Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Been through a few recessions don't trust crpt currency I like stuff I can hold I guess I am old. Gold is my favorite
By the way, do you even know what CRPT is? The Federal Reserve is EVEN scared of it! Goes to show how powerful that is, huh? Anyhow, the CRPT market is calling a brotha's name! I wonder how many millions has entered into CRPT now?
Yes cripto currency I like tangables
Okay, that's good! And not even a Millennial like me! You go ahead and do that then, but technology will make YOU change! Even GEORGE GILDER has a book written on that! Oh, the Chinese are just taking a head start in that technology! And, where is the United States in that? Not doing anything! The U.S. will be LAST on that, smh! Bank of America ignored the technology to, even Chase Bank did, but NOW they are getting into it, though is TOO LATE for them! It was cool debating with you, but CRPT is addictive, lol! Gosh, I LOVE this technology! This money is CRAAAZZZZYYYYY!
yes they did ….put out what they wanted....where did you go in Germany?.....I was sent to Grafhinvere? to start......middle of nowhere...just to play war games...….did spend some time in Heidelberg…….loved that

I will say that my 7 years in the Army....I did get to see a lot of the world
Went to Graf twice. Got chased by a Grafhog for getting too close to a piglet that was stuck in the mud. Thought I was gonna die!
The fuck? Are you even from the U.S. at all? I'm not going to discuss politics with somebody who probably isn't even from the U.S.! I like how you jumped in though voicing your 2 cents! Anyway, YOU answer my question first!

Massachusetts - USA enough for you ?

Coherent questions will be cheerfully answered - dinna see one
Then when the real fighting starts over there, and Trumps sending over another 50,000 troops, maybe your ******* or grandson will be on the front row going it. Only fair for those who wish conflict to have a bigger stake in it.

Hey Mac - do ya think we should just let Iran develop nuclear weapons and ******* Americans ???

Oh ….you must be referring to the pallets of cash Bush sent over to Iraq that came up missing....some of it later found in Turkey...… are forgetting the Bush pallet money deal?....surely in your bias you didn't forget was $70 BILLION your biased ass is overlooking!

U.S. sent pallets of cash to Baghdad - Reuters
Feb 07, 2007 · The Federal Reserve sent record payouts of more than $4 billion in cash to Baghdad on giant pallets aboard military planes shortly before the United States gave control back to Iraqis

Missing $6.6billion sent by George W. Bush in aid to Iraq ...
Jun 13, 2011 · Bush: The former President in 2004, when the U.S. sent $2.4billion to Iraq The loss of $6.6billion in taxpayers' money is a continuous embarrassment to the Pentagon. Iraqi officials are also...

The Missing Pallet of Cash – The Bob Cesca Show | News and ...
Remember the giant pallet of raw cash that the Bush Administration sent to Iraq? The pallet of cash which mysteriously vanished into the wind upon its arrival never to be seen again? The original estimates for how much money went missing were between $6 billion and $9 billion, but now it turns out ...

U.S. has lost sight of cash from $70 billion sent to ...
In Iraq, $6 billion held by U.S. banks went missing after it was returned to Iraq as pallets of cash. But attention to Afghan banks has increased since last September, when a run on the banks...

Remember that $20 billion in cash, flown into Iraq by the ...
Oct 12, 2014 · Remember that $20 billion in cash, flown into Iraq by the Bush administration? [icopyright one button toolbar] Well, they still can’t account …

Missing Iraq money may be as much as $18 billion – Raw Story
In 2004, the Bush administration flew twenty billion dollars of shrink-wrapped cash into Iraq on pallets. Now the bulk of that money has disappeared. The funds flown into the war zone were made up...
will the right take the time to educate themselves...…..doubt is information they don't want to know

Debunking False Stories
Obama Didn’t Give Iran ‘150 Billion in Cash’

As a candidate during the 2016 campaign, President Donald Trump criticized the international agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear weapons’ program — formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionthat had been adopted the year before. He suggested that the U.S. had returned $150 billion to Iran as part of the deal.

That’s not true.
We’ve written about this issue before. PolitiFact and the Washington Post have, too.

But Trump has repeated the claim as recently as December, when he tweeted: “The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing, but they can’t give 5 Billion Dollars for National Security and a Wall?”

Trump’s bogus claim now has been repeated in a meme that references the president’s declaration of a national emergency to redirect federal funds for a proposed wall on the southern border.

The meme, which has been shared 149,000 times on Facebook, mentions the recent lawsuit brought against the Trump administration by 16 states to block the national emergency. The meme says: “So, when Obama bypassed the Congress while giving Iran 150 billion in cash, how many States had sued him?”

First of all, former President Barack Obama didn’t give “150 billion in cash” to Iran.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.

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I like Trump's method better with Iran

what is that....turn the whole Mideast and our allies against us?.....put us very close to a war a lot of the world WILL NOT support us on?...his whole thing with Iran is 2 Obama set up the deal.....and the other...netinfuckingwho claimed Iran was cheating...….outside of that he has no plan other than to put us at war....over his stupidity...….well more than his stupidity…...the right has more than shown they are even dumber than he is!
Went to Graf twice. Got chased by a Grafhog for getting too close to a piglet that was stuck in the mud. Thought I was gonna die!

It is a real "hole' in the middle of nowhere.....does have one hell of a strip club though!......….but the train station busy taking troops all over....was there for 6weeks......three different times......did get to see some nice country....felt kind of bad with all the destruction we did with those howitzers though....we tore up a lot of nice country and towns....I'm sure they were well paid with taxpayer money though