Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

@Pussycontrol President Donald Trump ?? is not a racist.

I know you are well aware of a whole thread just on this very topic...…….just because in your blind devotion you can't see what the majority of americans see....that's your stupidity!
just to refresh your memory since you have shown it to be lacking

Poll: A majority of Americans think President Trump is a ...

Jul 31, 2019 · According to a Quinnipiac University poll, more than 50% of Americans think that President Trump is a racist. This percentage is higher than the 41% of Americans that said former Alabama Governor ...
@Pussycontrol President Donald Trump ?? is not a racist. If that is the case I guess Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as seen below are guilty of endorsing a racist. Moreover just because Joe Biden openly shakes hands with a known member of the KKK, Robert Byrd as seen below, I guess that does not associate himself with racism either?

Furthermore I guess the Black CEO of BET (Black Entertainment Television), Robert L. Johnson as seen below, is guilty of endorsing a racist for being friends with Donald Trump? Or a Reverend Darrell Scott, also seen below is guilty of not only being friends with Donald Trump ?? for years before he ran for the office of POTUS but also endorsed him personally during the RNC Convention in 2016? And David Harris Jr check out ( ).

So I guess even five notable Black men can also be guilty of racism (and there are several others too as this post limits how many I can place on a page)?

Just in case you are unaware of who Robert Byrd is, the man that Joe Biden openly shaked hands with as seen below, this is straight from his wikipedia page so you can verify it @Pussycontrol :

"Ku Klux Klan
In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[10][11]

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, 'You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.' Byrd later recalled, 'Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did.'[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

'I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.'

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]"
from (



For some others in the Black community who support this perspective that Donald Trump ?? is not a racist check this out as well @Pussycontrol and maybe you might at least begin to question your beliefs:


and even then some of your post has changed since they have seen the racist MF in action
Don't you just love it when the Democrats are so frustrated they take it out on each other?

From ( )

Anti-Trump Michael Moore Swipes Joe Biden, Calls Him ‘This Year’s Hillary’
DHJ Staff
October 3, 2019

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Director Michael Moore is vehemently anti-Trump, but it appears his disdain for the president is also falling on Democratic presidential candidates who do not stand a chance to beat him.

This, according to Moore, includes Democrat frontrunner, Joe Biden.

The Daily Wire reports Moore, during a segment of “The Beat with Ari Melber” on MSNBC, called Joe Biden, “this year’s Hillary.”

“Joe Biden is not going to excite the base to get out there and vote on November 3, 2020,” Moore added.
According to the Hollywood director, Biden lacks enthusiasm for the spotlight, especially in light of the recently unearthed Ukraine controversy.
“The things that he said publicly are very strong,” Moore said per the Daily Wire. “But it looks like he’s not really wanting to deal with it. He’s afraid to be out there.”
Moore dispelled any wrongdoing by Biden.

“There’s some piece of this that he doesn’t want to deal with in terms of his ******* and the gas company and all that. And it’s OK,” Moore continued. “It’s been proven that nobody did anything wrong. If he’s embarrassed that the kid of a politician got some help, well, I don’t think anybody [is] sitting there at home right now with their TV dinner going, ‘What? Joe Biden’s ******* got a good job out of this?’”
Moore said the former vice president should “put the gloves on” and go after Trump.

“[Biden] said the right thing, but he’s got to come out fighting,” he said. “You don’t want a [Michael] Dukakis moment here when they attack your family and you’re trying to be all kumbaya about this. You’ve got to put the gloves on and you’ve got to go after him. And Biden should be out there every single day on this. Don’t be afraid. It’s OK, your ******* got a good job.”
And, per the Daily Wire:

more of your total bullshit and trying to pawn it off as have no creditability with all the lies and distorted facts you post

first what the original article refers to is how trump and the Russians smeared Hillary and now attempting the same on Biden.....

second the man you post as so factual is a conservative talk show host...….right up there with Limbaugh and Riley and a few other crazies.....anyone that listens to or believe anything they say is just as crazy

but you have more than proven you are up to that 'crazy" task time and again
President Donald John Trump is not a racist, period. I have been watching and listening to him for going on three years, he never said or did anything racist. He told members of the squad that if they didn't like America they could leave, nothing racist there. They are poison to our country and if they don't like USA to darn bad normal people don't want your ideas anyway.
President Donald John Trump is not a racist, period. I have been watching and listening to him for going on three years, he never said or did anything racist. He told members of the squad that if they didn't like America they could leave, nothing racist there. They are poison to our country and if they don't like USA to darn bad normal people don't want your ideas anyway.

you need to stick to the "go trumps".....anything else you post lacks a link......and is just no more than a ******* induced delusion.....
your "proof" is far from it.....just someone's opinion....something everyone has.....but you try to take someones opinion and post it as fact
Well seeing that everyone in America is so opinionated about President Donald Trump ?? allow the election in 2020 with him against Biden and Bernie and whoever else and let America decide who should be president? If America collectively decides Donald Trump ?? should not be POTUS after 2020 put in his replacement. However if he should be re-elected all this garbage against Trump should be flushed down the toilet! No calculus or rocket science needed!
From ( )

Perilous times for Trump: By 45%-38%, Americans support impeaching him over Ukraine allegations, poll finds
Susan Page, USA TODAYPublished 5:00 a.m. ET Oct. 3, 2019 | Updated 10:45 a.m. ET Oct. 3, 2019

Impeaching a U.S. president might not be the be-all-end-all for their career. We explain why this is the case. Just the FAQs, USA TODAY

  • A plurality of Americans now support impeaching Trump and removing him from office.
  • The partisan divide is huge: 74% of Democrats but just 17% of Republicans back impeachment.
  • By 2-1, those surveyed say there are valid reasons to investigate Joe Biden and his ******* for their behavior in Ukraine.
Americans by a 45%-38% plurality now support a vote by the House of Representatives to impeach President Donald Trump, a USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll finds, as allegations continue to swirl around an embattled White House.
By a similar margin, 44%-35%, those surveyed say the Senate, which would then be charged with holding a trial of the president, should convict Trump and remove him from office.
The survey of 1,006 adults, taken Tuesday and Wednesday, underscores the perilous situation the president finds himself in as House committees subpoena documents and prepare to hear testimony into accusations that he pressured the leader of Ukraine to investigate a political rival, then tried to hide the account of their phone conversation.
Trump, who has released a rough transcript of his July 25 call with the president of Ukraine, says the conversation was "perfect" and that there was no wrongdoing. On Tuesday, he lashed out during a White House news conference, referring to the inquiry as a "hoax."
President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019.

President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019. (Photo: Carolyn Kaster, AP)

Trump's Ukraine call: How are records kept for presidential talks with world leaders?
Americans have long been wary of impeachment. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll taken in June – months before the formal impeachment inquiry was launched last week – found opponents outweighing supporters by nearly 2 to 1, 61%-32%.
But several national surveys have shown attitudes significantly shifting in the past 10 days, since the latest allegations emerged about Ukraine and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry.
When ******* worry about natural disasters, a conversation can help

“Our latest USA TODAY/Ipsos poll shows that public support for impeachment continues to build with a plurality – 45% – saying the U.S. House should vote to impeach,” said Cliff Young, president of Ipsos Public Affairs. “Most importantly, an overwhelming majority of Americans say that a president is subject to laws like any citizen. Public opinion might be tolerant, but there are limits.”
and now a second whistleblower complaint....this one from the IRS.....someone is changing trumps tax returns!

probably preparing them to go to NY in that lawsuit

New York will get Trump’s tax returns | CSNY
And New York state is much more likely than congressional Democrats to beat Trump in court. The most important provisions of the bill would allow the state Department of Taxation and Finance to release tax returns for a wide array of state and federal public officials (including the president) to three congressional committees, as long as the request is for a “specified and legitimate legislative purpose.”