Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

A recent post @subhub174014 posted on his thread is so funny I am still laughing about how to address it ?????????????????????????

View attachment 2831139

Courtesy of @subhub174014
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anytime something negative is posted on your man you post full page articles of a person....and go on about it for a week....posting and reposting the same we didn't see them the first 6 times you posted really have nothing to say except to repost your same old *******....and keep the argument going and fanning the stupid to even know it….the more you post the more I look up and find......and on your man there is a lot more crooked ******* than you can post good!
but things are looking for re-election…..maybe...but not see 2 terms!
lucky to finish this one...….after he is no longer pres and able to block all the news.....******* will really fall the right will try to distance them selves as much as they can...….not my pres will be their motto

stiff I'm not sure if the panel would let you or one of your Russian counterparts testify or not...pretty much looks like a done deal

House Panel Laying Groundwork for Impeachment Probe
Sep 07, 2019 · The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to lay the groundwork for its impeachment probe and may vote on a resolution early next week. The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to lay the groundwork for its impeachment probe and may vote on a resolution early next week. ... House Panel Laying Groundwork for Impeachment Probe; Joe Biden ...
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A recent post @subhub174014 posted on his thread is so funny I am still laughing about how to address it ?????????????????????????

View attachment 2831139

Courtesy of @subhub174014
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those are just the are the one making a bigger issue of it than most.....most people just know it and move on....but not you….it goes on and on with posting the same article over and over
How am I promoting hate? If the site felt that way they would have me banned plus my posts are not imaginary as I back up what I say with facts @subhub174014 .

"Stop it, you're killing me!" ...... "That's a good one!"
............... gif_Yellowball-laughing8.gif ......................................... gif_Yellowball-laughing4.gif
right......I'm sure after talking to some of you trumpies here lately you actually believe that.....even after I showed you how many had to approve didn't many words....doesn't fit with what you want to go ahead read your right wing ******* and believe what you sense even discussing.....the sad part....all of you actually believe the ******* you spout.....even when I post several different news sources saying the much for you guys to read and understand

NO - it’s left wing propaganda - we recognize that and reject it - you just lap it up and regurgitate it in here - simple as that.
"Stop it, you're killing me!" ...... "That's a good one!"
............... View attachment 2831269 ......................................... View attachment 2831268
A recent post @subhub174014 posted on his thread is so funny I am still laughing about how to address it ?????????????????????????

View attachment 2831139

Courtesy of @subhub174014
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NO - it’s left wing propaganda - we recognize that and reject it - you just lap it up and regurgitate it in here - simple as that.
@subhub174014 's new debating strategy was to ******* me with hiccups earlier! My eyes are still crying out of sheer laughter about how Democrats are not racist and how Republicans are the party of racists?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You know Bianca Andreescu, a Canadian who lives near Toronto, had a magnificent victory with the Women's US Open yesterday (on September 7th, 2019) where her magnificent achievement was recognized by our current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as seen here:
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Contrast that to Jesse Owens who had a similar magnificent victory in track and field in the Olympics in Berlin during 1936. Where FDR, a Democrat POTUS at that time, could not even get to send him a telegram.
Moreover, most likely embittered by not even being recognized by single handedly besting the Nazi machine for America, he allied himself with the Republican party. If the Republicans were so racist why would they allow a Black man associate themselves with them @subhub174014 ?

Moreover while the lies sometimes persist to this very day where even a malicious man like Adolf Hitler snubbed Jesse Owens. He didn't. Adolf Hitler applauded Jesse Owens's victory. Instead it was FDR, a Democrat, who snubbed Jesse Owens. Illustrating that FDR was more racist than Adolf Hitler! The following is directly from the wikipedia article of Jesse Owens:

"...Owens, who joined the Republican Party after returning from Europe, was paid to campaign for African American votes for the Republican presidential nominee Alf Landon in the 1936 presidential election.[33][34] Speaking at a Republican rally held in Baltimore on October 9, 1936, Owens said "Some people say Hitler snubbed me. But I tell you, Hitler did not snub me. I am not knocking the President. Remember, I am not a politician, but remember that the President [FDR] did not send me a message of congratulations because, people said, he was too busy."[35] Later, on October 15, 1936 Owens repeated this allegation when he addressed an audience of African Americans at a Republican rally in Kansas City remarking that "Hitler didn't snub me – it was our president who snubbed me. The president [FDR] didn't even send me a telegram."[36][37]"
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And the notion of how the Democrats were not racist is laughable as even though they were not directly formed the KKK there was a strong association with them. This is a direct quote from politifact:

"Back in the mid-19th century, various Klans in the South acted as a 'strong arm for many local Democratic politicians, Emberton said. The Confederate general believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention. By the time the Civil Rights Act became law, the Democratic Party supported so-called liberal causes that 'had been the banner of the Republican Party.'"
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And there were known Democrats who were prominent members of the KKK as well such as Hugo Black and Robert Byrd as seen from this article from

"The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the traditional militant terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

It had three incarnations in the USA. Several prominent Democrats were members of the KKK including Democrat Robert Byrd, who was a U.S. Senator from West Virginia for more than 50 years and who had led his local KKK chapter, and Democrat Hugo Black, who was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by FDR and became the Justice most hostile to classroom prayer and Christianity in public life. Despite the Democrat-KKK connection, however, liberals (who falsely claim that the pre-1964 Democrats were a "conservative" party) similarly falsely claim the KKK to be a "right-wing" organization.

The Klan beginning in the 1860s was a violent effort by white Southern Democrats to fight Republican Reconstruction efforts and recognizing full citizenship rights of Blacks after the Civil War. Reconstruction was ended as a political compromise to resolve the exceedingly close presidential election of 1876. Owing to this, the Klan Democrats often targeted those belonging to the Republican Party with death.

The second Klan flourished nationwide for a few years in the 1920s as state and district organizers profited handsomely by signing up millions of members, selling them distinctive white-robe costumes. The Klan voiced strong support for prohibition, opposed sexual immorality and promoted racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism and immigration restriction. Dramatic scandals inside the organization and lack of organizational structure caused the Klan to collapse quickly in the late 1920s. By 1928 it was practically defunct.

The third Klan comprised unrelated hate groups that sprang up in the South in the 1960s to fight integration, but it largely fell apart with the defeat of President Jimmy Carter in 1980.[1]"
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And contrast that history with the Republicans @subhub174014 and @MacNfries as it was the Republicans who were against slavery and even in the 1800s they admitted Blacks as members to their party as:

"The Republican Party emerged in 1854 to combat the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the expansion of slavery into American territories. The early Republican Party consisted of African-Americans, northern white Protestants, businessmen, professionals, factory workers, and farmers. The GOP was pro-business, and it supported banks, the gold standard, railroads and high tariffs; the party opposed the expansion of slavery. At its inception, Republican Party had almost no presence in the Southern United States "
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So your attempt to rewrite history has greatly failed @subhub174014 as the historical fingerprints of the Democrats has been stained with at least racism for centuries! If you desire to disprove me go right ahead. I mentioned these arguments before where neither you @subhub174014 , nor any other people who desire to remain nameless can deny those facts. If you can embarrass me and prove what I just stated are lies go right ahead as those are historic facts etched in stone that can only be erased by lies of rewriting the past where you so infinitely failed at @subhub174014 ! And the same goes to you @MacNfries as you are eager to verify my facts, see if there are any errors there!
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This would be great to see:
from ( )

Trump’s 2020 Campaign Manager: ‘The Trumps Will Be A Dynasty That Lasts For Decades’
DHJ Staff
September 8, 2019

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According to Brad Parscale, President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, “The Trumps will be a dynasty that lasts for decades.”

The line was met with applause at the California GOP Convention, where Parscale and other 2020 campaign members attended to remind the state of California of their impact and contribution in the presidential race.

As Politico reports, the special “Training Convention” included Energy Secretary Rick Perry and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and was intended to inspire Republican insiders to better campaign for the president.

From the report:
Attendees could choose from no fewer than 35 different sessions on subjects ranging from “Engaging Hispanic Communities” to “Surviving on Liberal College Campuses,” with at least five “Trump Victory Leadership Initiative” classes designed to teach field organizing, volunteer recruitment, the mechanics of “ballot harvesting,” and introduce new tools for voter registration.
The crowd of hardcore Republican loyalists on hand, many snapping up “Trumpifornia” tee shirts, MAGA hats and taking pictures with life-sized cutouts of the President, cheered promises from the party’s top brass that their efforts would “help us grow our California Republican Party while also supporting the president from in-state.”

Parscale, who helped President Trump first get elected in 2016 as his Digital Campaign Director, was met with robust applause from hundreds of excited attendees when he took the stage.
“Many of you are worried that we have written you guys off — that California doesn’t matter,’’ he said, regarding the state’s tendency to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.
The campaign manager went on to describe 2020 as “the fight for the future of this country,’’ adding that “the Trumps will be a dynasty that lasts for decades.”
Clarifying the comment in a later interview, Parscale described President Trump’s children as potential political candidates who could follow Trump’s lead into the political foray.

“I just think they’re a dynasty. I think they’re all amazing people…with amazing capabilities. I think you see that from Don Jr. I think you see that from Ivanka. You see it from Jared. You see it from all,” Parscale said.

He added, per Politico:
In his speech, Parscale promised GOP loyalists that the Trump Victory Leadership Initiative here would marshall highly sophisticated technology, including use of artificial intelligence which he said would provide more information than ever before on “who the voters are, where they live, how they consume information — and how to contact them.”
“We have the potential to win back eight Congressional seats back to Republicans here in California,’’ Parscale said. He noted that effort alone could bring 50 paid staff to the state in 2020, making it potentially “the largest election day operations’ in state history.
Still, he advised GOP loyalists that regarding the party’s future, “the answer is not me — it’s you.”
“You’re the California GOP,’’ he said. “There’s no trick I can do on my laptop that you can’t do yourselves. It takes hard work, and talking to your neighbors. And with a strong leader with President Trump at the helm — the sky’s the limit.”
STIFFBBC, I was thinking of commenting on the Nazi thing with the Democrat party, then got to thinking ... with two teenagers creating havoc around this house, I simply don't have the energy to re-re-re discuss this topic yet again. I'll just say go back to the 1950s-1960's and read or read what I'm providing you. Maybe later.

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yes....we don't have the fucking money...he is robbing from the military to pay for his wall...he just gave out ???? to the farmers and now another round of money to them...because of more tariffs....china just said the will buy no more soybeans....that's not good this time of many will fold before he gets done...he should have had a strategy before he started this