Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

trump in his usual stupidity and inability to shut his fucking mouth.....keeps going to campaign rallies and bragging about killing the irainian……...he did nothing that 2 other presidents and a couple other countries could not have done before him...…...just that those before him were smart enough to not create a matar… the killing was stupid mistake to begin with....and him bragging about it is just making how many in the Mideast that much more determined to make the US pay

a complete and total ass......and some people support stupidity!

this guy just oozes incompetence…...and is dumb enough to brag about it...….and what makes things even worse......people just goad and cheer him on
You do make a remark or two here I agree with on some level you old duffer! I feel his attempt at humor at these rallies is boastful and he plays to the crowd to fire them up. I also think it is one of the best reasons that he draws such amazing numbers in these crowds and he knows it.
I have learned one thing that you and other Trump haters, that being he is not a stupid man in the least in fact, he keeps saying how he likes to win, win, win. Because he knows how to win so much from his business dealings of both success and failure, it makes him him so far ahead of his rival politicians including other world leaders, he knows ahead of time what they will do before they do and he knows how to use their lack of business experience to hit them like using a stun gun on them. Defeating the enemy Solemani, as he was, is not an assassination but a removal of a known terrorist and murderer of America people. If you think Trump did wrong, you might want to ask the Families of all 600 Americans he killed.

If the middle east are determined to make us pay, I can assure you an attempt on our country would not be a intelligent move on their part at this stage. By the way those huge crowds of so called mourners for Solemani were ****** by their government to attend and show such a demonstration. They are all sheep led by evil shepherds.
Nice nice "look over there" strategy, Stiff. Why are you calling Trump's Sec Def a liar? Do you know something he does not? If you do, you should contact Esper ASAP. You just may get that U.S. Citizenship you so deeply covet.
I am not calling Trump's Secretary a liar you are @Zwing. I just have another perspective. If you read or should I say comprehended my posts you might understand what I meant too bad it was lost on you @Zwing? Anyways I am happy in Canada so I am not looking to relocate to America.
You do make a remark or two here I agree with on some level you old duffer! I feel his attempt at humor at these rallies is boastful and he plays to the crowd to fire them up. I also think it is one of the best reasons that he draws such amazing numbers in these crowds and he knows it.
I have learned one thing that you and other Trump haters, that being he is not a stupid man in the least in fact, he keeps saying how he likes to win, win, win. Because he knows how to win so much from his business dealings of both success and failure, it makes him him so far ahead of his rival politicians including other world leaders, he knows ahead of time what they will do before they do and he knows how to use their lack of business experience to hit them like using a stun gun on them. Defeating the enemy Solemani, as he was, is not an assassination but a removal of a known terrorist and murderer of America people. If you think Trump did wrong, you might want to ask the Families of all 600 Americans he killed.

If the middle east are determined to make us pay, I can assure you an attempt on our country would not be a intelligent move on their part at this stage. By the way those huge crowds of so called mourners for Solemani were ****** by their government to attend and show such a demonstration. They are all sheep led by evil shepherds.

he does play up the crowd...….trouble is most of what he says is FALSE....but somehow people seem to buy into for his winning...… do know how many times he has filed for bankruptcy......and he has shown NOTHING on the art of deal!

but his killing of the guy.....even though the guy more than deserved killing.....several others didn't to include Bush ,Obama< and the UK...….now how many will try to avenge things and trump just stirring the pot....trying to rile up his backers into thinking he did something great....when he didn' for forsing people out to mourn the guy......I think I saw the last estimate wasin the thousands...pretty hard to push that many out to protest...….true a few weeks ago there were protests in Iran against Iran....but an outsider just doesn't come in and ******* a popular figure and not rally the people.....we don't have that kind of loyalty in this country anymore ….with trump doing more to divide the country instead of unite...….but at one time someone killed one of our politicians there would have been hell to pay.....not so would just follow party lines....look at some of the deaths here in the US lately....hard to get the other party to even care

old duffer?....getting there.....but still do a lot more than people half my age......and have a younger wife that still jerks my chain!
Dow over 29,000 for the first time ever.....hurry up and impeach him again please!


Christmas help...….low paying jobs...…..something America is famous for anymore...….not jobs that people can live on

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job
Jun 18, 2019 · Even though the majority of workers held a single job in 2013, 8.3% of workers had more than one job — and most held both jobs for the entire year. Women were more likely than men to have a second job — 8.8% compared with 8.0%, respectively.

More People Probably Work Multiple Jobs Than The ...
Jul 22, 2018 · More People Probably Work Multiple Jobs Than The Government Realizes. You hardly have to be an economist to understand just how wrong Ocasio-Cortez’s statement truly is. First, as Noah Smith of Bloomberg pointed out, the number of Americans working two jobs is around 5 percent of the workforce, another historic low.

More Americans working more than one job to make ends meet ...
"The principal reason workers hold more than one position is that no single job provides a sufficient income," Sri-Kumar adds. ... capture that concept — people working in jobs that are below ...

United States Part Time Employment - TRADING ECONOMICS
Part Time Employment in the United States is expected to be 26850.00 Thousand by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate Part Time Employment in the United States to stand at 26500.00 in 12 months time.

The Ratio of Part-Time Employed: November 2019 - dshort ...
The Labor Department has been collecting this since 1968, a time when only 13.5% of US employees were part-timers. That number peaked at 20.1% in January 2010. The latest data point, over nine years later, is lower at 17.0% last month.

America's part-time problem may be permanent
Apr 25, 2016 · Excluding the Great Recession, the 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
Christmas help...….low paying jobs...…..something America is famous for anymore...….not jobs that people can live on

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job
Jun 18, 2019 · Even though the majority of workers held a single job in 2013, 8.3% of workers had more than one job — and most held both jobs for the entire year. Women were more likely than men to have a second job — 8.8% compared with 8.0%, respectively.

More People Probably Work Multiple Jobs Than The ...
Jul 22, 2018 · More People Probably Work Multiple Jobs Than The Government Realizes. You hardly have to be an economist to understand just how wrong Ocasio-Cortez’s statement truly is. First, as Noah Smith of Bloomberg pointed out, the number of Americans working two jobs is around 5 percent of the workforce, another historic low.

More Americans working more than one job to make ends meet ...
"The principal reason workers hold more than one position is that no single job provides a sufficient income," Sri-Kumar adds. ... capture that concept — people working in jobs that are below ...

United States Part Time Employment - TRADING ECONOMICS
Part Time Employment in the United States is expected to be 26850.00 Thousand by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. Looking forward, we estimate Part Time Employment in the United States to stand at 26500.00 in 12 months time.

The Ratio of Part-Time Employed: November 2019 - dshort ...
The Labor Department has been collecting this since 1968, a time when only 13.5% of US employees were part-timers. That number peaked at 20.1% in January 2010. The latest data point, over nine years later, is lower at 17.0% last month.

America's part-time problem may be permanent
Apr 25, 2016 · Excluding the Great Recession, the 6 million Americans who work part-time but want full-time jobs today are at the highest level in about 30 years or so.
Some of those seasonal jobs are planned a landscaper plowing in winter
Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs
If you count the "Part time employed for non-economic reasons", you get 126.8 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, working part time or "Not in the labor *******". That represents 53%...

Only 24.6 Percent Of All Jobs In The United States Are Good Jobs

Do you want to know why it seems like good jobs are very rare in the United States today? It is because good jobs arevery rare in the United States today.

According to a paper that was just released by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, only 24.6 percent of all American jobs qualified as “good jobs” in 2010. Over the past several decades, there has been increasing pressure on corporations to reduce expenses and increase corporate profits. One of the biggest expenses that any corporation faces is labor. Large corporations all over the globe are in an endless race to gain a competitive advantage by pushing labor costs as low as possible. Sometimes this is done by using technology. Computers, automation, robotics and other forms of technology have eliminated millions of jobs in the United States and those jobs are never coming back. Millions of other jobs have been eliminated by offshoring. In our globalized economy, American workers have been merged into one giant labor pool with everyone else. That makes it very tempting for big corporations to move jobs from areas where workers are very expensive (such as the United States) to areas of the world where it is legal to pay slave labor wages. When big corporations do this, corporate profits go up, but the number of good jobs in the United States goes down. As a result, there is increased competition for the jobs that remain in the United States and this drives down wages. Meanwhile, the cost of living just keeps going up. So millions of American families have fallen into poverty in recent years, and millions of others have gone deep into debt in an attempt to survive. This dynamic is absolutely shredding the middle class in the United States.

So how exactly did the authors of the paper mentioned above come to the conclusion that only 24.6 percent of all jobs in the United States are good jobs?

Well, they had three criteria for what a “good job” is….

#1 The job must pay at least $18.50 an hour. According to the authors, that is the equivalent of the median hourly pay for American workers back in 1979 after you adjust for inflation.

#2 The job must provide access to employer-sponsored health insurance, and the employer must pay at least some portion of the cost of that insurance.

#3 The job must provide access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Using those criteria, the authors of the study found that only 24.6 percent of all jobs in the United States are good jobs.
So why are there so few good jobs in this country?
Is it because we aren’t educated enough?
No, the authors of the study found that 34 percent of all U.S. workers had a four-year college degree in 2010, while only 19 percent of all U.S. workers had a four-year college degree in 1979.
So what is the problem?
Sadly, the truth is that in a global economy U.S. workers are viewed as very expensive liabilities.
Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs
If you count the "Part time employed for non-economic reasons", you get 126.8 million Americans who are unemployed, underemployed, working part time or "Not in the labor *******". That represents 53%...

Only 24.6 Percent Of All Jobs In The United States Are Good Jobs

Do you want to know why it seems like good jobs are very rare in the United States today? It is because good jobs arevery rare in the United States today.

According to a paper that was just released by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, only 24.6 percent of all American jobs qualified as “good jobs” in 2010. Over the past several decades, there has been increasing pressure on corporations to reduce expenses and increase corporate profits. One of the biggest expenses that any corporation faces is labor. Large corporations all over the globe are in an endless race to gain a competitive advantage by pushing labor costs as low as possible. Sometimes this is done by using technology. Computers, automation, robotics and other forms of technology have eliminated millions of jobs in the United States and those jobs are never coming back. Millions of other jobs have been eliminated by offshoring. In our globalized economy, American workers have been merged into one giant labor pool with everyone else. That makes it very tempting for big corporations to move jobs from areas where workers are very expensive (such as the United States) to areas of the world where it is legal to pay slave labor wages. When big corporations do this, corporate profits go up, but the number of good jobs in the United States goes down. As a result, there is increased competition for the jobs that remain in the United States and this drives down wages. Meanwhile, the cost of living just keeps going up. So millions of American families have fallen into poverty in recent years, and millions of others have gone deep into debt in an attempt to survive. This dynamic is absolutely shredding the middle class in the United States.

So how exactly did the authors of the paper mentioned above come to the conclusion that only 24.6 percent of all jobs in the United States are good jobs?

Well, they had three criteria for what a “good job” is….

#1 The job must pay at least $18.50 an hour. According to the authors, that is the equivalent of the median hourly pay for American workers back in 1979 after you adjust for inflation.

#2 The job must provide access to employer-sponsored health insurance, and the employer must pay at least some portion of the cost of that insurance.

#3 The job must provide access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Using those criteria, the authors of the study found that only 24.6 percent of all jobs in the United States are good jobs.
So why are there so few good jobs in this country?
Is it because we aren’t educated enough?
No, the authors of the study found that 34 percent of all U.S. workers had a four-year college degree in 2010, while only 19 percent of all U.S. workers had a four-year college degree in 1979.
So what is the problem?
Sadly, the truth is that in a global economy U.S. workers are viewed as very expensive liabilities.
Thanks for providing a link showing how bad the job market was in 2011 under Obummer. Once again, it would behoove you to at least attempt to read past the headline and comprehend....oh well.....
Thanks for providing a link showing how bad the job market was in 2011 under Obummer. Once again, it would behoove you to at least attempt to read past the headline and comprehend....oh well.....
no long you realize that he inherited that.....something you failed to mention....and the party of NO...….that obstructed everything Obama tried to do

I do read most of the first one or two to make sure they are what I want....after that I just throw in others so people have a choice of who they want to read...….since the right likes to claim fake news so much

besides once are deflecting the point......number of part time jobs in America...… sure wasn't the American worker that sent those jobs wasn't the American worker that gives big biz tax breaks to move over seas....or give incentive to hire part time over full time to avoid started with you REAGAN and his one world!

Eight Years Later: The Economy and President Obama's Legacy
Jan 06, 2017 · The economy President Obama inherited was in peril. When he took office in January of 2009, the United States was in the worst recession it had experienced since the Great Depression.

Letter: Let’s remember the mess that Obama inherited ...
To the contrary, Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama. There were more jobs added in every year of Obama’s second term than in Trump” first year (IE) the existing trend.

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump
Feb 21, 2017 · Obama inherited a Great Recession. Trump inherited a primed pump. Ron Eachus of Salem is a former legislator and a former chairman of the Oregon Public Utility Commission.
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No one that ran a company through those years wants any part of that

true it was your Bush that put us into the biggest recession since the great depression....and like always it was a DEM that had to bail out the economy....just like with Clinton bailing out the first Bush.....dems always save the economy....from the mess the right creates....want facts on that? wouldn't read them anyway!
just like the right always talking about overhauling the tax big and complicated...…..sure wasn't the American worker that created all those loop holes for big biz...….and why is it that everytime they do overhaul it....more tax breaks show up for big biz and nothing to benefit middle America