Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

My fear now - is that if there are enough people like you Ed - kept in the dark by your media - that the country may be lost - hope there isn’t but it’s clear that the media is REALLY the enemy of the people now.
Listen whiny asshole, this is not your country to decide if it's lost or on the right track.
It's belongs to all of us, especially those of us who show up to vote.
The high voter turnout is because people are tired of the last four years.
Our country's values, prestige, leadership in the world, credibility, fairness, and progress toward a better nation was all halted and moved backwards.
Today we have racial violence, hate groups that were dormant for decades now flourishing with activity, rollback of laws and norms that protected liberty, a government that we can't trust, and a world that is more dangerous and less democratic.
Damn right we want to lose that country, and bury it with it's supporters. Time for us to get back on the right track Enough of this bullshit.
Ever notice how HOSTILE Dems react if they should happen to hear the TRUTH
Donald Trump since 2015 has hid his income citing an audit by a govt. agency he is now in charge of.....

Donald Trump hasn't received an endorsement from ONE notable Republican from any previous Republican administration-not Nixon, not Ford, not Reagan, not G.H.W. Bush, not George Bush, not ONE.

Donald Trump, after nine months of closures and disruptions, task ******* meetings and school closure/opening debates, all of a sudden expresses Covid is mainly doctors trying to get rich....

If truth keeps biting you in the ass you are going to get gangrene.
I have been watching these rallies for quite a while now. Did anyone notice that as a large amount of people were using the crosswalk that they soon held back to let cars pass. If this had been Antifa of BLM they wouldn't let those cars through. I have also been watching flag wavers in Florida for weeks now, cars of leftist will slow down just to give Trump supporters always the middle finger and to shout FU and F Trump, sickening immoral haters.
I have been watching these rallies for quite a while now. Did anyone notice that as a large amount of people were using the crosswalk that they soon held back to let cars pass. If this had been Antifa of BLM they wouldn't let those cars through. I have also been watching flag wavers in Florida for weeks now, cars of leftist will slow down just to give Trump supporters always the middle finger and to shout FU and F Trump, sickening immoral haters.
Probably want those trumptards out of their neighborhood.
it's not like they live there.
I have been watching these rallies for quite a while now. Did anyone notice that as a large amount of people were using the crosswalk that they soon held back to let cars pass. If this had been Antifa of BLM they wouldn't let those cars through. I have also been watching flag wavers in Florida for weeks now, cars of leftist will slow down just to give Trump supporters always the middle finger and to shout FU and F Trump, sickening immoral haters.
Actually, since Charlottesville, VA no one with sense loiters in the street with vehicles moving around....especially during political protests. I can't fault either side for getting the f*ck out of the way.
My last reply to you until you speak to me with a little bit of respect, I am not angry, I just don't want to play the game of insults and name calling. I do not do ******* and I am not a young man, a racist or white supremacist.

Typical . . . a sanctimonious, hypocritical TRUMPTRAD (you are that) is great at dishing it out . . . but they can't take it . . . .
Doesn’t mean the early votes are ALL Dems - I know tons of people that already voted - and NONE of them voted for sellout Biden - and I live in one of the bluest states in the country.
If I understand correctly all this early voter information tells us who is voting( Registered DEM, GOP or IND ) not who they voted for. We have had all the time in the world to do mail-in voting. If they are going to allow mail-in votes to be counted after the 3rd because of procrastinators not getting their vote in by that date, doesn't it make worthless to have our certain voting day?
If I understand correctly all this early voter information tells us who is voting( Registered DEM, GOP or IND ) not who they voted for. We have had all the time in the world to do mail-in voting. If they are going to allow mail-in votes to be counted after the 3rd because of procrastinators not getting their vote in by that date, doesn't it make worthless to have our certain voting day?
Are you uneducated?