Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yes, I am confused, I don't *******. My mind is made up and I wasn't ranting or throwing a tantrum. I am confused how intelligent, educated human beings like the Trump haters on here cannot see the future if Biden wins and gives the liberal Democrats the Power they have coveted for all of Trumps term.

Does a 42-43% approval rating sound good to you, or sound bad to you???

Are you uneducated young man?

Clearly, you are out of touch with the American people.
I am what is considered an expert, or successfully experienced politico in the upper midwest. Lobbying is a very big part of my business. So, I have to be on top of politics, certain business trends and public opinion. No way in hell Trump wins Minnesota and no way in hell should he be campaigning there when he is closer in other states that are battlegrounds.

Minnesota, which has 5 of it's 8 Congressional seats are held by Democrats. 3 of those 5 seats are women, including a very liberal high ranking senior MoC, a Muslim hated by Trump, and a suburban rep one who identifies as a lesbian. The other two women represent parts of the suburbs too. One man represents not just the western suburbs, with some of the highest end suburbs in the upper Midwest (I'm talking homes with helicopter pads), the other guy -( that I learned everything about sugar beets, soybeans and ethanol) has one of the largest (land wise) and most rural districts in the country.

So, that covers the urban, suburban and rural parts of Minnesota. Statewide, two women are elected to the Senate- Amy Klobuchar is one of the most popular elected officials in Minnesota. Keith Ellison, the first muslim elected to Congress, is the Attorney General now. The people who elected these officials, will not elect a Donald Trump talking about the suburbs are in danger, and muslims are dangerous.

Minnesota holds the title of the state to vote for the Democratic Presidential nominee more consecutive times than any other state. The Republican to fool the voters of Minnesota was Richard Nixon in 1972 (mostly because favorite *******, former VP Hubert Humphrey lost the nomination, after winning the popular vote, to next door rival George McGovern). The only state that never went for Reagan. Trump is no Reagan. This is the last state (maybe Hawaii) a Republican should try to flip. Every second there, takes away from seconds in PA, GA, NC, FL, MI, WI or even IA.

The question remains, why waste time and money there, when he is losing in places that he needs? It appears that he's given up on the idea of actually winning, and just want to have rallies, and then try and provoke civil unrest and cheat. :unsure:
With all of this early voting being allowed this year, what excuse is there for mailing a ballot no less then 4 days before the election to be counted. 12 AM on Wednesday polls should close, and counting mail in votes cease at that time. Counting a vote three days late post marked on election day means that the system is flawed. President Trump has convinced millions of people to vote in person on the third, Democrats have been pushing mail-in ballots, no wonder Democrats are ahead, Trump could easily win in a landside on Tuesday.
I've been reading through these pages and trying to wait before responding, but, you are the worst and least informed.
3 days?!? Man, many elections take much longer than that to count all the votes. No problem with it for decades. Until, Trump.
Suddenly getting an accurate count is cheating.
If a person voted before the deadline, and mailed it, and the post office stamps it as received before polls close on election day- then there is no damn reason on earth that vote should not count. Period.
The inefficiency of the post office, or clerk's office is a burden upon the government, not the people.
You think the military and diplomatic corps votes are all mailed in a month ahead of time?
You think people who vote early, and die, should not have their vote counted?
Same concept. You vote correctly and on time, it should count. If it doesn't, it's a violation of the cornerstone of a democracy.
That's the system. You should learn about this country, if you plan to stay and call yourself an American.
I am what is considered an expert, or successfully experienced politico in the upper midwest. Lobbying is a very big part of my business. So, I have to be on top of politics, certain business trends and public opinion. No way in hell Trump wins Minnesota and no way in hell should he be campaigning there when he is closer in other states that are battlegrounds.

Minnesota, which has 5 of it's 8 Congressional seats are held by Democrats. 3 of those 5 seats are women, including a very liberal high ranking senior MoC, a Muslim hated by Trump, and a suburban rep one who identifies as a lesbian. The other two women represent parts of the suburbs too. One man represents not just the western suburbs, with some of the highest end suburbs in the upper Midwest (I'm talking homes with helicopter pads), the other guy -( that I learned everything about sugar beets, soybeans and ethanol) has one of the largest (land wise) and most rural districts in the country.

So, that covers the urban, suburban and rural parts of Minnesota. Statewide, two women are elected to the Senate- Amy Klobuchar is one of the most popular elected officials in Minnesota. Keith Ellison, the first muslim elected to Congress, is the Attorney General now. The people who elected these officials, will not elect a Donald Trump talking about the suburbs are in danger, and muslims are dangerous.

Minnesota holds the title of the state to vote for the Democratic Presidential nominee more consecutive times than any other state. The Republican to fool the voters of Minnesota was Richard Nixon in 1972 (mostly because favorite *******, former VP Hubert Humphrey lost the nomination, after winning the popular vote, to next door rival George McGovern). The only state that never went for Reagan. Trump is no Reagan. This is the last state (maybe Hawaii) a Republican should try to flip. Every second there, takes away from seconds in PA, GA, NC, FL, MI, WI or even IA.

The question remains, why waste time and money there, when he is losing in places that he needs? It appears that he's given up on the idea of actually winning, and just want to have rallies, and then try and provoke civil unrest and cheat. :unsure:
He was ran one of the dumbest campaign strategies I have ever seen. Either his advisers are incompetent, or he is not listening to the people around him.
hope you are right....and it is by such a large margin does not leave room for discussion......all he can do is have p.utin send a plane for him....but if biden makes and looks like he should....I would get some people in the white house right away to stop trump and the right from fucking things up intentionally….we all know trump has the temper of a 3 year old
We have to prepare that this guy will sell out the national security secrets. I think the key will be through the US Attorney's office in the Southern District of New York. However, this is little that can be done between Nov 4 and January 21. Maybe we have it wrong. Instead of fucking up things during that time, maybe he will be packing it up for Moscow, or Macau. He personally owes $400 million plus to some foreign entity and it's starting to look like the Chinese.
I know for a fact that should Biden win 1.9 trillion will leave the American economy.
You got anything to back up that 'fact'???
We have shown where the biggest investment houses, market watchers and bond rating firms have concluded that a Biden win will stabilize the the economy and grow it faster than Trump. Not just the American economy, the world's economy.
So, can you show us this 'fact', or is it more fear mongering? Come on, tell us the truth, you can do it.
We have to prepare that this guy will sell out the national security secrets. I think the key will be through the US Attorney's office in the Southern District of New York. However, this is little that can be done between Nov 4 and January 21. Maybe we have it wrong. Instead of fucking up things during that time, maybe he will be packing it up for Moscow, or Macau. He personally owes $400 million plus to some foreign entity and it's starting to look like the Chinese.
Trump's passport should be jerked the day after he loses the election. Latest the day he leaves office. He is liable to be in deep legal do do and is an extreme flight risk. No reason to treat him differently than any other ordinary crook.
Yes, I am confused, I don't *******.
Oh, you will. And, quite a bit.
drunk man GIF
Trump's passport should be jerked the day after he loses the election. Latest the day he leaves office. He is liable to be in deep legal do do and is an extreme flight risk. No reason to treat him differently than any other ordinary crook.
Yes, but he is still the President.
I see the walls closing in on him. As a lame duck, those low lives will be scrambling to cover their own asses, Trump was never loyal to anyone except Hope Hicks, Steven Miller and Ivanna/Jared. Everyone else will be collecting evidence, ignoring his illegal orders and looking for work. The military cannot wait to frog march his ass into oblivion.
I've been reading through these pages and trying to wait before responding, but, you are the worst and least informed.
3 days?!? Man, many elections take much longer than that to count all the votes. No problem with it for decades. Until, Trump.
Suddenly getting an accurate count is cheating.
If a person voted before the deadline, and mailed it, and the post office stamps it as received before polls close on election day- then there is no damn reason on earth that vote should not count. Period.
The inefficiency of the post office, or clerk's office is a burden upon the government, not the people.
You think the military and diplomatic corps votes are all mailed in a month ahead of time?
You think people who vote early, and die, should not have their vote counted?
Same concept. You vote correctly and on time, it should count. If it doesn't, it's a violation of the cornerstone of a democracy.
That's the system. You should learn about this country, if you plan to stay and call yourself an American.
I have to correct a statement. About a dozen states will throw out your vote if you die, after early voting. That's fucked up, but typical of the Republicans trying to the find a way to win.
This is sad and just wrong. I guess Trump really is killing off his supporters by holding these Death Rallies.