Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you keep believing what you have been consistently off course so far

again you keep bring up that 30%...…...yet you don't speak for that 70%

Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Unsurprisingly, a vast majority of Democrats do not want to see a Trump 2020 bid, with just 16 percent backing a run for a second term for the incumbent president.
  • Author: Harriet Sinclair

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa - keep believing your horseshite polls - those that fail to learn from
History are doomed to repeat it.

What about all the polls saying that President Trump is climbing and ruling in the battleground states and that Independents have turned on the Dems because of their rabid impeachment crap - never mention those polls - only your horseshite Dem propaganda polls - I say fie unto you :}
Going NOWHERE - no HOW - no WAY
All a bunch o bullfurt

true.....I agree with you....the GOP has not made on Honest statement the entire defense for the crime...just complain about the court...when it has been the same way they used it against Clinton

Here are 5 lies the GOP has told during the Impeachment Hearings: 1. Donald Trump fights corruption: Jim Jordan said,” Trump waited over 50 days to release the aid, to test the new Ukrainian President to see if he was honest.”
5 Things The Republicans Lied About During The Impeachment ...

House Judiciary Holds Impeachment Hearing as GOP Lies ...
House Judiciary Holds Impeachment Hearing as GOP Lies About Ukraine: A Closer Look. Late Night with Seth Meyers. 7 hrs · ...
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa - keep believing your horseshite polls - those that fail to learn from
History are doomed to repeat it.

What about all the polls saying that President Trump is climbing and ruling in the battleground states and that Independents have turned on the Dems because of their rabid impeachment crap - never mention those polls - only your horseshite Dem propaganda polls - I say fie unto you :}

well last time we trusted our country to protect one of our most valuable commodities...and they failed....and this time the right is currently asking for them to get involved again

like Obama was afraid of....people worrying about weather our vote would count or not...…..a trump and company have clearly showed ...IT DOESNT
Last I heard - the American way twas innocent til proven quilty - Dems way now is guilty by accusation - bunch o bozos

when have you ever seen an accused get to pick who they want questioned and who he doesn't!

like I told hottobe……...if you were charged with a crime…..and refused to provide any witness to show your innocents what do you think the verdict will be....same with his taxes and several other issues....nothing to hide....prove it.....until then guilty as charged
you just talked about all the party bias and etc and I was ready to agree with you...….and then YOUR BIAS comes out with the democratic display.…..nowhere in any country can an individual charged with something pick and chose who gets to testify...didn't happen under Nixon nor Clinton....if he was so innocent...let them talk.....second our constitution has laws about foreign powers getting involved in our elections...and yet on national tv he asks Ukraine and China....and you people on the right seem to be ok with that...….and have done nothing since trump been in office over the last election meddling and wouldn't even sign a proposed bill to block them this time....but you people are ok with that because it puts your man in office....not even going into all the other laws he has broken since being in office....but in your eyes he is above the law....they just don't apply to him.....he lies and your party lies to cover for him....several of your speakers yeaterday mentioned things that were already proven false and yet they still pushed them...…
since you people are fine with all this …..China does not like Trump at all and would love to see them start helping a guys have opened that door and are fine with it since it works in your favor......but you guys have a habit of switching lies to suit your party

just one of many others who have switched positions now that it is a republican

Lindsay Graham Once Said Impeachment 'Is About Cleansing ...
The South Carolina senator had expansive views of impeachment's role when Bill Clinton was in the crosshairs. In 1999, Lindsay Graham said impeachment “is about cleansing the office.” ...

so you go ahead and complain about all the bias going on....and then PROVE your are as biased as the rest
You Bias democratic followers won't admit that Joe Biden was the government official that was dealing with the Corrupt Ukraine, then they attempt to impeach a sitting president on charges that were picked out of the air. Of course President refused to participate or encourage others in his administration to heed the democrats demands. President Trump has been under a microscope for over 3 years, with the Democrats, F.B.I, CIA searching for something ( anything ) to remove him from office and have completely failed, just because he beat Clinton. Maybe he has done questionable things, he has no governor to control what comes out of his mouth, he thinks it, he says it. He has a huge ego and that has been needed to accomplish positive results on the world stage, and in our own country. So many leftist hate the rich so much that it is destroying the heart of America. Capitalism isn't perfect but Socialism is a death sentence. I personally do not fault the rich for succeeding and this country's government tax system is terrible, it is horrible because we dump trillions of dollars into our government to spend in any way they see fit. By the way I am Bias but I am not a Republican, I vote for the person I feel can do the best job no matter what party.
You Bias democratic followers won't admit that Joe Biden was the government official that was dealing with the Corrupt Ukraine, then they attempt to impeach a sitting president on charges that were picked out of the air. Of course President refused to participate or encourage others in his administration to heed the democrats demands. President Trump has been under a microscope for over 3 years, with the Democrats, F.B.I, CIA searching for something ( anything ) to remove him from office and have completely failed, just because he beat Clinton. Maybe he has done questionable things, he has no governor to control what comes out of his mouth, he thinks it, he says it. He has a huge ego and that has been needed to accomplish positive results on the world stage, and in our own country. So many leftist hate the rich so much that it is destroying the heart of America. Capitalism isn't perfect but Socialism is a death sentence. I personally do not fault the rich for succeeding and this country's government tax system is terrible, it is horrible because we dump trillions of dollars into our government to spend in any way they see fit. By the way I am Bias but I am not a Republican, I vote for the person I feel can do the best job no matter what party.

and in your right wing bias.....if you took the time to look it up....but you didn't because you just got by what the republicans tell you which just adds to the division……...people refusing to look for and at the facts...….Biden was checked and found nothing! for trump...hell yes he should have been checked....what 7 people all with ties to Russia ...all a major player in his campaign....most served time or are serving time.....anyone running for the leader of a country with so many ties to our enemy deserves very close scrutiny....not even going to go into the rest....just more of your right wing bias
Only bias I see is the left wing media - o and the bias Strzok and Page illustrated - o and the bias the House Dems just showed etc etc

o and the biased right wing cult members= o and the right wing talk show promoters of hate and discontent=and those not smart enough to look for the facts just go by what the right tells them
War around the corner?.....he has been pushing for it for 3 years now...……..looks like it may be coming......

Mike Pompeo warns Iran against harming US interests in ...
6 hours ago · Mike Pompeo warns Iran against harming US interests in Iraq. The Frontier Post / December 14, 2019. Monitoring Desk. WASHINGTON: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday warned Iran of a “decisive” response if US interests are harmed in …

Mike Pompeo warns Iran of ‘decisive response’ if U.S ...
12 hours ago · Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday warned Iran of a “decisive” response if U.S. interests are harmed in Iraq, after a series of rocket attacks on bases.
Mmmmm….what to do...have a hearing and put on a show that might backfire......or just a quick vote to hush things up?

Trump faces fight or flight moment in Senate impeachment trial

WASHINGTON — The closer Republicans get to a Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, the more it looks like an improvised political explosive.

The White House and the Senate Republican Conference are united in their desire to dispose of it , but divided over how to do that in the way that inflicts the most damage on Democrats and the least harm on them — a show that gives Trump the chance to turn the tables on his accusers, or a quick dismissal that amounts to an exercise in self-preservation for him and GOP senators.

In other words, it's fight or flight time for Trump.

With his legacy, his re-election and his movement on the line — at a time when congressional Republicans are in lockstep defense of his actions — it would be quite a silent retreat for the chest-thumping, trash-talking Trump to slip away from the chance to have a made-for-TV trial befitting his reality-era presidency.

He sounds like he doesn't want to.

"I wouldn’t mind the long process, because I’d like to see the whistleblower, who’s a fraud, having the whistleblower called to testify in the Senate trial," he said Friday , referring to the anonymous intelligence community official who first accused him of wrongdoing in a complaint filed with the intelligence community inspector general .

He also noted that he believes that the House's impeachment process — the Judiciary Committee there approved two articles against him on Friday morning and the full House is expected to approve them next week — has benefited him.

"It's a very sad thing for our country, but it seems to be very good for me politically," he told reporters.

And yet he also signaled some willingness to listen to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and some White House advisers who prefer a trial with more "no" and less show.

"I’ll do long or short," he said.

But while McConnell has kept power in the Republican Conference for more than a decade by averting risk, Trump didn't get to the Oval Office by playing it safe. His instincts likely lean toward brawling

The hope inside the GOP right now is that if he does, it's with Democrats — not fellow Republicans. And so they're seeking a sweet spot of consensus that suits him.

"The president should have every right to put on the defense he wants," said Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who is among a group of lawmakers that resisted McConnell's initial plan for a quick trial that would preclude witnesses. "And I have every confidence that [White House Counsel] Pat Cipollone and the rest of the president's defense team will give him the best advice to make the right decision."

The calculus is complicated by a set of instincts and interests shared by the president and some of his most aggressive allies in the Senate that are broadly at odds with those of McConnell, R-Ky., Republican senators in tough re-election bids and White House officials who fear that a circus-like trial could result in unnecessary pain for everyone.

Like any leader of a party caucus in Congress, McConnell's first loyalty has to be to his peers and keeping them in power. But what's perceived as good for Republicans in hard re-election fights — a quick trial that puts less of a spotlight on Trump's alleged misdeeds and the senators' handling of them — doesn't fit with Trump's apparent desire to present his case before the presidential election season heats up.

This Senate, a far more hospitable arena for Trump than the House, is the only remaining venue for him to litigate it.

"What’s interesting is they’re totally split on it right now," said Rachel Bovard, a former Senate Republican aide who keeps in close touch with GOP officials. Some "want to sail directly into the wind ... that's what the president wants."

The truth, is either option could backfire.

A speedy trial might make Trump look more guilty, because Democrats will argue he ran and hid behind Republican votes without defending himself. At the same time, a longer version might expose Trump and GOP senators to further revelations about the Ukraine scandal, or simply the humiliation of a public spectacle.

"Get it over fast is the best way," Bovard said, concluding that more time tends to lead to unforced errors for Senate Republicans. "Everything they touch goes sideways."

McConnell is clearly eager to avoid a bigger public split with Trump that could hurt Republican senators with Trump's base. On Friday, he spoke with Fox News' Sean Hannity about his efforts to coordinate with Cipollone, who may lead the president's defense on the Senate floor and who could, conceivably, be a witness in the trial.

But even in tying himself to Cipollone, he revealed that he remains favorable to a quiet trial that would be positively un-Trumpian

"I'm going to take my cues from the president's lawyers," McConnell said. "But, yes, If you know you have the vote, you've listened to the arguments on both sides, and believe the case is so slim, so weak that you have the votes to end it, that might be what the president's lawyers would prefer, and you could certainly make a case for making it shorter rather than longer since it's such a weak case."

Of course, the president doesn't always do what his lawyers want — especially if they're telling him to shut up and take the win.

once again with this man....justice will not be served....and he is above the law.....even when his own transcript of the call shows he broke the law….witnesses say he broke the law......his own words on the white house lawn says he broke the law.....and that's just on Ukraine....didn't touch the mueller report....didn't touch the emoluments clause....and the Russian money laundering....and so much more....Dems trying to keep it short and letting him off on a lot...……………………………...although if his taxes get released soon....that will hurt him there with a lot of voters
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The impeachment farce is gonna hurt the Dems WAY more than our President - no matter what the liberal media spews - they have lied and been wrong on almost everything regarding President Trump - hell the only one that believes them anymore is Sub.

21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About ...
Mar 17, 2019 · Republicans predicted that Obamacare would hurt the economy and ******* jobs. Newt Gingrich, who was running for president in 2012, said Obama’s energy policies, EPA regulations, and failure to approve the XL pipeline would result in $10.00 a gallon gasoline. Of course, these predictions were laughably wrong.

21 Truths That Prove Republicans Have Been Wrong About ...
Jan 16, 2016 · Of course these predictions were laughably wrong. Instead of $5.45 per gallon or $10.00 per gallon, the price of gas in January, 2015, was $1.89, less than half of the all-time high of $4.15 a gallon under President Bush.

Republicans Have Been Wrong About Everything | Linda ...
Jun 28, 2018 · Of course, these predictions were laughably wrong. Instead of $5.45 per gallon or $10.00 per gallon, the price of gas in January 2015, was $1.89, less than half of the all-time high of $4.15 a gallon under President Bush.

Everything Republicans Say About the Economy is Wrong
Apr 23, 2014 · The Republican belief that markets are always good and government is always bad led them to argue that diverting resources to the public sector this way would have disastrous results. They were...


Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The ...
Nov 09, 2018 · Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies. We spend a hell of a lot of time at The Daily Banter debunking various myths, slogans and lies, and the undisputed champion of easily ...

10 Big Lies Republicans Tell | Man in the Middle
    1. Lower Taxes Create Jobs. Under President George W. Bush, businesses and wealthy …
    2. Republicans Reduce the Deficit and National Debt. Statistics clearly show that the last …
    3. Lower Taxes Help New Businesses Create Jobs. This is Republican bologna of the first …
    4. Social Security and Medicare Will Go Bankrupt. No they will not, because the solution is …

Why Republicans will keep debasing themselves to protect Trump
Jun 13, 2017 · Why Republicans will keep debasing themselves to protect Trump. June 13, 2017. ... To hear Republicans tell it, that fact is like a get-out-of-jail-free card that never expires.

Why Republicans dutifully defend Trump's most ridiculous lies
Mar 27, 2017 · In the past, presidents have told big lies mostly for one of two reasons. In the midst of scandal or failure, they told lies to protect themselves and deny that they had done wrong: I am not a ...

Republicans can lie their asses off to protect Trump, but ...
Republicans can lie their asses off to protect Trump, but there is a price that will be paid....Not complicated, but pretty simple. Trump lies all the time or whole lot of the time. So, to protect Mr. Trump, the Republicans have to lie too.

The Lies Republicans Tell Themselves - Commentary
Aug 15, 2018 · More seriously, six in ten Republicans tell pollsters that they believe the FBI is actively trying to frame the President of the United States for a crime. Logically, then, it stands to reason that most in the GOP believe that law enforcement is a politicized institution that is waging an underhanded campaign to de-legitimize an election and carry out something akin to a coup.


Why Trump’s supporters will believe any lie he tells.
Oct 19, 2018 · The people who want to destroy the political establishment today are those who are threatened by growing diversity. Trump’s lies work toward that end.

3 Types of Trump Supporters, And Why They Defend Trump's Lies
Trump lies on behalf of the dispossessed white victims of political correctness, according to the alt-right. Thus, his lies are merely means to a decent end.

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...
Aug 04, 2016 · Social scientists have some intriguing explanations for why people persist in misjudgments despite strong contrary evidence. Trump is a vivid and, to his critics, a frightening present-day ...
and the man in charge of trumps immigration policy...….

Stephen Miller May Be Even More Racist Than Previously Known
Trump was a racist long before he became president and he campaigned on nationalist sentiments that Miller appears to share. But it is true that Miller has used the Trump White House to …

Leaked Stephen Miller Emails to Breitbart Directed Race ...
A September 2015 email from Miller recommended Breitbart write about The Camp of the Saints, which the SPLC described as a "racist French novel" popular among neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The ...R

Former Breitbart Editor Katie McHugh: 5 Fast Facts You ...
The emails from Stephen Miller, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, ... Katie McHugh Was Known for Racist Remarks on Twitter and Has Since Made Her Twitter Account Private.

Trump adviser Stephen Miller injected white nationalist ...
Nov 12, 2019 · Emails from Miller to a former Breitbart writer, sent before and after he joined the Trump campaign, show Miller obsessively focused on injecting white nationalist-style talking points on race and ...

Stephen Miller Pushed Racist Stories to Breitbart, Leaked ...
Nov 12, 2019 · The White House senior policy adviser recommended a racist French novel popular with white nationalists to the right-wing website. ... Stephen Miller Pushed Racist Stories to Breitbart, Leaked ...

Racist Stephen Miller reportedly wrote the hate speech ...
It's bad enough that someone as disgustingly racist as Stephen Miller — a person who has been excoriated and disowned even by members of his own family for his hateful, Nazi-like belief system; a...

21 Facts That Explain Exactly Who Stephen Miller Is ...
    1. The National Rifle Association was his first right-wing love. Miller grew up in Santa Monica, …
    2. He dumped a childhood friend because he was Latino. According to Jason Islas, in the …
    3. He was the ' best-known and least-liked conservative activist' in his liberal high school. …
    4. He started as a right-wing mouthpiece in high school. Julia Ioffe writes that Miller reached …