Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Exactly... it was irrelevant to that little Psych cunt that tried to stab someone and got her justifiable deserts.... the world is a better place today because shes not breathing... only racists point out the color of her skin.
You 5 don't think the cop should have ended the threat to the life of the innocent person ? You think he should have let her potentially ******* that person ??? What's not to like about a cop preserving a life ?
It's not John Goodman, it's a character he played from the movie The Gambler, named Frank.
Your reason for your fear is that you cannot decipher reality from fake.
John Wayne?- real American hero, Capitol Police Officer that led insurrectionist away from the lawmakers ?- not even a real cop.

You can't afford to say 'fuck you'. You would loose friends and business if your posts here were exposed.
You've already given up enough information about yourself that some asshole (not this asshole, but another), could very easily find out your business, your former businesses, hunting license number, and say begin publishing your ******* from here, there. Or sending it to people dying to expose assholes like you. All your little 'cute' Floyd comments, your racist rants etc. What are you going to do, say 'fuck you'? Maybe shoot someone from a group confronting you? Great- you can be cellmates with Chauvin, your hero- next to Trump.
So what I am trying to say, is not 'Watch your fucking self Sonny', that's too much like a threat, against the rules of the forum and not my style 😇. I'm just saying, you are not in a position of 'fuck you' as you claim. Seriously, you get your fucking water from a well. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
It's quite flattering how much of your brain you've donated to someone you speak about with such disdain.
I am not "wealthy." I am set set for the rest of my life but far from wealthy. I am a very generous person probably to a fault. I give my trash collectors $100 each at Christmas and my mailman $50. I'll randomly hand busboys/hostesses $20 just because. I am all about helping others especially those in need. I have often said if I was a Bezo or Gates I would find the utmost satisfaction in helping people who are unable to provide for themselves. Not the able bodied "lazy fucks" who think it's the government's responsibility to provide for them. Which ironically is liberal ideology.

I know you are so used to being lied to all your life by the libtards so I understand. They have been lying to you guys for decades!
I also know and talk to people in the industry. My girlfriend is a bartender/server and I am a very frequent guest at several restaurant/bars near my home. There are actually people who come here to work during season. They will work double shifts six to seven days a week and earn enough to take the rest of the year off. So yeah it's "lazy fucks" who would rather stay at home and collect unemployment rather than work. Again right where Uncle Joe wants you sheep! You could come here walk into any and I mean any restaurant and be hired. A woman came in to where my girl works to apply. She was hired on the spot started working right after the interview. Some restaurants are offering cash for referring an applicant. One place offers $300 if the referred employee remains employed for three months.
I apologize first to myself, then to my brothers and sisters (not a color reference) for my part in keeping this going for months. We all know and recognize the racist taunts Latina and Stanley disrespect us with multiple times a day. No, I did NOT call anyone a racist; your wording STINKS with it.

This "mighty pwhitey" who isn't wealthy, but set for the rest of his life, is so gracious he'll give $100, $50 or $20 to "working folks in need" but detests "libtards" who want to raise the minimum wage...unilaterally defines folks who are taxpaying citizens (even those on govt assistance) as "lazy fucks" who don't take minimum wage jobs just to spend it all on the transportation to get to them plus the baby care it takes which won't touch online/in school education....they are significantly women even though you use code speech for that used to be "lazy shiftless nigras". They'll work double shifts six/seven days a my, Massa sho' is good to us.

That said, your constant reference to 'liars' after the Liar in Chief is old and without content...over and over with no substantial ideas or proposals is time wasting and unworthy of mental consideration. Keep on ranting and know another white pussy will get beat the fuck up every time you do. Shut the fuck up and clean it up when it's done....your gf will show you how AGAIN after cocktails, I mean cock tail.
View attachment 4092637 Hey phony bitch?

What the fuck are we going to do about this border thingy?

Yeah but didn't we tell them we want them to come here. Isn't that a little hypocritical?

View attachment 4092638Yes Uncle Joe.

Not to worry. Lets do the libtard thing and send taxpayers money to those pesky people and tell them to stay home. You should know that's how we dems do *******. Wink Wink. Throw money at an issue and BAM it's gone. HAHAHAHAHA!

Fuck no. They won't know the difference. Remember they believe everything we tell them!
Yawwwwnnnnn .... same tard, same ignorant conspiracy. :devilish:
I apologize first to myself, then to my brothers and sisters (not a color reference) for my part in keeping this going for months. We all know and recognize the racist taunts Latina and Stanley disrespect us with multiple times a day. No, I did NOT call anyone a racist; your wording STINKS with it.

This "mighty pwhitey" who isn't wealthy, but set for the rest of his life, is so gracious he'll give $100, $50 or $20 to "working folks in need" but detests "libtards" who want to raise the minimum wage...unilaterally defines folks who are taxpaying citizens (even those on govt assistance) as "lazy fucks" who don't take minimum wage jobs just to spend it all on the transportation to get to them plus the baby care it takes which won't touch online/in school education....they are significantly women even though you use code speech for that used to be "lazy shiftless nigras". They'll work double shifts six/seven days a my, Massa sho' is good to us.

That said, your constant reference to 'liars' after the Liar in Chief is old and without content...over and over with no substantial ideas or proposals is time wasting and unworthy of mental consideration. Keep on ranting and know another white pussy will get beat the fuck up every time you do. Shut the fuck up and clean it up when it's done....your gf will show you how AGAIN after cocktails, I mean cock tail.
You my friend are an idiot! You are a classic libtard. You interpret words to fit your narrative. Which "racist taunts" to you speak? It's all in your angry mind and CNN influence!

Did you not read where I said I wish everyone could live comfortably and why not raise the minimum wage to $40 and hour. I would be all over that until I thought about for less than a second and realize how idiotic that is. If you are employed at a job making $7.25 an hour as an adult or that's all you qualify for then you fucked something up along the way. It's not an employer or the governments responsibility to make up for your life decisions. A small business cannot afford increases to the minimum wage unless they raise prices, terminate employees, not hire new employees, or have to shut down. I would like to think even you can figure that out. I am still waiting to hear the hourly wage those on this forum pay their employees. I'm going to guess minimum wage or the commensurate rate.

It's not my being gracious for the reason I give money to "working folks in need" nor is it because feel sorry for them because I don't. I do it because I know it makes them happy and I enjoy that. I wouldn't say the $100 I give to my trash guys is because they are in need. They probably make $25-30/hr and probably more than you. I do it as a thank you for taking ******* that they probably didn't have to. I do it because they sweat their balls off during a Florida summer.
I don't give my mailman $50 because he is in need. Mailmen make decent money as well. I do it as a thank you for bringing packages around the back out of the rain.

My girlfriend is a single mom. The ******* of their ******* (she was 5) died of a ******* OD so my GF has had no support. She works two jobs and busts her ass doing it. But you know what I don't feel sorry for her either. She left a job which paid the same and maybe a little more than what she is making now because she didn't like being stuck in traffic for 45 min. I have searched for and found a couple of jobs that are M-F with benefits she would qualify but she comes up with a thousand excuses why it wouldn't work. On the other hand I told her she should just do what the other lazy fucks are doing and just sit at home and let the government take care of you. I did love her answer. "FUCK THAT!"

They'll work double shifts six/seven days a my, Massa sho' is good to us.

C'mon you cheated. You looked that quote up in the Dem's how we keep em down manual!

Biden is a lying MFer and Harris is a lying phony MFer plain and simple. It's funny that all you Trump haters are still do nothing but that...Hating and bashing a dude that isn't relevant as far as what's happening in the WH today. How about taking one day and post the great work of these two bafoons! I know it's going to be difficult but I have faith in you.
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You my friend are an idiot! You are a classic libtard. You interpret words to fit your narrative. Which "racist taunts" to you speak? It's all in your angry mind and CNN influence!
lol you sound mad

If you are employed at a job making $7.25 an hour as an adult or that's all you qualify for then you fucked something up along the way.
i could just as easily say if you make less than half a million a year as an adult you fucked up your life. but that would make me a huge asshole. see what I did there?

It's not an employer or the governments responsibility to make up for your life decisions. A small business cannot afford increases to the minimum wage unless they raise prices, terminate employees, not hire new employees, or have to shut down.
if a business is run in such a shitty manner that it can't afford to pay a living wage to employees, even with the copious tax breaks we give to small business in this country, maybe it's a garbage business and need to be replaced by one that can compete better?

I mean plenty of people defended slavery on economic terms; that the agrarian economy wouldn't work without the cheap labor that slavery provides. It's a shitty argument.

Biden is a lying MFer and Harris is a lying phony MFer plain and simple. It's funny that all you Trump haters are still do nothing but that
who is trump, not-a-latina?
lol you sound mad

i could just as easily say if you make less than half a million a year as an adult you fucked up your life. but that would make me a huge asshole. see what I did there?

if a business is run in such a shitty manner that it can't afford to pay a living wage to employees, even with the copious tax breaks we give to small business in this country, maybe it's a garbage business and need to be replaced by one that can compete better?

I mean plenty of people defended slavery on economic terms; that the agrarian economy wouldn't work without the cheap labor that slavery provides. It's a shitty argument.

who is trump, not-a-latina?
Yeah I see what you did there. You twisted it to fit a narrative. I admit it was a nice attempt.
Let me throw this at you since you seem to be the most reasonable. Say I get my way as a burger flipper at McDonalds and get paid $20/hr for doing such a demanding job. Well isn't that manager who is making maybe $22 an hour going to say wait a minute. This person is flipping burgers and here I am doing schedules, hiring, firing, deal with irate customers, working the floor because we can't find anyone to work. Hey Mr. McDonald I want a raise. You can apply that logic to any job.
lol you sound mad

i could just as easily say if you make less than half a million a year as an adult you fucked up your life. but that would make me a huge asshole. see what I did there?

if a business is run in such a shitty manner that it can't afford to pay a living wage to employees, even with the copious tax breaks we give to small business in this country, maybe it's a garbage business and need to be replaced by one that can compete better?

I mean plenty of people defended slavery on economic terms; that the agrarian economy wouldn't work without the cheap labor that slavery provides. It's a shitty argument.

who is trump, not-a-latina?
Oh and one other thing. Isn't a shitty wage kind of a built in incentive for people to get off their asses and do something to better themselves? I know it was for me.
Oh and one other thing. Isn't a shitty wage kind of a built in incentive for people to get off their asses and do something to better themselves? I know it was for me.
Ya, latina-tard got off his ass and moved up from brooms to mops ... good gurl! "duh, I hate my sister, all teachers, my smart ex-wife, and my girlfriend is a dumbass." Guess who is the common denominator? Dopey. :devilish:


  • Poor latina-gurl.jpg
    Poor latina-gurl.jpg
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It's funny that all you Trump haters are still do nothing but that...Hating and bashing a dude that isn't relevant as far as what's happening in the WH today.
Latina, that's absolutely NOT TRUE ... saying Trump's "a dude that isn't relevant" ... Trump is most certainly RELEVANT. Except he's working from the outside of the Republican party to aline his loyal followers. You know, those who will be willing to lie and cover for Trump and take the "fall" for him. Trump is relevant because he didn't do his JOB when he was President; played more golf than anything else he did. Didn't follow through with:
• a better health care plan - in fact, he & Republicans never attempted to design a health plan as he promised​
• tax cuts for the middle/lower income tax payers - went, instead to the rich & corporations​
• didn't balance the budget, eliminate the deficit, or even make an attempt to pay off the Nat'l Debt-instead, instantly increased the deficit​
• didn't lift a finger to eradicate or fight the covid virus, purposely lying to the American people about the seriousness of the disease which resulted in millions dying. The real "kick in the ass" to this, however, is HE & his WIFE sneaked out and got THEIR vaccinations, quietly.​
• didn't rid the middle east of nuclear weapons-instead, withdrew from the Nuclear Weapons agreement​
• didn't build the US/Mexican wall that Mexico was going to pay for-instead wanted US taxpayers to shoulder the bill​
• he left the US Economy in shambles and jobs plummeting.​
• instigated the "voter fraud" fallacy to promote voter suppression of minorities.... totally ILLEGAL.​
• instigated the attack on our Capitol and tried to replace our form of governing this nation-a treasonous act that deserved "death"​
So, ONCE AGAIN, a Democrat is elected President to clean up the MESS left by the previous Republican President. Don't you see a pattern?
If I'm exaggerating or stating false facts, here, why don't you point them out for me? What most people saw was a liar, cheat, con man, bully, extortionist, thief, and traitor who walked all over the entire legal system & constitution as if they were dirt. Again, if I'm being untruthful, show me where I am wrong.
So the purpose of liberals & Democrats picking on Trump is to remind those who voted for the loser the first two times as to what a scumbag he really is and WHY we can not allow him to regain the seat of the Presidency. We MUST bring Trump to justice, and SOON ... we must lock him away, he and all of his crooked family members who served under him. I pray some of his subordinates like Rudy will start squealing soon.

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Oh and one other thing. Isn't a shitty wage kind of a built in incentive for people to get off their asses and do something to better themselves? I know it was for me.

And heeeeere we have it folks . . . see how these jerks think??? Pay 'um ******* for as long as they will take it, then when they leave take advantage of the next one. Sarcasm my ass! This is who you are . . . this is exactly the kind of ilk we've been talking about. Thanks for revealing what we already knew!
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Let me throw this at you since you seem to be the most reasonable. Say I get my way as a burger flipper at McDonalds and get paid $20/hr for doing such a demanding job. Well isn't that manager who is making maybe $22 an hour going to say wait a minute. This person is flipping burgers and here I am doing schedules, hiring, firing, deal with irate customers, working the floor because we can't find anyone to work. Hey Mr. McDonald I want a raise. You can apply that logic to any job.
isn't that part of the regular negotiation between mcdonalds the employer and it's employees? if the managers want a raise they can negotiate one, or work for someone who pays better. it's called the free market. you should look it up

australia manages to have mcdonalds' just fine with their $18 minimum wage. their line cooks average $20 / hr and managers average $28 / hr. seems to work fine.

Oh and one other thing. Isn't a shitty wage kind of a built in incentive for people to get off their asses and do something to better themselves? I know it was for me.

how does that even remotely make sense? what are you even saying? you think that some jobs that society depends on should pay poorly just so you can look down on people doing them?

If a job provides no value and isn't worth doing, it shouldn't have any wage because it shouldn't exist. If it needs to exist, it should pay a living wage.

you have such a fucked-up and insecure worldview.
isn't that part of the regular negotiation between mcdonalds the employer and it's employees? if the managers want a raise they can negotiate one, or work for someone who pays better. it's called the free market. you should look it up

australia manages to have mcdonalds' just fine with their $18 minimum wage. their line cooks average $20 / hr and managers average $28 / hr. seems to work fine.

how does that even remotely make sense? what are you even saying? you think that some jobs that society depends on should pay poorly just so you can look down on people doing them?

If a job provides no value and isn't worth doing, it shouldn't have any wage because it shouldn't exist. If it needs to exist, it should pay a living wage.

you have such a fucked-up and insecure worldview.
I don't look down at anyone earning a living. I'm just saying those minimum wage jobs used to be filled with high school students making some money to party and buy a car. It's exactly what my sisters and I did. They all three worked at a fast food restaurant, two went on to college and one didn't. The sister that didn't go to college probably earns more than the other two who did.

A living wage is around $16/hr. Are you saying anyone who runs a business should pay their employees at least that much or not open?

australia manages to have mcdonalds' just fine with their $18 minimum wage. their line cooks average $20 / hr and managers average $28 / hr. seems to work fine.

The tax rates in Australia are among the highest in the world. Compared to the US, high earners will be paying far higher rates on much lower incomes. However, compared to the UK, Australia's tax rates are on par, or slightly lower.

So yeah of course their minimum wage is higher!
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I don't look down at anyone earning a living. I'm just saying those minimum wage jobs used to be filled with high school students making some money to party and buy a car. It's exactly what my sisters and I did. They all three worked at a fast food restaurant, two went on to college and one didn't. The sister that didn't go to college probably earns more than the other two who did.
ok, how many high-schoolers do you see working those jobs now? very few I imagine. the US economy has shifted to mostly service jobs that provide barely-subsistence living. Hence Wal-Mart handing out SNAP benefit forms to its new employees.

A living wage is around $16/hr. Are you saying anyone who runs a business should pay their employees at least that much or not open?

australia manages to have mcdonalds' just fine with their $18 minimum wage. their line cooks average $20 / hr and managers average $28 / hr. seems to work fine.

The tax rates in Australia are among the highest in the world. Compared to the US, high earners will be paying far higher rates on much lower incomes. However, compared to the UK, Australia's tax rates are on par, or slightly lower.
Funny, I just entered my income into an australian tax calculator, and it's actually lower than my US taxes (Federal + FICA + SALT). They both net out to between 40 and 45%.

Australian taxes aren't actually all that high. And i'm not sure what taxes even have to do with minimum wage; the government isn't subsidizing wages. Did you think about this at all before posting it?