Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

between you and WILL get this shut down!....they (mods) come here and censor what whomever is censoring thinks is fit...varies on the mod.......some of these mods and their new found power are very suseptical to the complainer and act accordingly......but again....if you are just so religious....what are you doing on a porn site?.....and supporting a person a lot of people think is the devil? ( post #6650 above) your crying religious whatever just doesn't cut it in my eyes.....but there are mods that will gladly just shut it down or bann people or whatever over to many complaints...…..if you notice after stiff crying to them...a lot of threads just disappeared...they have stated more than once on here....they do not come unless someone "invites" do what you want....but I think your preaching religion here is very fucking is a porn site and a political do know there are laws separating church and state......although that is another thing the church is violating a lot anymore

bottom line.....this is not the place for you to proclaim your devotion to god...…….and if you were so wouldn't be here to begin with!

your devotion to god...on a porn a new low for the right, the church, and comedians everywhere
Christians and prophets are not perfect @subhub174014 , only God is. We have our paths in life where we can stray and fall into sin like anyone else. Plus my original sinful purpose finding ideal candidates in my area is a dismal failure. Ironically it was these scintillating political debates for the most part that kept me on this site. Remember approaching 4 years ago there was a poll by someone who now wishes to remain nameless. He had a poll suggesting how long Trump will last. As I recall at that time originally there was no option for Trump lasting 4 years. So I harmlessly made that suggestion and we appeared to be debating ever since. If you and others at that time never exploded at my option there would have been an excellent chance we would have never debated since then. :unsure:

You are correct that this is a porn site and a political thread, but even this site as you are well aware are governed by rules. By now you know it is forbidden to post any pic of a c.hild. That how this site rolls. There are also laws that supercede the laws of man that will be apparent on the other side of creation, if I am correct, otherwise you can laugh at me as we fade into oblivion @subhub174014 .
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I’m sorry, I don’t know how read propaganda. But from what I can tell, all of this presupposes I didn’t hear and see tRump do these things in real time. To ignore what I hear and saw from his mouth with my own eyes and ears, is psychotic, the level of self delusion required to believe these things is alarming. It’s not the media telling me anything, it’s what I saw and heard. What you’ve posted here...this is truly madness

Exactly how I feel about all the Trump propaganda spewed about in here.

you got it!

A Cult Expert Finds Familiar Patterns of Behavior in Trump ...
Jun 21, 2018 · What happens when a cult leader's dictates clash with the convictions of his followers? Trump is happily making these pronouncements and expecting everyone to go along with him, and he's not getting much flack. Most of his followers have bought into his fear-mongering, which creates an us vs. them mentality that is typical of a cult.

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
In a magnificent show of their independent-mindedness, 200 Donald Trump supporters sprinted after the Trump Royal Train in Warwick, Rhode Island. Trump-supporting Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft was all over the story: They were RUNNING ACROSS A FIELD to see Donald Trump arrive for his Rhode Island rally today. Then they chased him down the street.

Trump Fits the Profile of a Classic Cult Leader. Can His ...
Nov 05, 2016 · Trump Fits the Profile of a Classic Cult Leader. Can His Followers Be Saved? We talked to Steven Hassan, an expert in helping people escape cults, about how to best dissuade Trump

To Understand Trump, You Must Understand His Cult - Truthdig
But there is a simple explanation: We are witnessing the development of a dangerous and massive cult. And Trump, the cult leader, knows exactly how to wield his power over his supporters in order …

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
    • Absolute Authoritarianism. Certainly the Trump campaign tends toward this standard. Today, …
    • No Tolerance For Questions. Asking tough questions about Trump merely demonstrates, according …
    • No Meaningful Financial Disclosures. Trump says he’s worth $10 or $11 or $100 billion. All of these …
    • Unreasonable Fear About The Outside World. This is Trump’s entire campaign platform. While …
Christians and prophets are not perfect @subhub174014 , only God is. We have our paths in life where we can stray and fall into sin like anyone else. Plus my original sinful purpose finding ideal candidates in my area is a dismal failure. Ironically it was these scintillating political debates for the most part that kept me on this site. Remember approaching 4 years ago there was a poll by someone who now wishes to remain nameless. He had a poll suggesting how long Trump will last. As I recall at that time originally there was no option for Trump lasting 4 years. So I harmlessly made that suggestion and we appeared to be debating ever since. If you and others at that time never exploded at my option there would have been an excellent chance we would have never debated since then. :unsure:

You are correct that this is a porn site and a political thread, but even this site as you are well aware are governed by rules. By now you know it is forbidden to post any pic of a c.hild. That how this site rolls. There are also laws that supercede the laws of man that will be apparent on the other side of creation, if I am correct, otherwise you can laugh at me as we fade into oblivion @subhub174014 .

there is a time and place for everything...….you want to use religion in support....expect to get it back the opposite
you got it!

A Cult Expert Finds Familiar Patterns of Behavior in Trump ...
Jun 21, 2018 · What happens when a cult leader's dictates clash with the convictions of his followers? Trump is happily making these pronouncements and expecting everyone to go along with him, and he's not getting much flack. Most of his followers have bought into his fear-mongering, which creates an us vs. them mentality that is typical of a cult.

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
In a magnificent show of their independent-mindedness, 200 Donald Trump supporters sprinted after the Trump Royal Train in Warwick, Rhode Island. Trump-supporting Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft was all over the story: They were RUNNING ACROSS A FIELD to see Donald Trump arrive for his Rhode Island rally today. Then they chased him down the street.

Trump Fits the Profile of a Classic Cult Leader. Can His ...
Nov 05, 2016 · Trump Fits the Profile of a Classic Cult Leader. Can His Followers Be Saved? We talked to Steven Hassan, an expert in helping people escape cults, about how to best dissuade Trump

To Understand Trump, You Must Understand His Cult - Truthdig
But there is a simple explanation: We are witnessing the development of a dangerous and massive cult. And Trump, the cult leader, knows exactly how to wield his power over his supporters in order …

10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
    • Absolute Authoritarianism. Certainly the Trump campaign tends toward this standard. Today, …
    • No Tolerance For Questions. Asking tough questions about Trump merely demonstrates, according …
    • No Meaningful Financial Disclosures. Trump says he’s worth $10 or $11 or $100 billion. All of these …
    • Unreasonable Fear About The Outside World. This is Trump’s entire campaign platform. While …
You didn't read article
Thank you for the lecture, what right do you have to Judge me or any other person? I Know I am a backsliding Christian, furthermore there are threads on B2W that deal with church going Hotwifes . None of us are perfect, yes I know there is a God, I haven't attended church for over 3 years. Separation of church and state has nothing to do with individual church members or voting. The attacks on my faith hasn't stopped since I stated that I know God placed Trump in office and no matter how much the democrats hate him no humans will remove him from office until God allows it. I am not preaching, I am simply defending my personal view of the condition of our world today . I have no intention of complaining to any Moderator. I pay for my membership, I have the right to voice my opinion as long as I stay withing the boundaries of the websites rules. I don't swear or call others vulgar names.I think Donald Trump is a good President mainly because he rattles the cages of all those that have corrupted our Government for more than half a century, that I know of. If it will make you, Mac and anyone else happy, I will remove my voice from this thread.

Don’t make lefties happy - bust their balls - like they TRY to do to our President every second of everyday!!!!!
Thank you for the lecture, what right do you have to Judge me or any other person? I Know I am a backsliding Christian, furthermore there are threads on B2W that deal with church going Hotwifes . None of us are perfect, yes I know there is a God, I haven't attended church for over 3 years. Separation of church and state has nothing to do with individual church members or voting. The attacks on my faith hasn't stopped since I stated that I know God placed Trump in office and no matter how much the democrats hate him no humans will remove him from office until God allows it. I am not preaching, I am simply defending my personal view of the condition of our world today . I have no intention of complaining to any Moderator. I pay for my membership, I have the right to voice my opinion as long as I stay withing the boundaries of the websites rules. I don't swear or call others vulgar names.I think Donald Trump is a good President mainly because he rattles the cages of all those that have corrupted our Government for more than half a century, that I know of. If it will make you, Mac and anyone else happy, I will remove my voice from this thread.

no lecture...and far from judging anyone...….we all have our flaws....and I'm sure I have one....but still looking.....

I attend more church than you do?!….and yet I don't bring god into any of this unless it is brought in...…..your problem is you bring it up as trump being some kind of god....well that is not a one sided statement on a political thread so you should expect to hear an answer you don't like.....

this whole thread is give and take...….you want to throw religion in...that makes it up for debate also...….your case you don't like the rebuttle… is kind of like your politics anyway.....very one sided

yes you have every right to express your thread and open for discussion.....but when you throw in a matter what it might be...expect a rebuttle….you have shown your self to be very thin skinned to begin with and not very open minded......and politics is not a friendly I said before...wars were fought over it

you do whatever you want or feel you need to do....vulgar language is NOT a sign someone does not have religion...again your standards need some serious agjustments

you might even learn something on here....if you took the what you want....but remember you bring up a subject....any subject it is open for rebuttle
Don’t make lefties happy - bust their balls - like they TRY to do to our President every second of everyday!!!!!

short memory?....apparently so......not a lot longer than your dick.....

Letter: Republicans have forgotten their treatment of Obama
Dec 18, 2019 · McConnell vowed to make Obama a one-term president while the House Republicans branded themselves as the “Party of No” throughout his two …
Most legal scholars say in the articles of impeachment that President Trump broke NO law.

you listen to fox to much....actually he broke a bunch...some mentioned in the Mueller report....others he is still being sued over....and others the country knows about and seems to just let slide.(the rates he charges the secret service on his golf outings)…….but the Dems just narrowed it to 2.....the obstruction should be obvious to the world
To a lefty propaganda and “facts” are one and the same - they believe what they wanna believe - so OBVIOUS in here.

to the cult members they only believe what their cult leader tells them.....

Trump to veterans: Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening," Trump said. "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news." "Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."
Trump tells supporters, ‘What you’re seeing … is not what’s happening’

About a month ago, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) complained that too much of today’s Republican Party has found itself in “a cult-like situation as it relates to a president.” Soon after, Donald Trump Jr. appeared on Fox News and was surprisingly reluctant to reject the criticism.

“You know what,” the president’s adult ******* said, “if it’s a cult, it’s because they like what my ******* is doing.”

One of the problems with cults, however, is that its leaders tell its followers to ignore external sources of information – because in order for the scheme to work, the leaders must be seen as the sole authority for truth.

All of this came to mind watching Donald Trump Sr. in Kansas City yesterday, where the president addressed this year’s national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Officially, this was an official White House event, but practically, it wasn’t long before Trump turned the gathering into another partisan campaign rally, which included this unscripted declaration:

“Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

In his novel 1984, George Orwell wrote, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Seven decades later, the dynamic Orwell described seems eerily familiar. Americans may see and read about current events, but their president is asking us not to trust our lying eyes. Instead, to understand “what’s happening,” we must instead turn to Donald Trump and those who deliver the kinds of messages he approves of.

Indeed, the scope of these efforts appears to be expanding. The New York Times reported overnight on what happened on Air ******* One recently when the president learned that Melania Trump’s television was tuned to CNN.

He raged at his staff for violating a rule that the White House entourage should begin each trip tuned to Fox – his preferred network over what he considers the “fake news” CNN – and caused “a bit of a stir” aboard Air ******* One, according to an email obtained by The New York Times. The email, an internal exchange between officials in the White House Military Office and the White House Communications Agency last Thursday, also called for the ordering of two additional televisions to support Beam, a TiVo-like streaming device, to make sure the president and first lady could both watch TV in their separate hotel rooms when they travel.
At the end of the email chain, officials confirmed that tuning the TVs to Fox would be standard operating procedure going forward.
The channel-flipping flap was the latest example of how Mr. Trump, at a pivotal moment in his presidency, is increasingly living in a world of selected information and bending the truth to his own narrative. As his aides work to keep him insulated from the outside world, Mr. Trump is doubling down in his efforts to tell supporters to trust him over the words of critics and news reports.

We’re accustomed to politicians peddling falsehoods to the public and hoping to get away with it. What we’re seeing with Trump, however, is qualitatively different. This is what Rachel described on the show last night as deliberate trafficking in unreality.”

As regular readers know, it’s become a staple of the Trump presidency. The White House hasn’t exactly been subtle about its vision: Don’t trust news organizations. Don’t trust the courts. Don’t trust pollsters. Don’t trust U.S. intelligence agencies. Don’t trust unemployment numbers. Don’t even trust election results.

The list, however, keeps growing. The FBI is suspect. So is the Justice Department. So are climate scientists. So are medical professionals who aren’t comfortable with regressive GOP health care plans.

The authority for truth will tell us what’s true. Others are not to be trusted.

Adding insult to injury are those who volunteer to go along with these tactics. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), the chairman of the House Science Committee, advised Americans last year “to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”

This is a twisted perspective, not just because the president routinely has no use for reality, but also because, in a democratic society, the idea that truth-seeking citizens must turn exclusively to the national leader is so antithetical to American norms, it’s genuinely offensive.

It is, however, eerily consistent with a Republican president who told voters during the campaign, “Politicians have used you and stolen your votes. They have given you nothing. I will give you everything… I’m the only one.” In his GOP convention speech, Trump added, “Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it…. I am your voice.”

And that voice is now telling us not to believe what we see and read.

you listen to fox to much....actually he broke a bunch...some mentioned in the Mueller report....others he is still being sued over....and others the country knows about and seems to just let slide.(the rates he charges the secret service on his golf outings)…….but the Dems just narrowed it to 2.....the obstruction should be obvious to the world

All irrelevant lefty drivel - and deflection

We’re talkin articles of impeachment - what law did he break - what high crime ???