Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

5 things to know about the US economy during Trump’s State of the Union

The US economy is growing steadily under Trump, just like it did in the last two years of Obama’s presidency. That may change in 2019.

During the State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump tried to persuade Americans that the US economy is booming — and that it’s all thanks to him.

“In just over two years since the election, we have launched an unprecedented economic boom, a boom that has rarely been seen before. There has been nothing like it,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech. “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States.”

By the end of his speech, he’ll likely point to the low unemployment rate and robust job growth as evidence of his business skills. He’ll probably remind Americans that the US stock market had a great month in January — even though 2018 was the worst year for stocks in a decade. (He’ll also definitely leave out the fact that manufacturing jobs are far from “roaring back to life” as a result of his new trade deals.)

During the State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump tried to persuade Americans that the US economy is booming — and that it’s all thanks to him.

“In just over two years since the election, we have launched an unprecedented economic boom, a boom that has rarely been seen before. There has been nothing like it,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech. “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States.”

By the end of his speech, he’ll likely point to the low unemployment rate and robust job growth as evidence of his business skills. He’ll probably remind Americans that the US stock market had a great month in January — even though 2018 was the worst year for stocks in a decade. (He’ll also definitely leave out the fact that manufacturing jobs are far from “roaring back to life” as a result of his new trade deals.)

Businesses have mostly welcomed the president’s hands-off approach to government regulation, but not all of them are benefiting from his agenda. The US steel industry is making handsome profits from steep tariffs his administration placed on imported steel and aluminum last year. So are aluminum factories. Yet Trump’s obsession with taxing foreign goods has inadvertently hurt farmers and US automakers that export their products overseas.

Even the GOP’s signature economic policy achievement, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, did little to boost wages and business investment.

However, the economy isn’t contracting, so things could be a lot worse. And it’s possible they might get that way. Wall Street banks are already preparing for the US economy to slow down in 2019. The International Monetary Fund also expects the global economy to cool down this year, partly because of the trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies: the United States and China.

So, sure, Trump can take credit for overseeing steady economic growth during his first two years in the White House. But the story is more complicated than that. And warning signs are flashing.

Here are five things to know about the state of the US economy.

He will never go to jail he will win again in 2020 Go Trump

you do know you are 0fer in any arguments you have had

and as for silly assed statements like the one above....they just keep piling up

more facts...…

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Digging a little deeper into the CNN/ORC research accounts for some of this by pointing out that Trump’s support seems divided between the less-educated and the wealthy, with 40 percent support from voters who earn less than $50,000 and 33 percent from voters who earn more.

pretty sure this is not you...….

There are two types of Trump voters and they have very different educations. The first is the rich and super-wealthy Trump voters. These are people who have become conservative for their own self-interests. Generally, Democrats and liberals seek to tax them more to fund social programs that help the poor. They are against this vehemently so they vote Republican since the Republican party is basically the representative for rich and wealthy. These people have a really high education because money can buy education. Think people like George W Bush, Donald Trump, Dan Quayle. They aren't the smartest people in school, but because their family is rich, they are afforded a higher and better education than many Americans can afford.

so this has to be...…..

That brings us to the other side of Trump voters. These are the rural, really poor, countryside regions of America.

Trump was able to energize and mobilize these people as his base. It is perhaps the only evidence that Trump is actually a genius at something. While past candidates have failed to connect with this part of America, Trump succeeded. Even if Trump had to enlist Putin to help him connect, he still found a way to connect with them and that's something others have failed to do.

But these people don't always go to the highest education. Some of them didn't even go to college and are termed by the media as uneducated. I wouldn't say they are uneducated, but their education is limited to high school.

There are many reasons why they don't go to college - College is seen as a necessary thing to gain qualifications for a career, but if you already have a job lined up, (like taking over a family business or farm or ranch) then college becomes a luxury that these hardworking people can't afford. Now why do these people vote Republican is something I cannot figure out completely. Honestly, both parties have failed this group of people historically.

The Democrats' policies help this group with social programs but also hurt them with the stances for gun control, and government regulations that make it harder for their businesses to operate and survive. But it's not like the Republicans have really done anything for them. Republicans who side more with big corporations by relaxing government regulations which help big corporations have a larger profit margin. But, that larger profit is usually eaten up by the people at the top and the workers at the bottom only get a little more job security as a result. They don't really get an increased salary from the extra profits the corporations get.

just sayin!
I work hard and it pays off I like that idea i take care of me and mine. I don't want the governments assistance . Every one should pull there own weight. If you work somewhere and don't feel like they treat you well get a different job then put in your notice. GO Trump
I work hard and it pays off I like that idea i take care of me and mine. I don't want the governments assistance . Every one should pull there own weight. If you work somewhere and don't feel like they treat you well get a different job then put in your notice. GO Trump

won't disagree with most of that......the last comment is not factual...just a dream
I support the 2nd amendment at think gun safety should be part of gym class GO TRUMP

have no problem with the second amendment...have over 30 guns myself....although do agree with the judges in the 5 states that have banned the assault weapons......nothing in the second amendment that says you need a assault weapon to protect yourself!
Where do you turn into a democrat

right after I got out of the Army and went to work in a Union shop...then got heavy into politics....the union paid me to do all kinds of political even heavier into out of union and into sales...but still into politics...just not as heavy.....although read/listen to a lot everyday

you seem educated and yet know so little about what is going on around you...where did you lose your way?
I work non union been a republican since I got my drivers license.

that right there just shows a lack of education...….with a little education you could learn and become a good democrat!

BTW when I first got my DL I was a a heavy republican family!
they didn't even like it when I went to work in a union shop!
Have a bachelors in business management on gi bill

and I have a hand full of meat I could piss all over your bachelors with
you should have spent more time learning a complete education

just jerking your chain...….

got out of military......and got a decent job offer.....wife was of story!
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Let him go . I can't stand whining so i cant be a democrat. You shouldn't have let the union poison your mind should have listened to your family they cared a about you

you see that's where you got it wrong....Dems don't's the right that whines they are over you know under Ike...big biz paid over 90% in taxes!...they got a break if they re-invested it back in the company or country

unions didn't poison anything...they just showed me the greed at the top and how little they care for the worker