TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

@blkdlaur Here's something to think about...

The 2023 Defense Allocation passed three weeks ago total baseline $817 Billion dollars. Now think back to all of the arguments on BOTH sides regarding the economy and stimulus packages.

Do you realize you could take .1% of the defense budget ($817 million) and give EVERY American $2 million. probably 3 if you exclude minors?

With that kind of windfall, I don't think most citizens would complain about paying taxes on it, AND it would be a high powered economic engine.

I thought it was a crazy fantasy when it was suggested to me, but I'm finding it hard to poke holes into it.
Hate ta tell ya but your math is WAY off.

817 divided by 2 is 408.5 where ya say 817 million.
Stolen Valor Karen's math skills are as bad as MacnLies....unsurprising...

Gee what if we just took 100% of the defense budget number he listed and split that up among all 335 million Americans...

$817,000,000,000 / 335,000,000 = $2438.80 per American.

Of course if you just take the 0.1% of that Karen wanted to distribute, we'd each get a whoppin $2.44! Dang, with that windfall I might have to go for the Route 44 Sonic blast instead of the medium!
I’m pissed cause he went along with all the PORK in the 1.7 Trillion Dollar Omnibus Bill.
I don't care for the guy.....but I think right now we have more than enough problems without more in house bickering so for that reason I think he made the right call
Yeah the red trickle sucked - still can’t believe it - lotta dumb peeps out there.
well you said it enough times....people know and can see....................actually gets right down to it i am surprised the right gets as many votes as they plays a big part in that
Yeah TnC is locked out now - if’s you’re a King you’re the King of Rudeness - that was the worst thing ya could call a woman - still glad ya back - bringing in mods SUCKS - peeps need to fight their own battles in here.

TnC didn’t know you were banned - I had to tell him.
well said it before and even they will tell you.....they have better things to do than come to a thread most feel shouldn't even be for them to come and look around.....someone has "invited" them

TNC can deny all he wants but I know he has complained before....back when JoJo was running around here it once will have no qualms about doing it again...............................who did what this time....i have no idea.....but they do not just burn someone out of the blue

again...just saying....someone "invited" them for some bad really....I know we all get into the name calling and etc......and maybe push some hate towards one another.........................but to me that is just the way things are in america today

said this before also.....politics is not for the faint of heart.....people have been shot over it.....wars fought over jump into the political prepared for whatever it might with that said..... and that is alot more than I wanted to say on the subject

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as for the "banning"...I have been banned a bunch of times....and may still be from the politics not know ...never went back....sometimes i got it...didn't like it...but knew i really had it coming....other times i got it and was real pissed about it.........people do not just out of the blue call someone a name..........normally they are "goaded" into it.....and it seems the person that actually started the issue gets off scott do not have to really call someone a name to be for that reason I get/got real pissed

not sure I agree with any of it....but suppose there needs to be a time out of some kind.......although to be fair i think it should apply to the whole thread for a week.......there are no angels on here
Tnc got in trouble
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

Was is rudeness or was it because of the misinformation lol

So sad no wonder he is stuck giving the "thumbs down" lol
Home Alone Reaction GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Buddy got left out in the cold 🤷🏾😏
Fauci was and is a total fuck up - still believe he funded gain of function research.
buttdlurp is mad ... "whimper, whimper cuz Fauci didn't do wat we RepTards wanted 'im to and he only helped to save 20 million lives .. sniffle .." Dope. :devilish:


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Ed...I am an American...Born, raised and worked most of life in the United States.....I have family and friends stateside...that are of my concern...We are on 1144 pages of fucking nothing but jabs, bullshit, charts to nowhere, hearings to nowhere, committees to nowhere, scandals to nowhere, money being sent to nowhere, insults, and etc...Just like you and everyone else on this forum...I will exercise my freedoms...Speech...wink wink... ;) America is shitting on itself, Ed...I am pointing out the *******...which is a joke...I have no plans of returning to the states...will finish out my days here in Portugal in peace and tranquility...You post, I post, We all post...and that is true Freedom...;)

p.s. I welcome any positive news from those that are posting on Reasonable Political Discussions...👌
Yaaaaawwwwwnnnnn ... "duh, 'merica is shitting self, Ed cuz I jes dint understand anyting ... and Imma dint wanna help no ones".

We'll give you a whole dollar if you stay over there and another if you shut your piehole. Dope. :devilish:


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Come now Ed - you REALLY believe that ????
Debacle Joe - defective leadership 😉
lol, buttdlurp "and cuz Imma jes know tings ... me no wanna no stinking facts, data and information, expert recommendations, no scientists or research, no consensus nor majority votes, we dint wanna fair elections ... cuz Imma buttdlurp and Imma know dez tings ... jes beweave meeee." Dope. :devilish:


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'Bye-bye, baby': Experts affirmatively conclude 'yes, it's happening' — Trump is getting indicted​

Legal experts Andrew Weissmann, Maya Wiley and Basil Smikle all agreed that it's officially the beginning of the end of Donald Trump. It's an expectation that has been heard before, but even with the previous special counsel, there was a "policy" that the Justice Department would protect the president.

MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked his panel of two lawyers and a professor to join in a kind of thought experiment. "You get hired, Andrew Weissmann, as the new legal team. They fire their old lawyers an they want you. You get the briefing book with the rundown of the legal issues facing your client your ****** client says to you am I going to be indicted? You say what?"

"Yes," Weismann said without blinking.

"Bye bye, baby," said Wiley.

"It is happening," agreed Smikle. "It's not whether it's going to happen, it's when and with how many of these things that are in front of you."

"And how many counts," Miley said.

"I would say to him, what we have to focus on is the state cases," said Weissmann. "You are going to get indicted federally. Period. The end. That is what Jack Smith is going to do. Whether it is on one or two things, we don't know. But, either one of those is no good. One is better than two that is going to happen. There may be a political solution ultimately on a federal indictment because, if there is a Republican president, it is unlikely that that will come to fruition there will be a trial, they'll be a jury verdict and you will be sentenced before there is the next presidential election. So, that is one area that we have to worry about."
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!" Today, we take a closer look at the most ignorant women of the RepTard party, where none other than Big Marj, Scary Kari and BoebbinBert have once again made RepTards proud. It seems these three "lady imbeciles" are working as some sort of double agents in an effort to help Democrats. Take a look at the outstanding work each has contributed to the Democratic 2024 campaign ...

* Big Marj - cussed out most RepTard colleagues and leadership, stated the "Instupidrection" needed more weapons, and is standing by TrumpTard.
* Scary Kari - has lost all of her idiotic lawsuits, called the Judge a liberal puppet, is about to receive sanctions, and is standing by TrumpTard.
* BoebbinBert - decided it was a great idea to sit, ignore and insult Ukraine and its President while they fight Russia, and is standing by TrumpTard.

Wow, and thank you RepTard ladies for your steadfast and proud "double agent" service to the Democratic Party! Dopes. :devilish:


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as for the "banning"...I have been banned a bunch of times....and may still be from the politics not know ...never went back....sometimes i got it...didn't like it...but knew i really had it coming....other times i got it and was real pissed about it.........people do not just out of the blue call someone a name..........normally they are "goaded" into it.....and it seems the person that actually started the issue gets off scott do not have to really call someone a name to be for that reason I get/got real pissed

not sure I agree with any of it....but suppose there needs to be a time out of some kind.......although to be fair i think it should apply to the whole thread for a week.......there are no angels on here

Thing TnC is pissed about is that no one has explained why to him - Ed at least knew why.