Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Brewer expects unprecedented support from African Americans for Trump.
Who? Another one of the 4-6% who support Trump?
Another so called black voice, that haven't done a damn thing, or unknown to the black community in general, embraced by whites who support a white supremacists.
Talk about being used, and stuck in a plantation mentality.
never heard of him, and I played football.
I have heard of this guy:
That and the fact that he had no confidence in him and has only now endorsed him because he has no other option. Obama knows that Biden is corrupt and not bright enough to not brag about it. Obama new what Biden was up to as it was happening, Obama could be held accountable for his own part in Biden's schemes as well.
Well, Trump is good at that game, but he has earned the right to go on the offensive against the Democrats and the bias media that have tried to unjustly crucify him since he announced he was running for the 2016 presidency.
Fucking incompetent lying idiot did it to himself. He gives the media so much fodder than they only report half.
He is on the campaign trail today, lying about doctors getting money for covid cases.
Everytime he says "like nobody has ever seen" or "better the anyone else" - he's lying.
That and the fact that he had no confidence in him and has only now endorsed him because he has no other option. Obama knows that Biden is corrupt and not bright enough to not brag about it. Obama new what Biden was up to as it was happening, Obama could be held accountable for his own part in Biden's schemes as well.
47 years in Washington, and never a scandal. Never.
8 years of the Obama administration, no corruption, no indictments, no shameful resignations.
In spite of the Republicans investigating every gum wrapper on the ground. .
You got nothing. You look desperate. Blame, Blame, Blame.
And, if you are blaming and explaining, you are NOT gaining.
It's over. You've already given up on getting more votes.