Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems are unpatriotic bitches critizing a president in the face of the enemy - weakens our country but they don’t care just hate him too much too shut the fuck up. We all know Iran has to be dealt with.

I would expect nothing less from someone from a cult....cult members always defend their leader.....just like with Military or anyone else...….they give an order that you know is breaking the follow that order you broke the law...…...not all leaders are trustworthy and require to be blindly followed....only a cultist or a zombie would do so

weakens our country...….this guy has already shown the world he is an ass.....the majority of the world laughs at him and thinks the US a fool for having him....impeachment just says that most of us know him for what he is....but there are some fools in the country that buy into his *******

Iran has been a problem for a long time...….and trump is very lucky....not smart...just lucky....a lot of hate in Iran right now.....they were directing that at the leadership in iran……..until trump killed one of their leaders....united their hate towards the US...….the one saving grace and why I say trump is lucky.....Iran shot that plane people back to hating their leadership......but people with some here and in Canada and etc....knows they shot that plane down because they were expecting some kind of retaliation from the right Iran trump off the hook.....but not in a lot of other areas...know that trump caused that airplane to be shot down
Not really and not for long

If Pelosi had had her way there would have been no impeachment - she knows it was a mistake

wrong.....facts are facts...he broke the law...let it slide it becomes a precedent for others.....the right is willing to overlook all that to protect their usual the right plays games that benefit themselves......look at the statements from Mcconnell and graham when it was time to impeach Clinton....look what the say now

the right has always been more than willing to let big money make all kinds of donations to a candidate now....anything to win an election…… they are saying it is OK to involve other countries in our election....where does it end?

the right is the enemy of this country and destroying us from with in with the help of those to blind to look or to dumb to care
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I would expect nothing less from someone from a cult....cult members always defend their leader.....just like with Military or anyone else...….they give an order that you know is breaking the follow that order you broke the law...…...not all leaders are trustworthy and require to be blindly followed....only a cultist or a zombie would do so

weakens our country...….this guy has already shown the world he is an ass.....the majority of the world laughs at him and thinks the US a fool for having him....impeachment just says that most of us know him for what he is....but there are some fools in the country that buy into his *******

Iran has been a problem for a long time...….and trump is very lucky....not smart...just lucky....a lot of hate in Iran right now.....they were directing that at the leadership in iran……..until trump killed one of their leaders....united their hate towards the US...….the one saving grace and why I say trump is lucky.....Iran shot that plane people back to hating their leadership......but people with some here and in Canada and etc....knows they shot that plane down because they were expecting some kind of retaliation from the right Iran trump off the hook.....but not in a lot of other areas...know that trump caused that airplane to be shot down

Who needs Russian subversion when there are Dems to do their work for them???
wrong.....facts are facts...he broke the law...let it slide it becomes a precedent for others.....the right is willing to overlook all that to protect their usual the right plays games that benefit themselves......look at the statements from Mcconnell and graham when it was time to impeach Clinton....look what the say now

the right has always been more than willing to let big money make all kinds of donations to a candidate now....anything to win an election…… they are saying it is OK to involve other countries in our election....where does it end?

the right is the enemy of this country and destroying us from with in with the help of those to blind to look or to dumb to care

What law ???
Pelosi looks the fool - says the President needs to be impeached before Christmas because of national security and then sits on the articles like a spoiled petulant brat to get her way in the senate like they did in the House - taint gonna happen and now people know Dems are fulla shite :}
The Democraps could have worked through the courts to get their subpoenas enforced and likely gotten testimony from Trump's people, but no....they claimed they had to bypass normal protocols since trump is such an imminent threat....then promptly sat on their asses for weeks as soon as they got the vote to impeach. If Nancy grows the balls to actually impeach trump by sending the articles to the Senate, trump should file a motion for summary judgement based on that. We probably get the whole thing over with in one vote without wasting weeks of the Senate's time.
Legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz - who is himself a Dem - says their articles of impeachment show no breach of law. Purely political because they had the majority.
Though they talked about actual crimes - bribery - extortion - treason - President Trump was not charged with any of those and what they did charge him with are NOT crimes nor did he break any law.
O yeah !!!!

Waiting for the flood of Dem propaganda saying President Trump broke a law now.

Abuse of Power - crime - if so - they are ALL guilty - only a crime if you have a majority in the House - looks like

Obstruction of Congress - what a HOOT.
Dems had the courts to sort that out - there is something called Executive Privilege
Who needs Russian subversion when there are Dems to do their work for them???

you got that might want to check around....I know I have posted it numerous times...but like anything else to don't read and like to remain illterate….
Russia helped trump get in office....not only does this country know it but has been reported by several other was the Dutch that originally warmed us trump might be a traitor...….then you have Moscow mitch...….graham Rubio Cruz and several others all drawing money from Russia.....and then you have the amount of money that Russia is putting in the RNC fund...… you are just supporting a bunch of fucking commies and to stupid to know is that cult fucking with what little mind you have!
you got that might want to check around....I know I have posted it numerous times...but like anything else to don't read and like to remain illterate….
Russia helped trump get in office....not only does this country know it but has been reported by several other was the Dutch that originally warmed us trump might be a traitor...….then you have Moscow mitch...….graham Rubio Cruz and several others all drawing money from Russia.....and then you have the amount of money that Russia is putting in the RNC fund...… you are just supporting a bunch of fucking commies and to stupid to know is that cult fucking with what little mind you have!
Dershowitz is a Democrat, he's on your side, he voted for Hillary, and you know he once said Trump and Russia can all be true and it is not a crime and he is an Harvard Law Professor @subhub174014 . Remember?

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Pelosi in control!.....ask trump he knows it!
Oh come on Subhub, our Government has been a complete disaster for a very, very long time. By electing Donald J Trump as the president of the USA it has done one extremely important task. It has opened the door to reveal the truth about this Government of corruption. You automatically will rail on Trump as the creator of all the problems the USA faces today. What happens if a democrat does get elected this year or possibly a different republican, what then?
Oh come on Subhub, our Government has been a complete disaster for a very, very long time. By electing Donald J Trump as the president of the USA it has done one extremely important task. It has opened the door to reveal the truth about this Government of corruption. You automatically will rail on Trump as the creator of all the problems the USA faces today. What happens if a democrat does get elected this year or possibly a different republican, what then?
Perhaps we can get relief from the worst President and adminstration ever.
Dershowitz is a Democrat, he's on your side, he voted for Hillary, and you know he once said Trump and Russia can all be true and it is not a crime and he is an Harvard Law Professor @subhub174014 . Remember?

how many times are you going to post this same thing.....for one Dershowitz works for Fox......what do you think he is going to say?

He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.....several whom he said were innocent....have been found guilty in a court of law!

But I really doubt any of you will read any of doesn't say what you want it to say

Dershowitz says Trump is innocent. (Reply #2) - Democratic ...
Jun 01, 2017 · Dershowitz says Trump is innocent. He also said that about OJ Simpson. Reply to this post. Back to OP Alert abuse Link to post in-thread. ... Under Dershowitz's formulation a President may declare the law null and void. geek tragedy: Jun 2017 #23: Wouldn't it be interesting to see what

Alan Dershowitz: Michael Flynn is innocent because ‘lying ...
Dec 17, 2018 · Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Monday argued that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn should never have pleaded guilty in special counsel Robert …

Donald Trump Investigations Are 'Going Too Far,' Harvard ...
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he thought House Democrats were going too far in their efforts to investigate President Donald Trump.

Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. But the ...
Sep 20, 2019 · Trump has already done more than enough to warrant impeachment and removal with his relentless attempts, on multiple fronts, to sabotage …

Trump impeachment: The short, medium and long story - BBC News
Dec 19, 2019 · On 18 December, Mr Trump became only the third US president to be impeached. But he says he has done nothing wrong. At the heart of this …