Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Russians - are only the bogey men - in the Dems mind.

Dems - are the bogey men - in my mind.

Isn't it a riot seeing how us "leftist, socialist, commies" are more interested in bustin' Ruskie balls than is the modern-day right? Reagan Democrats we are :unsure:??? I don't think so! But you all get my drift :)
I think I would rather be Russian - last thing I’d wanna be is a Democrat !!!!!!!!
Of course you would. You and @StanleyCush1 are a couple of dumb anti-American, PARTY over Country, lazy, lonely, cocksuckers.
You have no concept of American values or institutions so how can we expect you to even understand what's right or wrong. Just that you must go along with your dear leader.
So, get the fuck out. Borders are open in Russia. Go! There are a couple of Mexican families waiting to take your places that will actually contribute and understand better than you about Americanism.

What a fucking disgraceful and disgusting comment. You're a hateful cunt.
Other than that, you're probably a very fine person.
Cause ya NEED a bogey man !!!!!

I DON’T - you guys fill that need nicely :}
says the guy/traitor that just previous wrote:
I think I would rather be Russian - last thing I’d wanna be is a Democrat !!!!!!!!
Is the thought finally getting through to you?
Your position is rejected by most Americans.
So hurry up, give up your citizenship and run to Russia.
tRump won't be far behind.
Gee - talk about DUMB.

Russians are people - both good and bad - so I figure I got a 50 / 50 chance o being a good guy.

Radical Dems like you guys are about 100% bad - so I am just going with the odds.

What is it about you Dems that hate Russians so much ????

When Mitt Romney said they were a threat your man Barrack - mocked him - what up now ????