Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Had to go up to the parts stores this morning to get some oil so I could change oil on a couple cars and put away for the winter....went to the small town about 5 miles away (I live in the country)…..anyway up on the Highway line of cars a few miles long.....lots of red lights and police up closer I saw it weaved in and out and eventually into a church.....since most of the voting here is done at churches I assumed maybe it was early voting although don't do much of that here....but it wasn' the end of the month this church gives out boxes of food....been doing it for over 4 hours and had to have police open things up so more food trucks could get in....

but the economy is fine....trump says so!
Just more fucking rats in a hole......but these people are who trump wants you to believe

Rudy Giuliani pal David Correia pleads guilty to ‘Fraud ...
1 day ago · A businessman with close ties to Rudy Giuliani pleaded guilty Thursday to scamming investors in an insurance company aptly named “Fraud Guarantee.” David Correia was charged last year ...
Had to go up to the parts stores this morning to get some oil so I could change oil on a couple cars and put away for the winter....went to the small town about 5 miles away (I live in the country)…..anyway up on the Highway line of cars a few miles long.....lots of red lights and police up closer I saw it weaved in and out and eventually into a church.....since most of the voting here is done at churches I assumed maybe it was early voting although don't do much of that here....but it wasn' the end of the month this church gives out boxes of food....been doing it for over 4 hours and had to have police open things up so more food trucks could get in....

but the economy is fine....trump says so!

Was it these
Republicans "turning out higher" than Democrats in Miami-Dade?!?? Fake News debunked... The real story is that Miami-Dade's MASSIVE Democrat COUNT hasn't even begun to be processed, 20201030_154440.jpg
With all of this early voting being allowed this year, what excuse is there for mailing a ballot no less then 4 days before the election to be counted. 12 AM on Wednesday polls should close, and counting mail in votes cease at that time. Counting a vote three days late post marked on election day means that the system is flawed. President Trump has convinced millions of people to vote in person on the third, Democrats have been pushing mail-in ballots, no wonder Democrats are ahead, Trump could easily win in a landside on Tuesday.