information.
So, I'm honestly trying to understand your position on this. Question, are you saying Trump is NOT GUILTY because he wasn't involved in any of the charges being brought against him, OR, are you saying Trump is NOT GUILTY because he iexempt from any charges as a "sitting President?"
And if you feel the President is innocent because he is a sitting President, do you think this also makes Pres. Nixon & Clinton innocent as well?
I have a friend so in the know that he has shared with me facts that even the media doesn't report on. I have learned that behind the scenes the public the general public have no idea how modern government works. I admit that I have a strong opinion in the whole issue, you are asking good questions about. Please understand that as I am disabled, I have a great deal of time to study online, watch a good amount of independent information and form my own opinion. In video's I study people's faces their body language and I pay attention when they talk. I had my doubts about Trump and because I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, right up until a few weeks before the election I wasn't going to vote at all.

When I first voted it was for Jimmy Carter, I liked the man but knew very little about politics but I have learned a great deal over the years. I feel Richard Nixon got caught truly breaking the law in the the Watergate Break-in and desired to be impeached. Bill Clinton was impeached because he did sexual acts that some considered immoral. That in it'self, unless he was found to have broken the law was maybe a bit over played.
I have a friend so in the know that he has shared with me facts that even the media doesn't report on. I have learned that behind the scenes the public the general public have no idea how modern government works. I admit that I have a strong opinion in the whole issue, you are asking good questions about. Please understand that as I am disabled, I have a great deal of time to study online, watch a good amount of independent information and form my own opinion. In video's I study people's faces their body language and I pay attention when they talk. I had my doubts about Trump and because I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, right up until a few weeks before the election I wasn't going to vote at all.

When I first voted it was for Jimmy Carter, I liked the man but knew very little about politics but I have learned a great deal over the years. I feel Richard Nixon got caught truly breaking the law in the the Watergate Break-in and desired to be impeached. Bill Clinton was impeached because he did sexual acts that some considered immoral. That in it'self, unless he was found to have broken the law was maybe a bit over played.

good STORY and sounds mean yo are relying on a lot of hearsay for your news?

that would explain so many of your pro right wing ******* and anti democrat *******....I could go on with a lot more of your statement but no sympathy here...I waited tables at the last supper so we all have that goes back to your pro right wing and anti left and soooo many statements without a bit of facts....just pure opinion

so if that is some sort of white flag...….?.....we will see how your facts go
All anyone has to do to understand the Dem venom in here is to watch CNN or MSNBC for 5 to 10 minutes to see the completely biased reporting - the lefties completely buy into their constant flow of crap because they want to. Independent minded people see it for the biased horseshite it is.
Bill Clinton was impeached because he did sexual acts that some considered immoral.
Clinton got impeached for lying under oath regarding the sex act. The Sex Act itself, even though distasteful to some in Congress (at least expressed in public that way), wasn't what really got him in trouble. Hell, why do you think Trump wouldn't go under oath to testify? Same reason.
But you still haven't answered my question.
All anyone has to do to understand the Dem venom in here is to watch CNN or MSNBC for 5 to 10 minutes to see the completely biased reporting - the lefties completely buy into their constant flow of crap because they want to. Independent minded people see it for the biased horseshite it is.
Are you EVER going to say anything of substantive value in these forums, blkdlaur? God, you're getting annoying as hell. Maybe you have some mental issues you don't know about yet? I'm serious as hell. Go warm up some milk, put it in a baby bottle, take it to bed with you, ******* it, then take a frik'n long, long nap someplace ... far, far away from this forum. Please! Give us a break, just a couple days without your frik'n useless BS.
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Maybe I should; I'd run on a ticket of "find hoping hubby a fuck'n job" since you seem NOT to have one or be looking for one. Maybe have one of my secret service search/locate your WIFE since you seem not able to keep her at home, but then, who would want to spend time at home if YOU were there, right?
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Hoping Hubby post count in 2020: 22 posts
MacNLies post count in 2020: 96 posts

You spend over four times as much time posting on here as I do, Perhaps you should "find a fuck'n job"....or take some remedial math classes....or try to get some legal education so you don't embarrass yourself on here so frequently.