Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I know all these trumptards really wanted him on Rushmore...…...but instead if lucky will be buried there

for shame for shame....just the embarrassment of being only one of 4
he may or may not have had certain victory in 2020....but apparently he didn't think so.....and just like last time used Russia to get in ...this time wanting Russia and "others" to tip the scales.....not a lot of confidence in himself

just like his dumping money into the economy to cover all these credit card expenses that people are using to live on....he can only hide ******* for so long....

I think this will improve his chances of re-election....maybe.....depends on all the ******* that gets released about him while in office......and even then ….the big factor and the one he is so worried about....the economy!
Mention all the the wasted tax payer time snd MONEY for nothing and the fact they have been completely consumed and accomplished nothing on meantime

Kind of like the 5 years they spent investigation Clinton....and came up with a blow job
or the 3 years they spent investigating Benghazi and the 12 different investigations into....and found nothing

the right has set the standard for investigations and the left has no where near got close to that mark

put that right up there with the deficit......always an issue when a dem is trying to correct the mess the right did......but yet when the right is in....the deficit means nothing

or the budget....long drawn out hearings when Obama was asking.....yet trump gets without a blink even

funny when the right is investigating....time and money of no concern….yet when the shoe is on the other foot....
if nothing else....trump DID just release the money to Ukraine....little late as it shows what he was actually mailing a country to help rig an election

If Biden was so guilty why wasn't the FBI investigating it when trump first came into office...….instead of when it looks like Biden might be the nominee?

Cause the FBI was in the bag for Hillary ya think they’re gonna investigate Biden - hell the top 2 FBI - the Director and Deputy Director were fired because of the ******* they pulled.
he may or may not have had certain victory in 2020....but apparently he didn't think so.....and just like last time used Russia to get in ...this time wanting Russia and "others" to tip the scales.....not a lot of confidence in himself

just like his dumping money into the economy to cover all these credit card expenses that people are using to live on....he can only hide ******* for so long....

I think this will improve his chances of re-election....maybe.....depends on all the ******* that gets released about him while in office......and even then ….the big factor and the one he is so worried about....the economy!

Interesting perspective RT has with Pelosi's maneuvre? Once Donald Trump passes Pelosi's test there might be so much pathos behind President Donald Trump ?? that the results of his election victory in 2020 will exceed that of my poll's results as seen from ( ).


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Pelosi announces IMPEACHMENT inquiry over Ukraine call, Trump says it will help him win elections
Published time: 24 Sep, 2019 21:10Edited time: 25 Sep, 2019 13:55
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Pelosi announces IMPEACHMENT inquiry over Ukraine call, Trump says it will help him win elections

Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi © Reuters / Carlo Allegri and Kevin Lamarque
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President Donald Trump has called a looming impeachment inquiry against him a “positive,” saying it will help him “win the election.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the investigation shortly afterwards.
Speaking to reporters at the UN General Assembly in New York, Trump said that impeachment would be “a positive for me,” adding “we will win the election.”
Democrats in Congress have threatened to impeach Trump countless times already – sometimes for non-offenses like “being such good friends with Putin,” or making up mean nicknames. However, this latest effort has garnered more momentum than previous attempts.
Democrats accuse Trump of pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate 2020 candidate Joe Biden’s ******* Hunter and his business dealings in the country, in a July phone call. Trump has promised to release a transcript of the call clearing him of wrongdoing, but Democrats have demanded the full content of the whistleblower complaint that drew attention to the call in the first place.

Donald J. Trump


· 20h

I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine....

Donald J. Trump


....You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his *******, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!


2:12 PM - Sep 24, 2019
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made the call on Tuesday evening, giving her blessing to the 176 House Democrats already favoring impeachment. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said that he will back Pelosi’s decision, though the inquiry still requires a vote in the House before it is authorized.
"Today, I'm announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry," Pelosi said in a televised statement.
The speaker accused Trump of “asking the president of Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically,” and said the administration broke the law by withholding a whistleblower complaint pertaining to the phone call from Congress.
"The president must be held accountable; no one is above the law," Pelosi continued.
Until now, Pelosi has resisted the clamor for impeachment from within her own party, calling the rigamarole “divisive” and insisting that it would only energize Trump’s base.
ALSO ON RT.COMTrump authorizes release of ‘complete’ transcript of call with Ukraine’s Zelensky, Dems still not happy
Within seconds of Pelosi's announcement, Trump launched into a Twitter tirade, lambasting the move as “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT.”

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The president also followed that up with a campaign ad accusing Democrats of having “one sole focus,” referring to impeachment.

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Democrats did not even wait for the transcript of his contentious call to be released, Trump said, suggesting that they timed the announcement to “ruin” an “important day at the United Nations” that brought “much success.”
Despite Pelosi’s apparent change of heart, impeachment is not popular with voters. Even at the height of Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ investigation, support for investigating and ousting Trump rarely cracked 40 percent in the polls. Amid Trump’s public ‘racism’ feud with the quartet of progressive lawmakers known as ‘the Squad’ this summer, support for impeachment still barely passed 30 percent.
If the alleged evidence against Trump is sufficient to see him deposed, then Pelosi’s gambit will pay off. If not, her party will face an angry electorate – Republican and Democrat – next year.
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Cause the FBI was in the bag for Hillary ya think they’re gonna investigate Biden - hell the top 2 FBI - the Director and Deputy Director were fired because of the ******* they pulled.
want some cheese with that wine?
trump has been in office almost 3 years...….and just now....that Biden is leading in the polls......wants him have made a lot of stupid remarks in the past....but surely even you can see something fishy!
Latest Rasmussen presidential tracking pole has President Trump’s approval rating at 51%
- with all the crap the media and Dems are throwing at him - 51% - keep dogging him ya dipshits - it’ll just keep going UP.

America is SICK of whining Dems !!!!!!
Latest Rasmussen presidential tracking pole has President Trump’s approval rating at 51%
- with all the crap the media and Dems are throwing at him - 51% - keep dogging him ya dipshits - it’ll just keep going UP.

America is SICK of whining Dems !!!!!!

wrong it will sink now.....even graham doing a little back peddling on this....and he has always stuck by the pres on everything

saw Romney doing an interview for the Atlantic....saying we have an issue here...wouldn't go so far as impeachment but laws broken….couple other hard cores now softening their stance.....I think he will end up like Clinton...impeached in the house and not the senate

but public going to get an earful....of course means nothing to the trumptards….they will continue to cry about being picked on......Ithink once all of his ******* comes out and there is a lot.....going to be a few right wingers have trouble backing the man

I'm sure you probably missed the interview where Graham had admitted that Biden had done NOTHING wrong and "someone" putting a strange twist on things...…..the only question is why was his ******* getting paid from Ukraine....and don't know that there was anything illegal there....Graham said he worked with Joe and knows him well and has seen all there is to see....knows his *******...but doesn't know about his trump losing alittle support picking on Biden.....people from both parties know and like Biden.....but starting to look like Warren and all her giveaway programs might make it
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