Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It has been busy, with all the nonsense coming from Janet Yellen, and the house finance committee , It appears the vote for another 2.9 trillion is coming shortly. Oil is rising quickly today it is 67.53 a barrel an investment in Saudi and Middle East oil is beginning to become a cash cow for those smart enough to invest billions. As the Socialist closing down America's energy, is beginning to take hold in closing America . The cost of food is rising, and America is rapidly returning to its dependence on China, As the trade deficit widens back to where it was pre Trump.
We get about 7% of oil from Saudi Arabia (about the same as we get from Russia).
Our oil imports from the Persian Gulf and OPEC has declined every year since 1977.
You're just not a bright man. Even when trying to pass off other people's words as your own.
We get about 7% of oil from Saudi Arabia (about the same as we get from Russia).
Our oil imports from the Persian Gulf and OPEC has declined every year since 1977.
You're just not a bright man. Even when trying to pass off other people's words as your own.
it's worse than that

he reads propaganda written for morons and tries to pass it off as brilliant insightful analysis from his serious business connections
You have a wonderful day. Time to go meet my girl and enjoy another beautiful free Florida sunshine day. Go find some happiness somewhere today:) or if in your a Dem lockdown state close all the blinds put on some Mr. Rogers and chill. You'll be fine!
Chicago is open and even got live music back.
Enjoy your date. I hear she picked out a nice shade of lipstick for you.
Dog Fail GIF by Demic
chi-town is popular right now

gonna head over in the summer, and make a point to eat some of this weird pizza y'all have. maybe grab some sliced meat sandwiches dipped in au jus
That's not a casserole, it's a Chicago style Deep Dish baby! Come get some (little secret, we also invented the thin square cut butter crust and it's the preference of the locals. )
That would be an Italian Beef Sandwich with 'gravy'. Don't forget the hot giardiniera.
I'll be in Harlem and Brooklyn this July. Time to get my hipster on and walk past the Starbucks.
That's not a casserole, it's a Chicago style Deep Dish baby! Come get some (little secret, we also invented the thin square cut butter crust and it's the preference of the locals. )
That would be an Italian Beef Sandwich with 'gravy'. Don't forget the hot giardiniera.
I'll be in Harlem and Brooklyn this July. Time to get my hipster on and walk past the Starbucks.

I’m headed to New York for 5 days/nights end of May. Staying in Times Square. Plan to hit Sylvia’s for dinner one night in Harlem. Oh, and have a slice of some REAL pizza 🍕😀
Identity politics is the biggest problem in US politics. It only creates division. The irony is the current administration says they are about "unity" but with the identity politics rhetoric that is spewed, it only fuels the fire for further division.
Explain, "new guy"?! All I saw today and yesterday was Mitch McConnell come on TV several times to say ...

Mitch McConnell says ‘100% of my focus’ is standing up to the Biden administration - MarketWatch Read it and call the Wall Street Journal a liar!

The Republicans polarized the politics back when Obama was elected, don't you recall that ... 2009? Need a history lesson on Newt Gingrich, etc?

If Biden tries to include the Republicans in decision-making, Republicans will refuse to cooperate. If Biden & Democrats ignore the Republicans, then Mitch & Republicans will say Democrats will not work with Republican. Its a shell game to these Republicans who haven't done a damn thing for the US citizens since the 2010 Tea Party arrival. All they do is promote their Trickle Down Economics, drastically cut revenue as they pass out tax cuts, then the spending deficits start to rise because no one had the balls to make cuts to entitlements & military budgest to offset the lost revenue. You recall THAT?

What do you say to THAT, NEW GUY? Surely you're not going to start lobbing your LIE BOMBS with out explaining yourself, are you? You're not another TrumpTard are you?
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Latina, that's absolutely NOT TRUE ... saying Trump's "a dude that isn't relevant" ... Trump is most certainly RELEVANT. Except he's working from the outside of the Republican party to aline his loyal followers. You know, those who will be willing to lie and cover for Trump and take the "fall" for him. Trump is relevant because he didn't do his JOB when he was President; played more golf than anything else he did. Didn't follow through with:
• a better health care plan - in fact, he & Republicans never attempted to design a health plan as he promised​
• tax cuts for the middle/lower income tax payers - went, instead to the rich & corporations​
• didn't balance the budget, eliminate the deficit, or even make an attempt to pay off the Nat'l Debt-instead, instantly increased the deficit​
• didn't lift a finger to eradicate or fight the covid virus, purposely lying to the American people about the seriousness of the disease which resulted in millions dying. The real "kick in the ass" to this, however, is HE & his WIFE sneaked out and got THEIR vaccinations, quietly.​
• didn't rid the middle east of nuclear weapons-instead, withdrew from the Nuclear Weapons agreement​
• didn't build the US/Mexican wall that Mexico was going to pay for-instead wanted US taxpayers to shoulder the bill​
• he left the US Economy in shambles and jobs plummeting.
• instigated the "voter fraud" fallacy to promote voter suppression of minorities.... totally ILLEGAL.
• instigated the attack on our Capitol and tried to replace our form of governing this nation-a treasonous act that deserved "death"​
So, ONCE AGAIN, a Democrat is elected President to clean up the MESS left by the previous Republican President. Don't you see a pattern?
If I'm exaggerating or stating false facts, here, why don't you point them out for me? What most people saw was a liar, cheat, con man, bully, extortionist, thief, and traitor who walked all over the entire legal system & constitution as if they were dirt. Again, if I'm being untruthful, show me where I am wrong.
So the purpose of liberals & Democrats picking on Trump is to remind those who voted for the loser the first two times as to what a scumbag he really is and WHY we can not allow him to regain the seat of the Presidency. We MUST bring Trump to justice, and SOON ... we must lock him away, he and all of his crooked family members who served under him. I pray some of his subordinates like Rudy will start squealing soon.

• a better health care plan - in fact, he & Republicans never attempted to design a health plan as he promised:

Health care is like immigration. Its seems like no one can get it right. Although Trump did a 100 times better than the dumbasses in office now or any administration before him.

When Trump took office, Obamacare was wreaking havoc with the individual health-insurance market — premiums and deductibles were escalating, and choices of coverage were dwindling. The Trump administration took steps to shore up these markets and premiums have held flat since 2018, with more insurers now offering plans.

Trump rule expanded renewable and flexible plans not subject to Obamacare’s laundry list of expensive requirements. This rule expanded consumer protections for these more affordable plans by allowing people to keep them for up to three years instead of just three months.

• tax cuts for the middle/lower income tax payers - went, instead to the rich & corporations - Probably from CNN or Msnbc

didn't balance the budget, eliminate the deficit, or even make an attempt to pay off the Nat'l Debt-instead, instantly increased the:

First of all you must understand that Presidents do not serve in a vacuum. Presidents do not make budgets, they suggest them to Congress, who then funds them as is their power, the power of the purse. When Congress is finished funding it the President accepts the budget or argues for more money, or a different distribution of the available monies.

So the real answer is that “NONE” of the U.S. Presidents balanced the budget during their terms. Knowing that you need more than that the big answer is not too many and almost none in the 20th Century, except Bill Clinton, but the House was under GOP control when the ground work was laid and the result was balanced and even returned a small surplus of no more than about 2.3% in one of the four years.

Before that it was Harry Truman who has small surpluses in both 1949 and in 1951. Before President Truman it was President Hoover. Rarefied air indeed.

• didn't lift a finger to eradicate or fight the covid virus, purposely lying to the American people about the seriousness of the disease which resulted in millions

Obviously this pandemic came out of no where. No one knew wtf to do and Uncle Joe has make it a political pandemic. I probably would have done the same thing. Don't alarm the public and lest see what this is all about. I agree he could have done a better job. By that I mean reach out to those who need that coddling, tell them everything is going to be Ok and we'll get through this. The reason the vaccine was available as fast as it was was because of Trump.

Fauci says Operation Warp Speed 'will go down historically' as 'highly successful'​

"Operation Warp Speed will go down historically as a highly successful endeavor, which allowed us to do things with regard to the timing of it and the effectiveness of it in a way that a few years ago people never would have imagined ...," he said. "It was a combination, of the fundamental basic science science that was done right here at the NIH [National Institutes of Health], as well as places that were funded by the NIH and by the Department of Defense and other government agencies. That, plus the creative initiative of Operation Warp Speed, made this possible.

"A lot of credit goes to the administration, particularly to [Health and Human Services] Secretary Alex Azar, as well as the Department of Defense, starting off with Secretary Mark Esper and his colleagues at DOD."

• didn't rid the middle east of nuclear weapons-instead, withdrew from the Nuclear Weapons agreement

You think Iran was following the agreement?

• didn't build the US/Mexican wall that Mexico was going to pay for-instead wanted US taxpayers to shoulder the bill

Honestly I don't care who pays for the wall. We need it and Uncle Joe is proving that hands down. Are you that naïve that when a politician promises something they always come through. I know I'm not!

• he left the US Economy in shambles and jobs plummeting.

Were you on another planet before the pandemic. Jobs report out today...doesn't look good

• instigated the "voter fraud" fallacy to promote voter suppression of minorities.... totally ILLEGAL.

Just because the left and left biased media says it didn't happen and those who want to distance themselves from such claims for political reasons doesn't mean there wasn't fraud. We will probably never know but something fishy happened.
The left didn't think for a minute Trump would win in 2016. Caught their crooked asses by surprise. They were going to make sure that didn't happen again. But hey it is what it is. House control in 2022 and DeSantis 2024. Desantis/Trump...Make America Florida!

• instigated the attack on our Capitol and tried to replace our form of governing this nation-a treasonous act that deserved "death"

You all have convenient interpretation syndrome. Trump never said to storm the capitol. But you interpretation experts think otherwise and then throw in the biased media and it happens again... People who can't think for themselves allow liars and hypocrites do it for them. Maxine Nut case Watters is way more of an inciter.
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