Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trumptards, I mean fellow forum members, please dim the lights, stare directly at the center of the orb and repeat 100 times, "Trump is an Asshole, Trump is an Asshole" .... remember do this 100 times ... oh wait a minute, some of you can't count that high ... ok, hummmm ... just 50 times.

Trumptards, I mean fellow forum members, please dim the lights, stare directly at the center of the orb and repeat 100 times, "Trump is an Asshole, Trump is an Asshole" .... remember do this 100 times ... oh wait a minute, some of you can't count that high ... ok, hummmm ... just 50 times.

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Righties are eminently less susceptible to brainwashing than lefties as illustrated by posts on this site.
Why are we even talking politics on this site? That's not what we're here for.....take it somewhere else please
I’m going to posit something here and see what people think.

Sean Spicer is on “Dancing with the Stars”.
I have seen clips of his performance and he absolutely can’t dance to save his life - he really SUX. Now it’s pretty obvious that that show is NOT a talent show - like you would think - but is rather a popularity contest.
I understand Spicer has survived 4 rounds now and after seeing several clips of his performances the only thing that makes ANY sense to me is that ALL the pissed off Trump supporters and regular fair minded Americans keep voting for him as a kinda fuck you to the Dems - what I think anyways. Viva Spicer ;}
I’m going to posit something here and see what people think.

Sean Spicer is on “Dancing with the Stars”.
I have seen clips of his performance and he absolutely can’t dance to save his life - he really SUX. Now it’s pretty obvious that that show is NOT a talent show - like you would think - but is rather a popularity contest.
I understand Spicer has survived 4 rounds now and after seeing several clips of his performances the only thing that makes ANY sense to me is that ALL the pissed off Trump supporters and regular fair minded Americans keep voting for him as a kinda fuck you to the Dems - what I think anyways. Viva Spicer ;}

especially since so many thought he shouldn't have been on there because of politics period trump or not....lot of hell raised....and yes I think the trumpies are supporting him
I can’t see any other way he could’ve survived so long - he REALLY can’t dance worth a *******.
It’s interesting that he is being thus supported - I think it says something more profound that’s going on in the country - I’m glad.
I can’t see any other way he could’ve survived so long - he REALLY can’t dance worth a *******.
It’s interesting that he is being thus supported - I think it says something more profound that’s going on in the country - I’m glad.

wrong again...…….it shouldn't have anything to do with politics....just talent.....rarely watch it...but surprised he lasted...I saw his first one just out of curiosity….
Mmmmmm...I see where there is another "whistleblower" coming out to back up the papers from the first one.....and some problems in the IRS....some one who is a trump appointee has "doctored" some of trumps tax returns before NY gets chief of IRS says will investigate......I'm sure trump will get that stopped
Mmmmmm...I see where there is another "whistleblower" coming out to back up the papers from the first one.....and some problems in the IRS....some one who is a trump appointee has "doctored" some of trumps tax returns before NY gets chief of IRS says will investigate......I'm sure trump will get that stopped
cause the first one they made up didn't work