Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Just a report to my fellow Trump fans, I apologize that I am the lightening rod of @chiblkstud's hate and he created 8 new accounts after his existing account got banned here is my report to my favorite moderator and @FunnyBunny that rules over the site:

Thank you for banning @chiblkstud wise custodian of this site. In addition as I suspect @chiblkstud created another account(s) solely to further harass me as I am getting an immense amount of dislikes from those I have never conversed with. Would it be possible to investigate the profiles of @dtsucks and @reallyb2w and @thissiteisucks and @fakepeople and @trumpblows and @loveyouall? If any are linked with @chiblkstud would it be possible to lengthen his ban or to permanently block him from the site? Thanks for your ongoing assistance!

I can respect @subhub174014 and a few others who prefer to remain nameless because despite his opposing views they would never resort to such c.hildish acts as he supports his views with logic and facts, but @chiblkstud appears to be a complete failure resorting to these spamming acts solely based on having an opposing view against mine. I can only imagine what kind of harassment Trump endures each day if I get this?
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Well that explains a lot - and I thank you.
Only TRUE idiots would hope for the failure of the President.
Not quite, it is okay if they have opposing views which leads to debate and critical thinking where a reassessment can be achieved. That might not be possible for @subhub174014, but for the 3+ years thus far I have been on this site he would NEVER EVER DO what @chiblkstud did. If @subhub174014 attacks you he will do so with facts first. Once frustrated only then the ad hominem attacks would follow. He will never change his views on Trump but @subhub174014 as my sole example as the others prefer to remain nameless would never do this.
Galileo was once ostracized for suggesting that planetary bodies revolved around the Sun as opposed to the Earth. And he was shamed and belittled. Only with centuries of debate, the scientific method, and lastly what astronomers and astronauts see in space do we arrive at the fact that Galileo was correct. Maybe around 4 centuries from now humanity can realize that Trump was correct?

Not quite, it is okay if they have opposing views which leads to debate and critical thinking where a reassessment can be achieved. That might not be possible for @subhub174014, but for the 3+ years thus far I have been on this site he would NEVER EVER DO what @chiblkstud did. If @subhub174014 attacks you he will do so with facts first. Once frustrated only then the ad hominem attacks would follow. He will never change his views on Trump but @subhub174014 as my sole example as the others prefer to remain nameless would never do this.

It’s sad the HATE from the left is SO intense that it Blinds them :|
Bad enough to deal with the bonafide haters but having to take on a nut with 8 bogus identities too would be REALLY unfair - just the way the left LIKES to play the game - thanks again for your timely vigilance!!!!!!