Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Undoubtedly @subhub174014 is dancing in the streets of Oklahoma after Pelosi's announcement ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

We will have to stay tuned to see what happens here?



Breaking: President Trump unleashes twitter response to impeachment announcement — and a video bashing Democrats
"...breaking news Witch Hunt garbage"



President Donald Trump excoriated Democrats in a series of tweets Tuesday in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-N.Y.) announcing a formal impeachment inquiry.
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"Such an important day at the United Nations, so much work and so much success, and the Democrats purposely had to ruin and demean it with more breaking news Witch Hunt garbage," the president tweeted.

"So bad for our Country!" he added.
The president named Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) among those who were supporting impeachment against him.
"Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and, of course, Maxine Waters! Can you believe this?" he added incredulously in a second tweet.

"They never even saw the transcript of the call. A total Witch Hunt!" the president continued. "PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!"

Pelosi had been resisting calls from the left wing of the Democratic party to press for impeachment, but she relented after a damaging report citing an anonymous whistleblower in the administration.
The president also shared a video condemning Democrats for being obsessed with impeachment, and claiming that impeachment proceedings have already helped increase his popularity.

Pelosi cited the report that the president had asked the Ukrainian president to help investigate claims that Joe Biden had improperly used his office under the Obama administration to help his *******. Trump has denied the claims and said he would release a transcript of the call to defuse the accusations.
"I am announcing the House of Representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry," said Pelosi during the media briefing. "The president must be held accountable. No one is above the law."
Pelosi later told reporters that it was, "really a sad day for our government, actually."
Here's the video of Pelosi's announcement:

from ( )

wrong.....I think it's funny.....and will wake up the crook n thief....and do something he really hates more than impeachment.....that's embarrassment…..but I'm not really for impeachment....would rather he lose re-election
You people are being played by the master - gonna look stupid when all the facts come out.

he has done a pretty good job of blocking all the facts so far on everything.....on this one...people heard and know....whistleblower wants to come in front of congress......wanna bet that Bolton doesn't come forward with some facts?
if nothing else....trump DID just release the money to Ukraine....little late as it shows what he was actually mailing a country to help rig an election

If Biden was so guilty why wasn't the FBI investigating it when trump first came into office...….instead of when it looks like Biden might be the nominee? convenient…...for security reasons only a "edited" version of the phone call will be released

I'd still like to see Giuliani charged...….would change quite a few things around there
Trump will be vindicated and we can finally move forward as a nation
It will never end. So many people have TDS is ridiculous. It’s like a repeat of the Salem witch hunts.

Trump needs to go on national TV and lay it on the line. Transcripts and all. Mention the Biden corruption. Anonymous sources that turn out to be nobodies. Deep state intelligence community misconduct. Everything. Start framing the debate as being a coup de etat and the Democrats are acting like traitors. Heck, I’d even mention there’s a reason they want to take your firearms away.
State of NY is salivating at the chance to hang both him and his ******* for a host of charges that are already PROVEN.
If NY state is salivating at this and the charges are "proven" as you say, then why aren't Trump's ******* in prison already....or even under indictment? Trump's ******* have no protection against indictment as does a sitting president. If this were so certain as you wish to believe, a prosecutor would have already brought the ******* up on charges....which would likely trigger a need for President Trump to give testimony under oath pre-trial and potentially at trial. This would be a great strategy to create a perjury trap for Trump. Remember Ole Bubba Clinton was ****** to give testimony under oath while a siting president, which is where he committed perjury for which he was impeached and ultimately lost his law license. If NY prosecutors are truly salivating to get President Trump, they certainly have a strange way of showing it.....but one probably wouldn't grasp that if their legal education came from watching Rachel Maddow.