TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

these right wingers so vindictive and hate America because the people do not want them.....they take any opportunity they can to make fun of america....even using the hard up can they get.....and then you have the gay man in portugal still trying to get back to america and can not find a he is bitter.....

must be hard being a republican right now
and then you have the gay man in portugal still trying to get back to america and can not find a he is bitter...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Actually I do... You're the one harping on it, why don't you enlighten us, Ridgely?
If you really thought it was @ridgelyfan you would have reported him already since having two account is against the rules of the forum. Moderators can see. But instead, you just call him by another members name (like it's an insult) and avoid answering the question.
You still don't know, do you?
Leave it to justDumbflaCpl to prove to everyone he can't read nor comprehend the written word. Have Mommy read this to you.

Committee Referral Summary is detailed below ...

Referred to Department of Justice for Prosecution.
* TrumpTard - obstruction, conspiracy to defraud the US, false statements, assisting insurrection, conspiring to injure, and seditious conspiracy.
* Eastman, Trump Attorney - conspiracy for various TrumpTard charges, criminal obstruction of justice.
* Clark, DOJ Attorney - fraud, criminal obstruction of justice.
* Meadows, Chief of Staff - various criminal activities, obstruction of justice.
* Chesebro, Trump Attorney - criminal obstruction of justice.
* Guiliani - Trump Attorney - election fraud, criminal obstruction of justice.
* More to be detailed for "instupidrection" planning conspiracy" soon.

Referred to the Ethics Committee for Demotion and/or Censorship.
* McCarthy, House Speaker - "instupidrection" and Election conspiracy, ignoring subpoenas.
* JorDumb, Ohio - primarily just an asswipe, ignoring Committee subpoenas.
* Perry, Pennsylvania - ignoring Committee subpoenas, conspiring to commit fraud.
* Biggs, Arizona - ignoring Committee subpoenas, conspiring to commit fraud.
* Various other RepTards to be announced.

Excellent form, but no score ... as always, Knucklehead. Dope. :devilish:
And the main time Cons were willingly fooled by this grifter...
Trump's Team filed 62 cases against the election, and loss 61 of those cases.
22 of the judges were appointed by Republicans
10 were Trump appointed judges
All 3 of Trump appointed Supreme Court Justices REJECTED the fraud claims.
If you really thought it was @ridgelyfan you would have reported him already since having two account is against the rules of the forum. Moderators can see. But instead, you just call him by another members name (like it's an insult) and avoid answering the question.
You still don't know, do you?
I'd kind of forgotten about these threads, but I'm delighted to hear that I'm still living rent-free in tnc's head
Once again: Name the five members who were appointed to the committee in consult with the Republican leader in the House. Pelosi was required to do this per H.R 503.

You might want to READ this before further demonstration of your ignorance:
It doesn't say that at all. It says:
(a) Appointment Of Members.—The Speaker shall appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.

You have to know how to read legislation.
The speaker shall appoint 13 members. 5 members shall be appointed after consulting with the minority leader. Period.
It does not say she shall appoint five from the minority leader's advice or list. Or she shall appoint five from the opposition party/caucus.
After consulting with the Minority Leader, she saw he was not serious, and appointed five after his consultation. They just weren't the five HE would have wanted.
Bottom line, it's another Con lie. Cons don't read so they will post a link knowing it won't be followed.
Well, I did, you're wrong, go home.
No - NOBODY knows that - cause never happened - EVER.

You make it PAINFULLY obvious that ye live in a Dem FANTASY world 😁
Lol ... oh, buttdlurp ... there may be a reason your panties are all in a knot and climbing up in your ass. Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Panties Stuck.gif
    buttdlurp Panties Stuck.gif
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Ahh, the ole' "5 on 2" move gives the Porties a feel good, even after they get their asses kicked time and time again. Lol ... :devilish:
Ahh, the ole' "5 on 2" move gives the Porties a feel good, even after they get their asses kicked time and time again. Lol ... :devilish:
Real Solutions...To real, Ed...👌

I guess it's true, nothing has changed in a few days.
Cons are still griping about everything, offering no solutions, and big on insults...

It doesn't say that at all. It says:
(a) Appointment Of Members.—The Speaker shall appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.

You have to know how to read legislation.
The speaker shall appoint 13 members. 5 members shall be appointed after consulting with the minority leader. Period.
It does not say she shall appoint five from the minority leader's advice or list. Or she shall appoint five from the opposition party/caucus.
After consulting with the Minority Leader, she saw he was not serious, and appointed five after his consultation. They just weren't the five HE would have wanted.
Bottom line, it's another Con lie. Cons don't read so they will post a link knowing it won't be followed.
Well, I did, you're wrong, go home.
King Edward with the slam. Lol … Priceless. :sneaky:
Real Solutions...To real, Ed...👌

I guess it's true, nothing has changed in a few days.
Cons are still griping about everything, offering no solutions, and big on insults...

Posting negative news from states of people who's position you cannot challenge is not hard to analyze.
None of us are Governors, it doesn't make sense. So why not stop shitting on America?
We get, you hate it here so you left. Stay gone. Don't concern yourself with our issues.