Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

how many times are you going to post this same thing.....for one Dershowitz works for Fox......what do you think he is going to say?

He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.....several whom he said were innocent....have been found guilty in a court of law!

But I really doubt any of you will read any of doesn't say what you want it to say

Dershowitz says Trump is innocent. (Reply #2) - Democratic ...
Jun 01, 2017 · Dershowitz says Trump is innocent. He also said that about OJ Simpson. Reply to this post. Back to OP Alert abuse Link to post in-thread. ... Under Dershowitz's formulation a President may declare the law null and void. geek tragedy: Jun 2017 #23: Wouldn't it be interesting to see what

Alan Dershowitz: Michael Flynn is innocent because ‘lying ...
Dec 17, 2018 · Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Monday argued that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn should never have pleaded guilty in special counsel Robert …

Donald Trump Investigations Are 'Going Too Far,' Harvard ...
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he thought House Democrats were going too far in their efforts to investigate President Donald Trump.

Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. But the ...
Sep 20, 2019 · Trump has already done more than enough to warrant impeachment and removal with his relentless attempts, on multiple fronts, to sabotage …

Trump impeachment: The short, medium and long story - BBC News
Dec 19, 2019 · On 18 December, Mr Trump became only the third US president to be impeached. But he says he has done nothing wrong. At the heart of this …

Ok @subhub174014 I'll bite. In one of the articles that you posted from the Washington Post called "Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. But the Ukraine allegations are over the top," part of the article states:

"Trump held up the delivery of $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, which is under constant threat from neighboring Russia. He had a phone conversation on July 25 with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian government, the call included a discussion of Ukraine’s need to “complete investigation of corruption cases, which inhibited the interaction between Ukraine and the USA.”

So it appears that the president might have used his official powers — in particular, perhaps the threat of withholding a quarter-billion dollars in military aid — to leverage a foreign government into helping him defeat a potential political opponent in the United States.

If Trump did that, it would be the ultimate impeachable act."

It would appear that "the ultimate impeachable act" was stated earlier where Trump exercised his official powers using a foreign government into helping him defeat a potential political opponent in the United States.

Let us say that is true for your sake. Being a Canadian I had the misfortune not having American Constitutional Law drilled into my head as Math and French was. Perhaps it was for you when you went through school? Just as Spanish is these days too?

So for the enrichment of those on this thread, as well as for those rusty with their scholastic education of American Constitutional Law, would you kindly share what statutes of American Constitutional Law that Trump broke where he committed that "ultimate impeachable act"?

I am guessing that there are not any as America had enough on it's hands at that time trying to separate herself from the UK and fighting off King George III'rd that a scenario that a future President 240 years in the future would do what you allege would be inconceivable.

Here is your chance to let me have it @subhub174014 with your dazzling comprehension of American Constitutional Law as that subject is not my particular forte. But be warned as this post might capture the attention of those like @blkdlaur , @Hottobe cucked , and especially @hoping hubby . And I know they would be eager to double check your argument(s) too. So be sure to make your argument(s) rigorous, air tight, and subject to scrutiny @subhub174014 . :)

Whats funny bout all this trump chest bumping and defense is, you, those who defend him to the death are his rubes, the people he is taking the BIGGEST advantage of and in reality whom he loathes, despises and disrespects most. When the dust settles, everything will come out.

This administration can only cover things up but for so long and when the truth of things come out, you will have to reconcile within yourself why you chose to ignore obvious truth and fact. When your support of him, backfires and does something to injure, upset, or materially damage you and or family and loved ones ( ie:farmer support of trump or those who voted for him with pre-existing medical conditions who believed he was being truthful about protecting them) it will be too late.

No matter how great you feel “sticking it to libs“, one day this sugar high made of lies, bigotry, victimization, and division will be over. Whether by loosing next election, winning and completing a second term, or by death, he will one day not be president. Whom will you worship then? When you have lost the people in your life to this blind drunken devotion to a demagogue and charlatan that is no more, what will you do then? What will you say then? How will you make amends with those you lost along the way? How will you reclaim your own sense of identity that your recklessly threw away for liar, a cheat, and an obvious con-man? As the saying goes, there is a sucker born every minute. Trump has lived his life by this mantra, (see: Trump University & Trump Charity Foundation to name a few recent examples) his devoted followers prove him right everyday. He actually thinks people are dumb enough to fall for the con, and know what he is right. You can BELIEVE what you want, facts are persistent things, regardless of what one thinks or believes, they have a way of rearing their heads through for better or worse.
Welcome to these never ending political debates @Rambbc. Trump might not be perfect as he might have had failures just as all of us did in life. But I object to the idea that Donald Trump is a racist. Want proof? Here Donald Trump was in 1998. Care to see who he helped out? If Donald Trump was a racist he could have easily said no thanks, I got a headache. Call me again after I play some golf. Be sure to watch the following short video to the end and see if you can find any holes in my argument @Rambbc:

Did you see the new line of battery powered chainsaws

yeah got one of those that the wife uses for her flower bushes and ******* like's a Lowes 40amp.....seems to be pretty decent.....if I get lucky and cut up some of the bigger limbs she will get that lowes chain saw and cut up some branches into smaller burnable *******....really surprised at how good it is and long it will go....I need a new one for me......had a damned Sears 22incher....used it for 15 years and shot craps on me...bought a homelight...haven't had it 5 years and it is about done for....hard to start and I'm getting to fucking old to pull on that fucker forever....looking at buying a new Stihl.....thought I was about done here and not needing to do anymore.....

bought a lakeside lot by table rock Ark. 2 years was supposed to be done a long time ago...we was in no hurry and let some local ass talk us into using a local contractor...he would build the place in between projects on his "down" time....a year and a half is abit fucking much to build a damned house!...cost me a bunch to dump him and have someone else finish.....but momma talking about it more and more
Ok @subhub174014 I'll bite. In one of the articles that you posted from the Washington Post called "Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. But the Ukraine allegations are over the top," part of the article states:

"Trump held up the delivery of $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, which is under constant threat from neighboring Russia. He had a phone conversation on July 25 with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian government, the call included a discussion of Ukraine’s need to “complete investigation of corruption cases, which inhibited the interaction between Ukraine and the USA.”

So it appears that the president might have used his official powers — in particular, perhaps the threat of withholding a quarter-billion dollars in military aid — to leverage a foreign government into helping him defeat a potential political opponent in the United States.

If Trump did that, it would be the ultimate impeachable act."

It would appear that "the ultimate impeachable act" was stated earlier where Trump exercised his official powers using a foreign government into helping him defeat a potential political opponent in the United States.

Let us say that is true for your sake. Being a Canadian I had the misfortune not having American Constitutional Law drilled into my head as Math and French was. Perhaps it was for you when you went through school? Just as Spanish is these days too?

So for the enrichment of those on this thread, as well as for those rusty with their scholastic education of American Constitutional Law, would you kindly share what statutes of American Constitutional Law that Trump broke where he committed that "ultimate impeachable act"?

I am guessing that there are not any as America had enough on it's hands at that time trying to separate herself from the UK and fighting off King George III'rd that a scenario that a future President 240 years in the future would do what you allege would be inconceivable.

Here is your chance to let me have it @subhub174014 with your dazzling comprehension of American Constitutional Law as that subject is not my particular forte. But be warned as this post might capture the attention of those like @blkdlaur , @Hottobe cucked , and especially @hoping hubby . And I know they would be eager to double check your argument(s) too. So be sure to make your argument(s) rigorous, air tight, and subject to scrutiny @subhub174014 . :)

well first off do you really think that Ukraine is going to say anything against trump....the person right now controlling the purse strings....and has shown a bunch of times he is friendly with Russia......and country they are in a fierce fight with and losing lives daily fighting….so trump has them over a barrell….congress willing to give money to help....several republicans provide lip service but seem to support trump on all issues...but trump can say..AGAIN hold the money...last time lucky someone over heard the conversation...this time trump has blocked anyone from hearing his phone calls....and trumps appointee to Ukraine even stated before that Ukraine will say or do whatever you want!
bottom line...he was blackmailing another help him with an American election...HIS!
last time it was Russia...and our gov has already admitted they are back at it again....think one of the articles above said Russia spent a million dollars a month on good press for trump and lies about Hillary......throw in Ukraine saying something knocking Biden our...makes him look like the only possible winner....none of the others Dems are going to make it......the mayor is good and so is Amy nobblecocker….but...….sanders and warren have the gift to gab and getting support.....but a lot won't vote for them!
Welcome to these never ending political debates @Rambbc. Trump might not be perfect as he might have had failures just as all of us did in life. But I object to the idea that Donald Trump is a racist. Want proof? Here Donald Trump was in 1998. Care to see who he helped out? If Donald Trump was a racist he could have easily said no thanks, I got a headache. Call me again after I play some golf. Be sure to watch the following short video to the end and see if you can find any holes in my argument @Rambbc:

are we going to go through all this racist ******* had the last thread deleted where I had so many articles saying he is....all you do is repost the same ******* time and time again....I think you was up to about 10 different blacks that said trump wasn't a racists…..I had more than enough articles showing he is....until you had it deleted!

A majority of American voters think President Trump is a ...
Aug 02, 2019 · A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe President Donald Trump is a racist. Fewer thought Alabama segregationist George Wallace was racist

Poll: A majority of Americans think President Trump is a ...
Jul 31, 2019 · According to a Quinnipiac University poll, more than 50% of Americans think that President Trump is a racist. This percentage is higher than the 41% of Americans that said former Alabama Governor …
Welcome to these never ending political debates @Rambbc. Trump might not be perfect as he might have had failures just as all of us did in life. But I object to the idea that Donald Trump is a racist. Want proof? Here Donald Trump was in 1998. Care to see who he helped out? If Donald Trump was a racist he could have easily said no thanks, I got a headache. Call me again after I play some golf. Be sure to watch the following short video to the end and see if you can find any holes in my argument @Rambbc:

quit deleting threads ….the facts were there you just didn't like them!
yeah got one of those that the wife uses for her flower bushes and ******* like's a Lowes 40amp.....seems to be pretty decent.....if I get lucky and cut up some of the bigger limbs she will get that lowes chain saw and cut up some branches into smaller burnable *******....really surprised at how good it is and long it will go....I need a new one for me......had a damned Sears 22incher....used it for 15 years and shot craps on me...bought a homelight...haven't had it 5 years and it is about done for....hard to start and I'm getting to fucking old to pull on that fucker forever....looking at buying a new Stihl.....thought I was about done here and not needing to do anymore.....

bought a lakeside lot by table rock Ark. 2 years was supposed to be done a long time ago...we was in no hurry and let some local ass talk us into using a local contractor...he would build the place in between projects on his "down" time....a year and a half is abit fucking much to build a damned house!...cost me a bunch to dump him and have someone else finish.....but momma talking about it more and more

I was on a job city had to remove tree guy showed up with battery saw .at first I chuckled then he cut 15 inch tree down smiled and walked away . I'm getting one in spring I'm sick of carb saws I heat with wood
You are Correct I do ignore most of your rhetoric other then actual typed out comments, but just because someone don't read all of the articles you copy and paste doesn't make us trumptards or devil worshipers, which I do not consider to be Reasonable Political Discussions. I worship no man other then Jesus Christ. Refresh my memory, which post did I insult you most ? Proceed to share.

ignoring my posts and facts is not much of any discussion because you have already closed your mind to anything that disagrees with what you want to believe...… for being a devil worshipper......I have posted several articles where church members believe he is the me the antichrist IS the devil....and I think he is because of some of the stuff he is pulling......and once again...look up cyult..cult members and cult find trump fits right in....and so do you! for insulting me...nothing personal....but when I post factual statements with links to back up what I ignore and continue to make the same statements over and over...ignoring facts and even logic.....not much in the way of reasonable political discussions is it.....with you there is no facts...only what you already believe

I posted I don't know how many articles I posted on #6587 this morning showing just how corrupt the man is.....I'm betting to read none of goes against your trump worship!

you provide no links nor facts to anything you say....and are not interested in anything someone says that does not agree with what you want to kind of falls short of a discussion of any kind! do nothing but praise trump.(worship)….I have nothing but hate for the man and think he is as corrupt as they you tell me just where I insulted you!....a trumptard…...seems to be a common name for trump followers.....use your search engine you can find it....your worship of trump....I have posted so many articles on that...pretty sure I have run the cycle a couple of time by now....and yet you are not interested....use your search engine for trump's there...…..but I know you won' are only interested in what agrees with your thinking.....again way short of a conversation now isn't it!

comes right down to it....there is very little political discussion on any of these threads......not one person here is going to pay much attention to what the other says or posts.....we all pretty much have our mind made up and will not change....throw an insult or two in now and then to liven things up....that is about as far as it goes.....on occasion there is a little discussion on other things that shows all we are really human......but that about sums it up
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I was on a job city had to remove tree guy showed up with battery saw .at first I chuckled then he cut 15 inch tree down smiled and walked away . I'm getting one in spring I'm sick of carb saws I heat with wood

the one I got from Lowes is very good and will go all day...….but if you get it in any kind of bind or will slow and start smelling like it is about done for...…...had mine pinched a few times now and is not as powerful as it once was.....but if I cut up the tree limbs with my saw ….momma can still cut things up into smaller stuff to fit in the fireplace....or to throw in the garden and burn this spring
well first off do you really think that Ukraine is going to say anything against trump....the person right now controlling the purse strings....and has shown a bunch of times he is friendly with Russia......and country they are in a fierce fight with and losing lives daily fighting….so trump has them over a barrell….congress willing to give money to help....several republicans provide lip service but seem to support trump on all issues...but trump can say..AGAIN hold the money...last time lucky someone over heard the conversation...this time trump has blocked anyone from hearing his phone calls....and trumps appointee to Ukraine even stated before that Ukraine will say or do whatever you want!
bottom line...he was blackmailing another help him with an American election...HIS!
last time it was Russia...and our gov has already admitted they are back at it again....think one of the articles above said Russia spent a million dollars a month on good press for trump and lies about Hillary......throw in Ukraine saying something knocking Biden our...makes him look like the only possible winner....none of the others Dems are going to make it......the mayor is good and so is Amy nobblecocker….but...….sanders and warren have the gift to gab and getting support.....but a lot won't vote for them!

Ya forgot Bloomberg trying to buy the election on Super Tuesday :|
Ya forgot Bloomberg trying to buy the election on Super Tuesday :|

he is very good and has a lot of good messages and done a lot of good things for those in need.....excellent candidate...….but going no where!.…..he thinks he has a lot of support on his gun stance....and I'm sure he does get a lot of support on his gun stance...…..but like the trump supporters.....they are in the minority....I think close to 60% of the country has a gun.....that a big number to try and sell gun control!
President Trump sent out a tweet in Arabic supporting the population of Iran that are protesting and it is the most liked Tweet in Twitter history in Iran now - kinda says something - don’t ya think

he has been more than lucky on iran as it is....and if Iran should fold....trump would be strutting around like a cock of the walk!
ignoring my posts and facts is not much of any discussion because you have already closed your mind to anything that disagrees with what you want to believe...… for being a devil worshipper......I have posted several articles where church members believe he is the me the antichrist IS the devil....and I think he is because of some of the stuff he is pulling......and once again...look up cyult..cult members and cult find trump fits right in....and so do you! for insulting me...nothing personal....but when I post factual statements with links to back up what I ignore and continue to make the same statements over and over...ignoring facts and even logic.....not much in the way of reasonable political discussions is it.....with you there is no facts...only what you already believe

I posted I don't know how many articles I posted on #6587 this morning showing just how corrupt the man is.....I'm betting to read none of goes against your trump worship!

you provide no links nor facts to anything you say....and are not interested in anything someone says that does not agree with what you want to kind of falls short of a discussion of any kind! do nothing but praise trump.(worship)….I have nothing but hate for the man and think he is as corrupt as they you tell me just where I insulted you!....a trumptard…...seems to be a common name for trump followers.....use your search engine you can find it....your worship of trump....I have posted so many articles on that...pretty sure I have run the cycle a couple of time by now....and yet you are not interested....use your search engine for trump's there...…..but I know you won' are only interested in what agrees with your thinking.....again way short of a conversation now isn't it!

comes right down to it....there is very little political discussion on any of these threads......not one person here is going to pay much attention to what the other says or posts.....we all pretty much have our mind made up and will not change....throw an insult or two in now and then to liven things up....that is about as far as it goes.....on occasion there is a little discussion on other things that shows all we are really human......but that about sums it up

actually they need to change the name of this from reasonable civil discourse with an occasional insult thrown in.....there is not one person here that is what you might call open minded...…..if they were they would not stick around for all the ******* that gets put out!.....everyone already has their mind made up and nothing someone else will say will change that...…..everything else is just tit for tat!

the right says this...the left counters with that
actually they need to change the name of this from reasonable civil discourse with an occasional insult thrown in.....there is not one person here that is what you might call open minded...…..if they were they would not stick around for all the ******* that gets put out!.....everyone already has their mind made up and nothing someone else will say will change that...…..everything else is just tit for tat!

the right says this...the left counters with that

Once again - when you’re right you’re right !!!