TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Anger as ‘worthless’ Texas governor drops off migrants outside Kamala Harris’s residence in freezing weather​

Texas Governor Greg Abbott appears to have celebrated Christmas this weekend by ensuring that three busloads of migrants would be left in the cold outside of Kamala Harris’s residence.

The Republican state leader has continued, along with Florida’s Ron DeSantis, to use confused migrants and lure them onto buses to take them to areas that will attract media attention under the promise of aid being provided once they arrive. In many if not all cases, the governors have had little to no contact with local authorities to manage the migrants’ arrival and to ensure they are not left out on the street in an unfamiliar town.

'A race to the prosecutors' office' for Trump's inner circle seeking deals after J6 report: former DOJ official​

During an appearance of MSNBC's "The Sunday Show," former Department of Justice official Harry Litman called the report issued by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection "a goldmine" for DOJ prosecutors and set it likely has set off a rush by members of Donald Trump's inner circle heading to the DOJ to swing a deal before the others show up.

Speaking with host Jonathan Capehart, Litman claimed the report contained multiple tips and possible leads that could blossom into criminal investigations.

Asked about evidence about how deeply Trump's people were involved in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the attorney said what is contained in the report should be cause for concern by anyone whose name was mentioned.
You all know, since it is Christmas, we could put aside all the bitterness for just one day, and just be happy, possibly enjoy some company with each other, talking about something other than just politics, which has clearly driven a solid wedge between us all... Just a thought.
Maybe you're right....were you happy when the Mule was rupturing your hemorrhoids?
anyone else notice that this thread is all the left trying to keep their made up BS alive while the truth is coming out 🤣
Oh the truth is definitely coming out and now the Trump lawyers & Trump's inner circle are rushing to get pardons & "deals". What Republicans are, are TIME WASTERS, always initiating alternative grievances to stall for more time. Trump's a professional at it.

"It's a race to the prosecutors' office for them because there is a real advantage to being first. This, like so much else with Trump is kind of a unique situation. Will they actually be the 'et, tu, Rudy?' persons."

Big decisions going on inside the Republican ranks in Washington, DC ... once the THUGS take the House over in 2023 will they try to keep backing Trump and trying to keep him out of jail, or will they become "silent" since 2024 General Elections are around the corner? I think by THIS TIME its already too late for the Republicans to re-establish themselves for the 2024 election. Sad, too, 'cause they USE TO BE an honorable political party and a Democracy really needs 2 viable & sane parties to work correctly. We can thank Newt Gingrich for our current situation.

jdflacpl, if you're implying that the right is the one pushing out the "truths" ... pray tell us what those "TRUTHS" are.

You NOW have the floor if you can get HopingHubby to shut the fuck up for a while with his sarcastic BS:
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anyone else notice that this thread is all the left trying to keep their made up BS alive while the truth is coming out 🤣
conspiracy theory GIF

Oh the truth is coming out and now the Trump lawyers & Trump's inner circle are rushing to get pardons.
If you're implying that the right is the one pushing out the "truths" ... pray tell us what those "TRUTHS" are.

You NOW have the floor:
I think we are pass the explanation of the truth part ..if you simply can't prove whatever truth you claim then it's just a conspiracy's isn't nothing new ..some lonely fuck on Xmas claiming they KNOW EVERYTHING for the last 6 7 years and can't prove would think as much as these ppl claim to know about the "illuminate" you would have already be enslaved in the "one world order " lol..If the truth is coming out then you should be able to explain it without looking like a fool
conspiracy theory GIF

I think we are pass the explanation of the truth part ..if you simply can't prove whatever truth you claim then it's just a conspiracy's isn't nothing new ..some lonely fuck on Xmas claiming they KNOW EVERYTHING for the last 6 7 years and can't prove would think as much as these ppl claim to know about the "illuminate" you would have already be enslaved in the "one world order " lol..If the truth is coming out then you should be able to explain it without looking like a fool
Yeah, they remind me of the guy who wants to be the LEAD SINGER in the band but keeps forgetting the words and music when given the opportunity. Been like that for over 30 years now with Republicans ... no plans, no political platform other than unbudgeted tax cuts for themselves.
Notice the Republicans are now (as predicted) voting against the debt ceiling increase. Its like deja vu with those idiots.
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conspiracy theory GIF

I think we are pass the explanation of the truth part ..if you simply can't prove whatever truth you claim then it's just a conspiracy's isn't nothing new ..some lonely fuck on Xmas claiming they KNOW EVERYTHING for the last 6 7 years and can't prove would think as much as these ppl claim to know about the "illuminate" you would have already be enslaved in the "one world order " lol..
If the truth is coming out then you should be able to explain it without looking like a fool
Yep, but they're operating inside their "comfort zone" ... explaining is hard for them plus "being the fool" is ok with them.
You NOW have the floor if you can get HopingHubby to shut the fuck up for a while:
Talking about me in the third person...poor wittle Macky, starving for attention. What, the bisexual forum folks won't let you suck them off?

BTW, a simple search shows the post count over the last week:

MacnLies 28

Hoping Hubby 17

So you're the one who is flooding the thread with half again as many posts as I've made....all the while when you shouldn't even be on the site given the bet you lost.
anyone else notice that this thread is all the left trying to keep their made up BS alive while the truth is coming out 🤣
Conspiracy attacks planned & led by the active President of the USA on our Democracy wouldn't be BS, jdflacpl ... it'd be well documented proof of TREASON against the US government. You need to go read his blog & twitter comments, he's still encouraging it even NOW that he's behind the "8 BALL"
you're the one who is flooding the thread with half again as many posts as I've made....all the while when you shouldn't even be on the site given the bet you lost.
I have an idea; let's YOU & I have a grievance meeting with Funny Bunny in private, ok. And you can explain your concerns to him with the two of us present, ok?
Want to do that? We can do that any day after Tuesday of this week.
You up for THAT or are you "chicken" about that as well?
I have an idea; let's YOU & I have a grievance meeting with Funny Bunny in private, ok. And you can explain your concerns to her with the two of us present, ok?
Want to do that? We can do that any day after Tuesday of this week.
You up for THAT or are you "chicken" about that as well?
poor wittle Macky, trying to whine to the moderators again. It isn't FB's place to enforce our bet. It is for you to grow a pair and live up to the terms of the bet you agreed to.
poor wittle Macky, trying to whine to the moderators again. It isn't FB's place to enforce our bet.
If it was whining, I wouldn't be inviting you to join in, asshole. It's MEDIATION, words_WarningStupidity.jpe; don't you know the difference? And I'm not asking FB to decide or enforce anything, just give his opinion.

words_AreYouAfraid.jpg.... Damn, you're afraid of EVERYTHING aren't you fatboi? Bet you're afraid of your own shadow, aren't you?
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As you state it, it wasn't the BED ... the bet was a written agreement requiring us to sign off on it.
Nope, I proffered the bet many times in writing on this site for all to see. You agreed to it. There was no signed agreement needed. Oral contracts are fully enforceable in such matters. He we have much more than an oral agreement. We have your agreement in writing witnessed by countless people on the site. So live up to your end of the bet.