Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Like i keep telling you every business owner i know would take this admin over the past 4
I can't get it through to the democrats that if our country elects a Socialistic Democratic President, These big corporations that they are counting on to finance all these foolish plans, will not submit to the tax burden they ignorantly think they can institute. The burden would fall on the small business owners and middle income Americans until the tax money dries up when companies fail.
History has ALWAYS shown that socialism is doomed to failure - strange Democrats don’t seem to see that - at least America for the most part does.
Mostly the Americans that have used Capitalism to get ahead see it , the downcast such as many of the inner city blacks and poor whites along with others are all being led by the Democrats to get more free stuff. Not realizing that this free stuff will keep them dependent on the Democratic Party, like always.
I can't get it through to the democrats that if our country elects a Socialistic Democratic President, These big corporations that they are counting on to finance all these foolish plans, will not submit to the tax burden they ignorantly think they can institute. The burden would fall on the small business owners and middle income Americans until the tax money dries up when companies fail.

I posted this once.....but you are not interested in anything but talking *******....most are just getting a free ride here while the American people are footing the bill....just so you click on the blue bold print and it will take you to the article....have some one read and explain to you what it says

our corp tax rate WAS 35%...highest of the trump and company have now lowered it again...because of that tax rate.....but what they fail to mention in their complaint about the with all the loop holes they actual pay far less than any major country

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates - Americans For Tax Fairness
General Electric, one of the most notorious corporate tax dodgers, got $3.1 billion in refunds on $27.5 billion in profits from 2008 to 2012. The company paid less in federal income taxes in five years than a single American family pays in one year. Lower tax rates do not boost growth and jobs

The 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth – ITEP
On paper at least, federal tax law requires corporations to pay 35 percent of their profits in federal income taxes. In fact, while some of the 258 corporations in this study did pay close to the 35 percent official tax rate, the vast majority paid considerably less. And some paid nothing at all.

How Large Corporations Get Around Paying Taxes - Investopedia
How Large Corporations Get Around Paying Taxes . FACEBOOK TWITTER ... and many U.S. corporations pay far less than this stated rate. ... Other corporate tax breaks exist by industry. Certain ...
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Mostly the Americans that have used Capitalism to get ahead see it , the downcast such as many of the inner city blacks and poor whites along with others are all being led by the Democrats to get more free stuff. Not realizing that this free stuff will keep them dependent on the Democratic Party, like always.

and again I have posted that...….get one of the neighbor ******* to read this to you and explain it to you

ignorance is being told and shown and still refusing to understand

Welfare Statistics: Government Spends More on Corporate ...
Farm Subsidies. In the corporate welfare system, the more money and assets you have, the more government assistance you get. Conversely, social welfare programs are set up so that the more money and assets you have, the less government assistance you get. The result is that the absolute largest 7% of corporate farming operations receive 45%...

Corporate Welfare is Almost Double Social Welfare
Nov 23, 2013 · Make no mistake, there is much abuse of social welfare programs. But the form of welfare the receives much less discussion… corporate welfare. According to a new report, the federal government spent $59 Billion on social welfare programs in 2006.
Democrats want people to need them so they want to only give you enough to survive and be dependent on them. They don't want people to achieve self sufficiency

take a look at your statement and stop and think about how stupid you sound and just proves me right!...dems are not the ones that don't give you anything and try to get you dependant on them....that is biz...….gives you just enough to live on.....while they reap the rewards!
Maybe you don't see it cause you live in a red state i see it every day ma second only to California.

now you sound almost as stupid as blkdlaur…… YOUR statement!

the Dems don't have any say about who gets's the employer for one....and yes that is all you guys give just enough to get by on so they will be beholding to you
History has ALWAYS shown that socialism is doomed to failure - strange Democrats don’t seem to see that - at least America for the most part does.

are you guys having a contest to see who can make the dumbest statement....go ahead and keep talking right now it is a tie....but if you were to talk some more i'm sure you could take the lead
now you sound almost as stupid as blkdlaur…… YOUR statement!

the Dems don't have any say about who gets's the employer for one....and yes that is all you guys give just enough to get by on so they will be beholding to you
if you add up all benifits in ma a single mom needs more then 50 grand a yr to make sense to go to work
if you add up all benifits in ma a single mom needs more then 50 grand a yr to make sense to go to work

well that should tell you something....but doesn't
maybe if she were to be paid a little more...….maybe if these small biz that rip people off for baby care weren't trying to make their first million in one year.....maybe if health care wasn't so high...…...she would probably rather go to work and have a few nice things

but the right likes to keep wages down....making it impossible to make a living and so they need aid from the state and fed reason for these small biz baby care places to be taking care of 25 and 30 ******* and charging over 100bucks per do the math.....I won't even go into the mess the right has done with health care
well that should tell you something....but doesn't
maybe if she were to be paid a little more...….maybe if these small biz that rip people off for baby care weren't trying to make their first million in one year.....maybe if health care wasn't so high...…...she would probably rather go to work and have a few nice things

but the right likes to keep wages down....making it impossible to make a living and so they need aid from the state and fed reason for these small biz baby care places to be taking care of 25 and 30 ******* and charging over 100bucks per do the math.....I won't even go into the mess the right has done with health care
but those people deserve more money don't they when did you make $53,000 a yr