Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

it's just hilarious that some people are so delusional that they still believe the polls. Didn't they learn their lesson the last time? LOL

I have a big Trump get together planned for election night on my patio. Good BBQ, snacks, music, entertainment ( I have a Trump impersonator), beer, etc. I brought in extra beds in my spare bedrooms, guest house and even the pool house (no ******* driving allowed!). I have a great time planned.

We have BLM signs we'll put out front to get around any trouble we might have prohibiting a get together. Here in California, all you have to do is say you're a BLM protest get together and they'll let you do anything. Ha ha. Couple friends of mine are cops and told us to do that.

I have never seen so much enthusiasm here in Southern California, a totally liberal area. Every overpass on the way home today had Trump flags, Trump signs, supporters, etc. There is even Trump rally get togethers in Beverly Hills. LOL Obviously, Trump won't win California but it's fun to see so many people with signs, hats, and banners here.

My brother went to the rally in Bullhead City, AZ and there were tens of thousands of people there, great times.

Let's start thinking about supporting Pence in 2024 to keep it all going 12 more years !
it's just hilarious that some people are so delusional that they still believe the polls. Didn't they learn their lesson the last time? LOL

I have a big Trump get together planned for election night on my patio. Good BBQ, snacks, music, entertainment ( I have a Trump impersonator), beer, etc. I brought in extra beds in my spare bedrooms, guest house and even the pool house (no ******* driving allowed!). I have a great time planned.

We have BLM signs we'll put out front to get around any trouble we might have prohibiting a get together. Here in California, all you have to do is say you're a BLM protest get together and they'll let you do anything. Ha ha. Couple friends of mine are cops and told us to do that.

I have never seen so much enthusiasm here in Southern California, a totally liberal area. Every overpass on the way home today had Trump flags, Trump signs, supporters, etc. There is even Trump rally get togethers in Beverly Hills. LOL Obviously, Trump won't win California but it's fun to see so many people with signs, hats, and banners here.

My brother went to the rally in Bullhead City, AZ and there were tens of thousands of people there, great times.

Let's start thinking about supporting Pence in 2024 to keep it all going 12 more years !

And it's absolutely hilarious that people who place their faith in Donald Trump have the gall to call somebody else "delusional" :LOL: Even more, it's hysterical to read about a Southern California TRUMPTARD throwing a victory party on election night when "der Fuhrer" has cancelled his 😝 Your huge 55 electoral votes will be among the first to go into Biden's pockets . . . POOF 😜!!!

And it's absolutely hilarious that people who place their faith in Donald Trump have the gall to call somebody else "delusional" :LOL: Even more, it's hysterical to read about a Southern California TRUMPTARD throwing a victory party on election night when "der Fuhrer" has cancelled his 😝 Your huge 55 electoral votes will be among the first to go into Biden's bank . . . POOF 😜!!!

I know California will go to Biden ( I even acknowledged that in my post), it is a heavy Democrat state, that's why we have high taxes, high utility bills, huge homeless problems, feces and ******* needles in the streets, fires every year, high housing costs, high crime rates, high unemployment, high deficit, etc. etc. than conservative states.

Trump moved his victory party out of security concerns, can't say as I blame him seeing how violent liberals are.

Did I miss any other point?


Go Trump !
it's just hilarious that some people are so delusional that they still believe the polls. Didn't they learn their lesson the last time? LOL

I have a big Trump get together planned for election night on my patio. Good BBQ, snacks, music, entertainment ( I have a Trump impersonator), beer, etc. I brought in extra beds in my spare bedrooms, guest house and even the pool house (no ******* driving allowed!). I have a great time planned.

We have BLM signs we'll put out front to get around any trouble we might have prohibiting a get together. Here in California, all you have to do is say you're a BLM protest get together and they'll let you do anything. Ha ha. Couple friends of mine are cops and told us to do that.

I have never seen so much enthusiasm here in Southern California, a totally liberal area. Every overpass on the way home today had Trump flags, Trump signs, supporters, etc. There is even Trump rally get togethers in Beverly Hills. LOL Obviously, Trump won't win California but it's fun to see so many people with signs, hats, and banners here.

My brother went to the rally in Bullhead City, AZ and there were tens of thousands of people there, great times.

Let's start thinking about supporting Pence in 2024 to keep it all going 12 more years !
Trump is playing high stakes poker with a penny ante approach. He may collect 50 thousand fans at three rallies a day and only reach 150K voters that were already going to vote for him. He needs to reach a thousand times that to gain the support from new converts to find the help he needs to win. He is just skimming the surface. King of the little thinkers.
I know California will go to Biden ( I even acknowledged that in my post), it is a heavy Democrat state, that's why we have high taxes, high utility bills, huge homeless problems, feces and ******* needles in the streets, fires every year, high housing costs, high crime rates, high unemployment, high deficit, etc. etc. than conservative states.

Trump moved his victory party out of security concerns, can't say as I blame him seeing how violent liberals are.

Did I miss any other point?


Go Trump !

I know California will go to Biden ( I even acknowledged that in my post), it is a heavy Democrat state, that's why we have high taxes, high utility bills, huge homeless problems, feces and ******* needles in the streets, fires every year, high housing costs, high crime rates, high unemployment, high deficit, etc. etc. than conservative states.

Trump moved his victory party out of security concerns, can't say as I blame him seeing how violent liberals are.

Did I miss any other point?


Go Trump !
I know California will go to Biden ( I even acknowledged that in my post), it is a heavy Democrat state, that's why we have high taxes, high utility bills, huge homeless problems, feces and ******* needles in the streets, fires every year, high housing costs, high crime rates, high unemployment, high deficit, etc. etc. than conservative states.

Trump moved his victory party out of security concerns, can't say as I blame him seeing how violent liberals are.

Did I miss any other point?


Go Trump !

Awwwww I used to live out there . . . northern California though . . . it ain't that bad! Well, it wasn't until the Trump admininstration's mismanagement of federal forest lands led to NorCal being burned up to a crisp 😵
it's just hilarious that some people are so delusional that they still believe the polls. Didn't they learn their lesson the last time? LOL

I have a big Trump get together planned for election night on my patio. Good BBQ, snacks, music, entertainment ( I have a Trump impersonator), beer, etc. I brought in extra beds in my spare bedrooms, guest house and even the pool house (no ******* driving allowed!). I have a great time planned.

We have BLM signs we'll put out front to get around any trouble we might have prohibiting a get together. Here in California, all you have to do is say you're a BLM protest get together and they'll let you do anything. Ha ha. Couple friends of mine are cops and told us to do that.

I have never seen so much enthusiasm here in Southern California, a totally liberal area. Every overpass on the way home today had Trump flags, Trump signs, supporters, etc. There is even Trump rally get togethers in Beverly Hills. LOL Obviously, Trump won't win California but it's fun to see so many people with signs, hats, and banners here.

My brother went to the rally in Bullhead City, AZ and there were tens of thousands of people there, great times.

Let's start thinking about supporting Pence in 2024 to keep it all going 12 more years !