Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

been through this before....just more of those right wing conspiracy bullshit....which is where trump gets his facts and passes them on to his fools....I see you bought it....doesn't say a lot for your logic or ability to think for yourself now does it.....oh look it is your link to a higher education.....3 (4).jpgzza6 (1).gif
That’s because Biden is a sellout and Harris is a commie. Dems still proud of those two - either just too myopic or dumb too consider the truth.
You're smarter than the millions of people who support Biden/Harris?
Only you know the "truth"? Yeah OK, you don't realize how incredibly insane you present yourself.

You know more than the people who made hundreds of billions using their knowledge to lead Wall Street?
You know more than hundreds of generals, and admirals?
You know more than the world's leading economists?
You know more than the world's leading scientists?
You know more than the former heads of the CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Defense and State?
You know more than hundreds of former Republican officials from the PREVIOUS Republican administration?
You know more than the former living Presidents and Vice Presidents?

Wow man, you should be doing a little more than just yelling and masturbating on this site.
With all of that knowledge, you should be running for President. You certainly don't share that knowledge here.
You're smarter than the millions of people who support Biden/Harris?
Only you know the "truth"? Yeah OK, you don't realize how incredibly insane you present yourself.

You know more than the people who made hundreds of billions using their knowledge to lead Wall Street?
You know more than hundreds of generals, and admirals?
You know more than the former heads of the CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Defense and State?
You know more than hundreds of former Republican officials from the PREVIOUS Republican administration?
You know more than the former living Presidents and Vice Presidents?

Wow man, you should be doing a little more than just yelling and masturbating on this site.
With all of that knowledge, you should be running for President. You certainly don't share it here.

Hey wait a minute, wait a minute . . . blkdlaur IS Donald Trump up in here masquerading 😱!!!
Already prepping with excuses if ya lose - and if a Dem is accusing you of cheating ya can bet ya left nut it’s them doing the cheating.
You've been yelling excuses for the last three weeks. You just accused the Democrats of the same thing.
With all of that knowledge you'd think you would have some kind of insight. Republicans win, when less people vote. Period.
Republicans do not win the popular vote, because MOST Americans are not supportive of Republicans. Democrats loose elections yet still win a majority of support. Therefore, Republicans must do things to suppress the Democratic vote. That's history.
You're smarter than the millions of people who support Biden/Harris?
Only you know the "truth"? Yeah OK, you don't realize how incredibly insane you present yourself.

You know more than the people who made hundreds of billions using their knowledge to lead Wall Street?
You know more than hundreds of generals, and admirals?
You know more than the world's leading economists?
You know more than the world's leading scientists?
You know more than the former heads of the CIA, Homeland Security, FBI, National Security Agency, Department of Defense and State?
You know more than hundreds of former Republican officials from the PREVIOUS Republican administration?
You know more than the former living Presidents and Vice Presidents?

Wow man, you should be doing a little more than just yelling and masturbating on this site.
With all of that knowledge, you should be running for President. You certainly don't share that knowledge here.

My fear now - is that if there are enough people like you Ed - kept in the dark by your media - that the country may be lost - hope there isn’t but it’s clear that the media is REALLY the enemy of the people now.
My fear now - is that if there are enough people like you Ed - kept in the dark by your media - that the country may be lost - hope there isn’t but it’s clear that the media is REALLY the enemy of the people now.

Kept in the dark about what, exactly? That Covid was "over by spring", or that Trump had the biggest inauguration crown ever, or Trump was going to "drain the swamp" rather than have a record number of scandals and criminal convictions in his administration?

What's the lie of the week that Breitbart is selling you?
Kept in the dark about what, exactly? That Covid was "over by spring", or that Trump had the biggest inauguration crown ever, or Trump was going to "drain the swamp" rather than have a record number of scandals and criminal convictions in his administration?

What's the lie of the week that Breitbart is selling you?


This reminds me of Stalin declaring scientists and other experts "enemies of the people" and shipping them off to Siberia.

Believing his own bullshit, and firing and denigrating everyone who tries to give him the honest truth is what led to Mattis and John Kelly quitting Trump's WH.
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
This looks like the BH and WH border area, Beverly Garden Park area.
So, we are to believe that residents of Beverly Hills or West Hollywood are supporting Trump?
The same residents who elected Jewish and Gay mayors?
The same residents that elected an immigrant (naturalized citizen) to Congress? Really?
These Trumptards are coming from somewhere else. I do hope they are taking up resources that could be better spent in Arizona.
That’s because Biden is a sellout and Harris is a commie. Dems still proud of those two - either just too myopic or dumb too consider the truth.
Notice the unadulterated joy on our little hamster's face as he endlessly runs around his little insult at a candidate here, an insult at a candidate there immediately followed by condescending insults at supporters of those candidates, never ONCE expressing a cognizant thought or position in this, a political discussion. Run, little hamster, run!!!