Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

He's taking care of the farmer while he gets them a better deal

think so? but we are the ones paying....with money we don't have...he could use that military money he just robbed to give how long do you think those farmers can hold out...last time they said they got just enough to get buy on...most have big equipment that needs payments and they can't make them......matter of time before a lot of them fold.....and with china not buying anymore soybeans...they have to be buying them someplace else...Russia?....they have been aking out on a lot of this tariff biz anyway.....all part of trumps plan?
Send soybeans to schools tofu burgers

you ever eat one of those damned things?...terrible....was someplace one time and they had a little hamburger thing going....bought one and thought it tasted funny...was told it was a soyburger...fuck...…..I NEVER eat at McDonalds but stopped a while back for the first time in years got a big out side...tasted like *******...took it back in and got another...same thing......they serve no meat at all on any burger...all soyburgers!
don't know about any of the others......but several told me thought it was just McDonalds right now.....I used to eat a few times at taco bell...I like tacos...but quit that......more rice than meat! now I just stop at a restaurant!

I would rather have some old C-rations instead of fast food...K-rations even.....or got some LRP meals a while back from a friend......they were pretty damned good!....don't think they have the c-rations anymore...finally run out? hell they were WW2 to begin with...although had 4 cigarettes in them...and toilet NEEDED that!
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you ever eat one of those damned things?...terrible....was someplace one time and they had a little hamburger thing going....bought one and thought it tasted funny...was told it was a soyburger...fuck...…..I NEVER eat at McDonalds but stopped a while back for the first time in years got a big out side...tasted like *******...took it back in and got another...same thing......they serve no meat at all on any burger...all soyburgers!

Question - how do ya know what ******* tastes like ??? ;}
you ever eat one of those damned things?...terrible....was someplace one time and they had a little hamburger thing going....bought one and thought it tasted funny...was told it was a soyburger...fuck...…..I NEVER eat at McDonalds but stopped a while back for the first time in years got a big out side...tasted like *******...took it back in and got another...same thing......they serve no meat at all on any burger...all soyburgers!
don't know about any of the others......but several told me thought it was just McDonalds right now.....I used to eat a few times at taco bell...I like tacos...but quit that......more rice than meat! now I just stop at a restaurant!

I would rather have some old C-rations instead of fast food...K-rations even.....or got some LRP meals a while back from a friend......they were pretty damned good!....don't think they have the c-rations anymore...finally run out? hell they were WW2 to begin with...although had 4 cigarettes in them...and toilet NEEDED that!
I love MRE
there wasn't many I didn't like course i was starving

at first we had a lot of those c-rations...old and tasted like it...most terrible...out of a whole case think they would have 2 good one came with ham slices and fruit cocktail....but like you say...when you are hungry....we went to the k-rations and thought we were in hog heaven

we had a mess hall for a while...but all we ever got was chicken or roast beef and TEA!.....had to shut it down because so many in the company got they opened all the c-rations put them face down so you couldn't read what was inside...put them in hot water...and you just got what they handed you...….at the end of the counter was the rest of the just grabbed one....ever get one with the pound cake?....that ******* had to made in the 30's