Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I think we're gonna lose Iowa and Ohio . . . but that's OK . . . we don't need 'um to win! On the other hand, Trump needs both and a hella lot more!
Iowa just shows how fucking dumb those Farmers are......trump fucked them on the tariffs suicides way up....but he has given them more than one big handout in money....but 2 days ago they led the nation with the trump virus....and they are doing nothing about it...the gov and the rest just do what trump says....can't tell you how many stupid comments that Joni Earnst has the Gov they make fun of her.....and yet re-elect her?....but then hell look how many times they re-elected King....even after all the racists comments he made...…..probably would have got re-elected again except the congress shut him down from doing much
Oh but don't you know that it doesn't matter because they are all cult members and Trump has no chance of winning. Donald Trump is not the problem in America, President Trump is the symptom showing the immoral hate filled condition of liberalism today due to democratic policies that have polluted our government for over a century. America is sick of it and and many Americans feel that Antifa, BLM and leftist in general are trying to trap conservatives in a corner and ******* them to submit to their will. We keep hearing about another civil war, is that what is going to happen in the streets of America after Trump is reelected? There is nothing civil about violent rioting, looting or demanding others to agree with movements for rights that we all ready have as Americans.
well better post this before allfor gets on here and says biden has a problem

Manipulated video of Joe Biden in Minnesota shared widely ...

20 hours ago · A video of Joe Biden's appearance in Minnesota was manipulated to make it look like he said the wrong place name, and was shared widely on social media by right-wing pundits and politicians Sunday. The video used footage from Biden's speech in …

False video of Joe Biden viewed 1 million times on Twitter ...
20 hours ago · A FALSE video claiming Biden forgot what state he was in was viewed more than 1 million times on Twitter in the past 24 hours In the video, Biden says "Hello, Minnesota."
How is it that this somnibitch can demand that a winner be declared by midnight tomorrow when in 2016 HE HIMSELF needed until the wee hours of the next day to be declared the winner :unsure:?! Just forget about fairness . . . kind of how when Supreme Court nominations are made and confirmed upon the advice and consent of the Senate huh? And all of these frivolous, bullSHYit GOP challenges to suppress the vote and get votes thrown out :mad: Should result in nothing but GOP voters being disenfranchised . . . court costs, attorneys' fees, and 127,000 Repukeian votes stricken 🤬!!!
A Biden win, and the Dems take the Senate . . . the Dodgers win the pennant . . . aaaaaannnnnd THE DEMS WIN THE SENATE, THE DEMS WIN THE SENATE, THE DEMS WIN THE SENATE :p😝😜!!!!
