Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

what's the cost of that wall?....but then trump doesn't make money off the wall...well he hopes he will if he gets re-elected for spending on the the meantime just continues to fuck the country

Trump’s Golf Trips Could Cost Taxpayers Over $340 Million
Jul 10, 2019 · One reason Trump has been able to play so much golf is that he inherited an economy that was in very good shape vs. Obama taking office in the teeth of the Great Recession.

the right in any one day does more to threaten democracy than anything....if they are not passing laws to fuck the worker.....they fight to keep wages down......they suppress the vote so their vote either doesn't count or they can't vote.....think it was Arnold Swarzenegger?...…..that said it best....."today the politicians are picking the voters......not the voters picking the politicians"....doing it through gerrymandering...rigged elections....changing voting laws so some can't vote....and a number of other things
Stop this Scam Where Politicians Pick their Voters ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger
. 01/04/2018 Stop this Scam Where Politicians Pick their Voters. Listen to the FiveThirtyEight Gerrymandering Project podcast. It’s time to stop this scam where the politicians pick their voters. There is hope. California has a solution.

Schwarzenegger's bipartisan next political act ...
Sep 04, 2017 · “Gerrymandering has created an absurd reality,” Schwarzenegger says looking straight into the camera in one video, “where politicians now pick their voters instead of the voters picking ...

hate vids...but watch this

Schwarzenegger Advocates For Redistricting Reform - YouTube
Dec 03, 2007 · Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is behind a new ballot initiative that would drastically change who voters pick as their elected leaders.
the right in any one day does more to threaten democracy than anything....if they are not passing laws to fuck the worker.....they fight to keep wages down......they suppress the vote so their vote either doesn't count or they can't vote.....think it was Arnold Swarzenegger?...…..that said it best....."today the politicians are picking the voters......not the voters picking the politicians"....doing it through gerrymandering...rigged elections....changing voting laws so some can't vote....and a number of other things
Told you google were full of *******
I think most of that 36% is right here on this site....not a good time to be losing support
dump the chump in 2020

New Poll Delivers Some Very Bad News for President Trump's ...
New Poll Delivers Some Very Bad News for President Trump's 2020 Re-election Bid ... “It’s interesting that the number of Americans who feel Trump deserves re-election is actually smaller than the number who give him a positive job rating. ... The poll also found that few support the impeachment of Trump — Just 36% of those surveyed said ...

Trump Has Little Support For 2020 Re-Election Bid, Poll ...
Nov 15, 2018 · President Trump brags that we will defeat all comers in his re-election bid in 2020, but a new poll shows it might be harder than he thinks. Fewer than 4 in 10 Americans want to see Trump win a second term, according to a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday. While the president’s approval rating is 43%, just 37% of registered voters ...
you ever eat one of those damned things?...terrible....was someplace one time and they had a little hamburger thing going....bought one and thought it tasted funny...was told it was a soyburger...fuck...…..I NEVER eat at McDonalds but stopped a while back for the first time in years got a big out side...tasted like *******...took it back in and got another...same thing......they serve no meat at all on any burger...all soyburgers!
don't know about any of the others......but several told me thought it was just McDonalds right now.....I used to eat a few times at taco bell...I like tacos...but quit that......more rice than meat! now I just stop at a restaurant!

I would rather have some old C-rations instead of fast food...K-rations even.....or got some LRP meals a while back from a friend......they were pretty damned good!....don't think they have the c-rations anymore...finally run out? hell they were WW2 to begin with...although had 4 cigarettes in them...and toilet NEEDED that!
:love: We typically disagree but I agree with you about McDonalds @subhub174014 I quit eating Mcdonalds almost 30 years ago after a 24 hour time period after eating there where I threw up. Despite that horrible experience I thank McDonalds for turning me to the path of vegetarianism. Perhaps that is a new source of disagreement? But I fully agree with you about McDonalds. I have no real sense of disagreement with Taco Bell because I never really tried them out, but based on your input I don't think I missed anything.
from ( )

Black Voters Destroy Media's 'Trump Is Racist' Narrative in Viral Video: 'He Needs To Be Going Up on Mt. Rushmore'
By James Luksic
Published August 13, 2019 at 3:45pm
No matter how many times President Donald Trump’s critics call him racist, it falls on deaf ears in segments of our black communities.
A video posted July 31 on YouTube reflects the strong support Trump has among black Americans who aren’t afraid to think for themselves and speak up in the bargain.

“He’s gonna go down as the greatest president of all time,” one of the conservative comedians known as the Hodge Twins said in the video, which includes #iSupport45 superimposed on its center. His brother added, “[Trump] needs to be going up on Mt. Rushmore.”
The siblings have made quite a name for themselves on Twitter, where they often defend the president from baseless claims that he’s a white supremacist because of a comment Trump made after the fateful violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.
TRENDING: 'Brady Bunch' Actress Susan Olsen Says She Received Backlash After Revealing She Voted for Trump

371 people are talking about this

One black man in the compilation YouTube video pointed out that Trump “has brought in record-low black unemployment.”
Yet another speaker referred to Trump’s pre-2016 days when he said to the camera, “No, he’s not a racist.Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Snoop Dogg back in the day? Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Al Sharpton?”
Do you think President Trump should be considered for Mt. Rushmore?
Yes No
Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Those positive remarks about our commander in chief fly in the face of other public figures’ opinions — including those of singer John Legend and Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, both of whom are black — and those in the establishment media.
Legend had the audacity to assert to TMZ that Trump is a “flaming racist” and stacked the name-calling high without offering any explanation or proof.
Other celebrities such as Caucasian actor Jeff Daniels are known for airing their batch of grievances and taking unfounded race-related shots at Trump and his supporters.
Members of the media enable such Hollywood elites and provide the public outlet to make them heard. They should all have to watch and listen to their fellow Americans in the pro-Trump viral video.
Perhaps nobody therein did a finer job of calling out non-white politicians than the bearded black man wearing a Make America Great Again Hat and a Trump ’16 shirt.
RELATED: Author Tells People To Stop Wearing Red Hats, They've 'Become a Symbol of Hate' Akin to Swastikas
“People of color are so sensitive that they cannot take President Trump responding back to their ignorance and cannot take President Trump responding back to them forcefully, then they need to leave Congress,” he said.
But I saved for last the best quote, voiced from a modest-looking black man sitting in a vehicle who declared that Trump’s enemies favor identity politics over bipartisan resolutions.
“The Democrats don’t want to respond with correcting the problem. All they want to do is call everyone a racist that do not agree with them,” the man said.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.
:love: We typically disagree but I agree with you about McDonalds @subhub174014 I quit eating Mcdonalds almost 30 years ago after a 24 hour time period after eating there where I threw up. Despite that horrible experience I thank McDonalds for turning me to the path of vegetarianism. Perhaps that is a new source of disagreement? But I fully agree with you about McDonalds. I have no real sense of disagreement with Taco Bell because I never really tried them out, but based on your input I don't think I missed anything.

don't much care about veggies or not....not into telling people what to eat....just saying McDonalds is really bad....never really did like fast food anyway....and for a little while there I sampled some...and proves to me why I don't like fast food!
from ( )

Black Voters Destroy Media's 'Trump Is Racist' Narrative in Viral Video: 'He Needs To Be Going Up on Mt. Rushmore'
By James Luksic
Published August 13, 2019 at 3:45pm
No matter how many times President Donald Trump’s critics call him racist, it falls on deaf ears in segments of our black communities.
A video posted July 31 on YouTube reflects the strong support Trump has among black Americans who aren’t afraid to think for themselves and speak up in the bargain.

“He’s gonna go down as the greatest president of all time,” one of the conservative comedians known as the Hodge Twins said in the video, which includes #iSupport45 superimposed on its center. His brother added, “[Trump] needs to be going up on Mt. Rushmore.”
The siblings have made quite a name for themselves on Twitter, where they often defend the president from baseless claims that he’s a white supremacist because of a comment Trump made after the fateful violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017.
TRENDING: 'Brady Bunch' Actress Susan Olsen Says She Received Backlash After Revealing She Voted for Trump

371 people are talking about this

One black man in the compilation YouTube video pointed out that Trump “has brought in record-low black unemployment.”
Yet another speaker referred to Trump’s pre-2016 days when he said to the camera, “No, he’s not a racist.Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Snoop Dogg back in the day? Was he a racist when he was hanging out with Al Sharpton?”
Do you think President Trump should be considered for Mt. Rushmore?
Yes No
Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Those positive remarks about our commander in chief fly in the face of other public figures’ opinions — including those of singer John Legend and Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, both of whom are black — and those in the establishment media.
Legend had the audacity to assert to TMZ that Trump is a “flaming racist” and stacked the name-calling high without offering any explanation or proof.
Other celebrities such as Caucasian actor Jeff Daniels are known for airing their batch of grievances and taking unfounded race-related shots at Trump and his supporters.
Members of the media enable such Hollywood elites and provide the public outlet to make them heard. They should all have to watch and listen to their fellow Americans in the pro-Trump viral video.
Perhaps nobody therein did a finer job of calling out non-white politicians than the bearded black man wearing a Make America Great Again Hat and a Trump ’16 shirt.
RELATED: Author Tells People To Stop Wearing Red Hats, They've 'Become a Symbol of Hate' Akin to Swastikas
“People of color are so sensitive that they cannot take President Trump responding back to their ignorance and cannot take President Trump responding back to them forcefully, then they need to leave Congress,” he said.
But I saved for last the best quote, voiced from a modest-looking black man sitting in a vehicle who declared that Trump’s enemies favor identity politics over bipartisan resolutions.
“The Democrats don’t want to respond with correcting the problem. All they want to do is call everyone a racist that do not agree with them,” the man said.
We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

he is promoting hate and racial divide all around the world.....maybe a monument in some park in the south...close to a shitter

Trump is leading a hate movement, and the world is ...
Trump's racist hate-rally will earn a place in the history books. ... Cobb pushed back on that, as well. ... The Associated Press reports that Trump and his campaign believe that placing “racial ...
What Donald Trump and George Wallace Have in Common | I ...
What do Donald Trump and George Wallace have in common? According to Wallace's ******* they both prey on "fear and hate." So why does it still work? What do Donald Trump and George Wallace have in common? According to Wallace's ******* they both prey on "fear and hate." ... all in the Deep South. But he laid bare America's regional and racial ..