Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Wrong - all the left does is whine - whine - whine - and call people racists when they get cornered - your platform for 2020 sucks and so do most all your candidates - Trump will wipe the floor with whatever one remains standing - and you still live in the fantasy world that he’s going to jail - sure - right after Hillary does : }
Wrong - all the left does is whine - whine - whine - and call people racists when they get cornered - your platform for 2020 sucks and so do most all your candidates - Trump will wipe the floor with whatever one remains standing - and you still live in the fantasy world that he’s going to jail - sure - right after Hillary does : }

spoken like a true whiner...….trump won't wipe the floor with anyone.....Russia might...that's why the private meetings

and see how wrong you are...Hillary going no-where...…..trump has several charges against him WITH PROOF!

you have got to get out of that fantasy world you live in.....the top 3 dems are all ranking higher than trump

2020 Election Odds: Who Can Beat Donald Trump After 2018 ...
Trump's odds to win a second term in 2020 shortened to 6/4 from 13/8 with Irish bookmaker Paddy Power. That equates an implied probability of 40 percent that Trump wins re-election.

Here Are the Top Contenders Trump Worries Could Beat Him ...
Warren takes it over Trump by a slightly smaller margin, 53-32%, and Harris would beat him by a 53-33% margin. Polls aside, lots of reasons exist to discourage Democrats from backing Oprah.

Opinion | Who Can Beat Trump in 2020? - The New York Times
Sep 30, 2017 · More important, Mr. Trump at the moment seems eminently beatable, with an approval rating hovering just south of 40 percent. No other president in the era of approval polling (going back to the 1930s) has been this unpopular at this point in his presidency.
The King of left wing propaganda has spoken - your polls are as wrong as last time - what Dems are running on just pisses the average American off - free health care for illegal aliens - see how far ya get with policies like that - not far - there’s not one thing the left is running on most average Americans will go for - and you have only one viable candidate that is being torn down by his own party - a blind man can see where you guys are headed.
The King of left wing propaganda has spoken - your polls are as wrong as last time - what Dems are running on just pisses the average American off - free health care for illegal aliens - see how far ya get with policies like that - not far - there’s not one thing the left is running on most average Americans will go for - and you have only one viable candidate that is being torn down by his own party - a blind man can see where you guys are headed.

Polls can't fix or over ride that Russian "fix" machine....he will really need it now...most see him for what he is...a scam artist
So, today Trump called the serving prime minister of a friend and ally a fool and a disaster and then praised himself, in second person (sign of acute narcissistic syndrome), for being a great president and having a big military etc.

""I told @theresa_may how to do that deal, but she went her own foolish way-was unable to get it done. A disaster!

"I don't know the Ambassador but have been told he is a pompous fool. Tell him the USA now has the best Economy & Military anywhere in the World, by far...and they are both only getting bigger, better and stronger...Thank you, Mr. President!"'

Making America Grate Again.
What I really wanna know - is when Trump beats the pants off whoever the Dem is that’s left standing in 2020 - are we going to have to listen to all you liberals whining for another 4 freaking years?????? You guys don’t really believe socialism is going to fly in this country now - do you????
What I really wanna know - is when Trump beats the pants off whoever the Dem is that’s left standing in 2020 - are we going to have to listen to all you liberals whining for another 4 freaking years?????? You guys don’t really believe socialism is going to fly in this country now - do you????

well first off I really doubt trump can beat any of them...on his own...and if it should happen long are you fools going to keep covering for a thief...with no rewards for yourself!
socialism stands a better chance than communism...which is where we are headed now with Donald Stalin


The WHINE of the left - all big bad ole RUSSIA - except Mueller said pretty much - NAH!!!!!

What bunch of pathetic whining sore LOSERS!!!!!!


The WHINE of the left - all big bad ole RUSSIA - except Mueller said pretty much - NAH!!!!!

What bunch of pathetic whining sore LOSERS!!!!!!
You are hilarious! You clearly don't have a clue what was in the Mueller report. And cons calling the left whiners is the funniest of all. Oh the irony.