Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dow 29,000 - Dems - let’s impeach the president and fuck things up
Deficit Spending Under Trump for 2019 Year End: $984 BILLION with a "B"
That's almost a TRILLION of spending above revenue intake ... TRILLION with a "T"

Oh, and did I mention its CLIMBING ... projected to reach a TRILLION next year.
Mmmmm …...…...would seem Mcconnell let his battleship mouth over load his tugboat ass
bet Donald Musowienie is sweating just a bit right now

Mitch McConnell Doesn't Have The Votes For His Sham Trump ...
Mitch McConnell promised Sean Hannity that he was going to work with Trump to hold a sham impeachment trial, but he doesn’t have the votes yet to do it. Here is McConnell laying out his plan for ...

McConnell Doesn't Have Votes to Block Witnesses: Report ...
Jan 13, 2020 · Despite the White House actively urging Senate Republicans to pass a resolution allowing for the swift dismissal of the charges against Trump, several sources confirmed to CNN’s senior congressional correspondent Manu Raju that McConnell lacks the votes
Dems had their chance in the House - now they want to get their way in the senate - tuff titty

looks like there are some republicans think it might be time for the truth to come out.....if just one of them testifies and tells the truth......trump could probably kiss his relection good bye...….we could end up with Sanders!
Dow 29,000 - Dems - let’s impeach the president and fuck things up
O and we know Obama deserves ALL the credit 😝
As a matter of fact, if I recall, the Stock Market rebounded 100% from where it was when Obama took it over from Bush. AS DID THE JOBS MARKET.
On top of that, Trump is continuing to tinker with the inflation rate ... raising hell when the interest rate is raised. But don't assume that the jobs market or the stock market are all because of TRUMP. He inherited a healthy economy rather than one spiraling to the ground.
That isn't an answer to the question. WHY? If nothing to hide, WHY? Why does the Senate McConnell refuse to allow Democrats to call witnesses and documents to support their case. What are Republicans and Trump afraid of ... ? It is a court hearing, right? Aren't witnesses and documents to support both sides of the argument desired if the TRUTH is the goal?

All that was supposed to be done in the House - the senate is just the jurors for the case the House sends over - the senate is NOT going to do the Dems dirty work for them.
It doesn't appear you know a fiddler's fuck about the Stock Market, either. And regardless of what the stock market does, it doesn't benefit the lower 50% of the voters, either.

The market reacts to big upheavals - so your stupid impeachment is obviously considered trivial.
looks like there are some republicans think it might be time for the truth to come out.....if just one of them testifies and tells the truth......trump could probably kiss his relection good bye...….we could end up with Sanders!

You’re living in a fool’s paradise
All that was supposed to be done in the House - the senate is just the jurors first the case the House sends over - the senate is NOT going to do the Dems dirty work for them.
It isn't dirty work if NO CRIME has been committed, right? But Trump stopped members of his administration from testifying under oath, did he NOT? Isn't that OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Those who refused to respond to the subpoenas should be in jail for CONTEMPT OF COURT, should they not be? If you refused to comply with a court subpoena in your county court, where would you be the day following your failure to APPEAR?
blkdlaur, what your President Trump is doing is breaking down the Constitution and Court System of this country. You are too foolish to see that happening as you're so busy protecting and taking up for Trump. But just like the Republicans in Congress, you really have NO ARGUMENT or JUSTIFICATION as to his illegal acts. This will break down eventually, whether its this year or next ... once the Supreme court gets involve Trump can't expect them to hide his misdeeds like the AG has.

Gotta go ... work beckons!
It isn't dirty work if NO CRIME has been committed, right? But Trump stopped members of his administration from testifying under oath, did he NOT? Isn't that OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Those who refused to respond to the subpoenas should be in jail for CONTEMPT OF COURT, should they not be? If you refused to comply with a court subpoena in your county court, where would you be the day following your failure to APPEAR?

Nope none of that is true - due to Executive Privilege - all that was for the courts to sort out - but Pelosi was in such an all-fired hurry to get it done they didn’t want to wait for the courts to settle it because it was supposedly a case of National Security - so much for the big HURRY - been sittin on it for a month :}
I can live with someone...anyone trying to help the country over someone doing all he can to destroy the country
blkdlaur, what your President Trump is doing is breaking down the Constitution and Court System of this country. You are too foolish to see that happening as you're so busy protecting and taking up for Trump. But just like the Republicans in Congress, you really have NO ARGUMENT or JUSTIFICATION as to his illegal acts. This will break down eventually, whether its this year or next ... once the Supreme court gets involve Trump can't expect them to hide his misdeeds like the AG has.

Gotta go ... work beckons!

No crime even cited in bogus articles of impeachment produced by purely political sham trial.
As a matter of fact, if I recall, the Stock Market rebounded 100% from where it was when Obama took it over from Bush. AS DID THE JOBS MARKET.
On top of that, Trump is continuing to tinker with the inflation rate ... raising hell when the interest rate is raised. But don't assume that the jobs market or the stock market are all because of TRUMP. He inherited a healthy economy rather than one spiraling to the ground.

No crime even cited in bogus articles of impeachment produced by purely political sham trial.

just shows your lack of understanding.....your inability to read.....your poor judgement of the facts when presented.....and how foolish and irresponsible you can be in your foolish statements...…. when on 2 occasions today I have posted several reasons for impeachment

posting practices taken from stiff I see.....if no one is interested or them 3 or 4 more times.....yeah....that's republican logic....what little they have

Like to go...trees to cut up!
I’m sorry, I don’t know how read propaganda.
Politics is the most pointed subjects there is @Rambbc. I realize you have your beliefs and you were exposed to a variety of media in real time. I suggest that you can also watch a magician like Criss Angel where he pulls off miraculous feats that defy logic. I suggest much like Steve Cortes did that the media also manipulated your beliefs just like Criss Angel does. You are the only one that can decide, but if you prefer not to communicate any further that is up to you too. Peace @Rambbc.
So you know, the media has not manipulated my beliefs. I believe it’s wrong to lock up children. I believe it’s wrong to ask MULTIPLE other countries to interfere in our election. I believe it’s wrong to use tax payer money to fund all of his trips to his own golf course. So tax payers and not only paying FOR his trips, we are paying the bills for him to take the trip, and who are we paying the bills to? Him, he owns the clubs. I thinks it’s wrong to politicize the military. I think it’s wrong to use the military to also line his own pockets. I think it’s wrong to have business owners and other politicians stay at his hotels to curry favor with him. I think it’s wrong to use the justice department to go after your political enemies. I think it’s wrong to try and cut pre-existing conditions from and over turn the Affordable care act, daily, then lie about it everyday. I think its wrong, to do th bidding of, and be aligned with a known enemy of the United States. I honks it’s wrong. OT to denounce white nationalism. I wouldn’t even care about that had TRUMP not made such a big deal of Obama’s reluctantacne to say radical Islam. He is the king of projection. He believes every one thinks about things as he does, so when he accuses others of wrong doing, we can rest assured he has, is, or will soon be doing that very thing.

I don’t need the media to show me this because he / they are doing it in broad daylight. If you don’t think what they’ve done is wrong or don’t believe what is happening, well again, your problem, not mine. I can see, hear, and think clearly and assemble facts without mainstream media telling me what to think. All one has to do is open their eyes and ears. Walk into a random room of random people, mention key words like “corruption”, ”lies”, and without knowing anyone in the room, without them knowing wtf you are talking about, they will immediately assume your referencing tRump. what does that tell you? So all these people in the world just decided to hate tRump.. for no reason but....?? See nobody goes that far. They just say “people/libs hate trump”, no one asked why that may be, if it’s true or at all. People don’t just “hate “ people ( but for racists) without reason. So maybe after they say this, they should ask themselves why.

I Don’t need Fox news or MSNBC or CNN or anyone, you pick, to tell me what he is doing is good or bad. He is doing things blatantly wrong in front of everyone with out apologies, without trying to hide it but instead, appealing to those whom he knows he can convince what they see and hear is not true. (Sound like anyone you know?)

Yes Chris Angel, Steve Cortes are magicians just like tRump, except tRump is better. He has people believing he didn’t say what he just said two minutes ago. This is the epitome of madness, and cultism. All cults, even this one, eventually die off, this will be no different. The question will be how those who recover once the fraud is exposed, move forward. What they’ve put out there can’t be taken back. Burned bridges don’t so easily get rebuilt. People will not forget. Peace to you as well @STIFFBBC
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