Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Only whining is done by you Dems - if ya win ya win - only whining will be done by you Dems if ya lose - and for another 4 years :{
ALL you've done is bitch and moan ever since tRump lost that first debate.
This is just your last page of rants copied and pasted below. There are nothing but dozens of pages of the same ol' *******.
Are you on the spectrum?
  1. Go Trump

    Only whining is done by you Dems - if ya win ya win - only whining will be done by you Dems if ya lose - and for another 4 years :{
  2. Go Trump
    You’re the foo - remember the talking heads smirking in 2016 saying Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.
  3. Go Trump
    Biden is a fulla shite swamp creature - anybody voting for him is daft :|
  4. Go Trump
    Gee I remember in 2016 when they said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning 😆
  5. Go Trump
    Looks like your almighty polls are shifting - race is tightening - getting interesting :}
  6. Go Trump
    Prolly why it spews forth so vigorously in here - all that shite gotta go somewhere I guess ;}
  7. Go Trump
    Whenever I think Dems can’t be fulla more shite - you guys prove me wrong - there is NO limit to how fulla shite you guys are.
  8. Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!
    HA Ha ha
  9. Go Trump
  10. Go Trump
    Yeah - well ya won’t find any in the media anymore :{
  11. Go Trump
    My fear now - is that if there are enough people like you Ed - kept in the dark by your media - that the country may be lost - hope there isn’t but it’s clear that the media is REALLY the enemy of the people now.
  12. Go Trump
    TRUTH is - there’s only one TRUTH Dems try to compartmentalize the TRUTH in to their truth - NEVER works except in their Dim minds.
  13. Go Trump
    Ever notice how HOSTILE Dems react if they should happen to hear the TRUTH
  14. Go Trump
    The funniest thing about Dems is they don’t even realize how fulla crap they REALLY are!!!!!!!
  15. Go Trump
    If unadulterated HORSESHITE could get ya elected - the Dems would sooooooooytainly be victorious.
  16. Go Trump
    Doesn’t mean the early votes are ALL Dems - I know tons of people that already voted - and NONE of them voted for sellout Biden - and I live in one of the bluest states in the country.
  17. Go Trump
    Already prepping with excuses if ya lose - and if a Dem is accusing you of cheating ya can bet ya left nut it’s them doing the cheating.
  18. Go Trump
    That’s because Biden is a sellout and Harris is a commie. Dems still proud of those two - either just too myopic or dumb too consider the truth.
  19. Deflection - Biden is a sellout - Dems so desperate to win they’d put a sell out and a commie in the White House.
  20. Go Trump
    Dems have shown themselves to be SUCH sore LOSERS !!!!😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
When a citizen can't say that they support the president then do you honestly believe in any poll taken?
The democrats have created a violent atmosphere towards Trump supporters. As in the last election the SILENT MAJORITY will show overwhelming support and vote Trump for 4 more years.
Let's see if that works in the real world.
Democrats are roving around in armed caravans and pontoons like a shitty Mad Max movie.
Democrats have the support of violent anti-American hate groups like KKK, Neo Nazis, cop killing Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, and faux militias.
Democrats inspired a foiled plot by militia members to ******* and ******* a Governor of a US state.

Sorry new guy, it doesn't work. It's FALSE. Let's try it this way:

Republicans are roving around in armed caravans and pontoons like a shitty Mad Max movie.
Republicans have the support of violent anti-American hate groups like KKK, Neo Nazis, cop killing Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, and faux militias.
Republicans inspired a foiled plot by militia members to ******* and ******* a Governor of a US state.

Now, that's actually factual. It's TRUE. Let's have some fun now:

Isis is roving around in armed caravans and pontoons like a shitty Mad Max movie.
Isis has the support of violent anti-American hate groups like KKK, Neo Nazis, cop killing Boogaloo Bois, Proud Boys, and faux militias.
Isis inspired a foiled plot by militia members to ******* and ******* a Governor of a US state.

Wow, that's spot on too.
So what have we learned?
Republicans, hate other Americans, as much as anti-American terrorist groups.
Enjoy your last 24 hours of hope.
Only whining is done by you Dems - if ya win ya win - only whining will be done by you Dems if ya lose - and for another 4 years :{
Well, there'll be over 230,000+ that won't be "whinning" due to President Trumptard. I imagine if they could speak, they'd have something to say. Wonder how many of those that have died would not have died IF President Trumptard had done his JOB.
I bet if it had been his wife or ******* who had died of covid ... he'd have been all over it.
Last edited:
ALL you've done is bitch and moan ever since tRump lost that first debate.
This is just your last page of rants copied and pasted below. There are nothing but dozens of pages of the same ol' *******.
Are you on the spectrum?
  1. Go Trump

    Only whining is done by you Dems - if ya win ya win - only whining will be done by you Dems if ya lose - and for another 4 years :{
  2. Go Trump
    You’re the foo - remember the talking heads smirking in 2016 saying Hillary had a 97% chance of winning.
  3. Go Trump
    Biden is a fulla shite swamp creature - anybody voting for him is daft :|
  4. Go Trump
    Gee I remember in 2016 when they said Hillary had a 97% chance of winning 😆
  5. Go Trump
    Looks like your almighty polls are shifting - race is tightening - getting interesting :}
  6. Go Trump
    Prolly why it spews forth so vigorously in here - all that shite gotta go somewhere I guess ;}
  7. Go Trump
    Whenever I think Dems can’t be fulla more shite - you guys prove me wrong - there is NO limit to how fulla shite you guys are.
  8. Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!
    HA Ha ha
  9. Go Trump
  10. Go Trump
    Yeah - well ya won’t find any in the media anymore :{
  11. Go Trump
    My fear now - is that if there are enough people like you Ed - kept in the dark by your media - that the country may be lost - hope there isn’t but it’s clear that the media is REALLY the enemy of the people now.
  12. Go Trump
    TRUTH is - there’s only one TRUTH Dems try to compartmentalize the TRUTH in to their truth - NEVER works except in their Dim minds.
  13. Go Trump
    Ever notice how HOSTILE Dems react if they should happen to hear the TRUTH
  14. Go Trump
    The funniest thing about Dems is they don’t even realize how fulla crap they REALLY are!!!!!!!
  15. Go Trump
    If unadulterated HORSESHITE could get ya elected - the Dems would sooooooooytainly be victorious.
  16. Go Trump
    Doesn’t mean the early votes are ALL Dems - I know tons of people that already voted - and NONE of them voted for sellout Biden - and I live in one of the bluest states in the country.
  17. Go Trump
    Already prepping with excuses if ya lose - and if a Dem is accusing you of cheating ya can bet ya left nut it’s them doing the cheating.
  18. Go Trump
    That’s because Biden is a sellout and Harris is a commie. Dems still proud of those two - either just too myopic or dumb too consider the truth.
  19. Deflection - Biden is a sellout - Dems so desperate to win they’d put a sell out and a commie in the White House.

  20. Go Trump
    Dems have shown themselves to be SUCH sore LOSERS !!!!
  21. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

Taint whining - statements o facts as I see it 😝