TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

When I run for a public office and its expected of me to provide them. I certainly have nothing to hide. All my investments etc are done through the company retirement plans & 401K. I do own a partial of land (from my grandparents) in the Blueridge Mountains that I plan to put a log cabin home on in the next 5 years. I own all 3 of my autos. Only owe about $60,000 on a 15-year mortgage on my primary home.
I've never been audited, much less investigated. My wife & I file jointly, and our total annual is well under $500,000 and we live very well, with minimum debts and a credit score over 800 for the both of us.
Basically, my tax returns are a bit "boring", sort of like Hoping Hubby.
No one has any right to see anyone's taxes, regardless of what they're running for... There is NO LAW that says otherwise.

Anyone intend to read the information for themselves?

Oh yeah, let's hear it from the KANSAS folks now .... 3 Keystone Pipeline ruptures in 5 years. And those are just the ones WE KNOW OF.
Just wait until one of the breaks occurs over an aquifer ... see how those ReThuglicans support that nasty crude oid crossing their farmland THEN.

TC Energy Keystone pipeline cleanup turns remote Kansas valley into a small town. TC has not said when repairs could be completed.

The once-quiet valley is currently a construction site buzzing with some 400 contractors, staff from pipeline operator TC Energy and federal, state and local officials. They are working into the night, leaving a glow from the high-intensity lamps seen from miles away.

The rupture on Dec. 7 is the third in the last five years for the Keystone Pipeline, and the worst of the three — more than 14,000 barrels of crude has spilled, and cleanup is expected to take weeks or months. Keystone's two previous spills happened in unincorporated areas in North Dakota and South Dakota. And while the city of Washington, Kansas, is small with just over 1,000 residents, it is surrounded by farms where wheat, corn and soybeans are planted, and cattle are raised. The spill in Washington County affected land owned by several people.

Farmer Bill Pannbacker got a call earlier this month from a representative from TC Energy Corp., telling him that its Keystone Pipeline, which runs through his farmland in rural Kansas, had suffered an oil leak. But he was not prepared for what he saw on his land, which he owns with his wife, Chris. Oil had shot out of the pipeline and coated what he estimated was about half a hectare of pasture uphill of the pipe, which is set into a valley.
The grass was blackened with diluent bitumen, one of the thickest of crude oils, which was being transported from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

Aerial photos showed a large, blackened swath of land that almost looks like an airborne object is throwing a shadow over the land. Pannbacker said that pasture was used for cattle grazing and calving, but with calving season over, there were no livestock there at the time. The oil-blackened grass on the land, which is owned by Pannbacker and his sisters as part of a family trust, is now completely gone. It was scraped away and is now confined to a giant mound of dirt that is noticeably darker at the bottom. But oil droplets on plants further up the hill were still visible.

Kansas State Representative Lisa Moser in a Facebook post said there are 14 landowners who are being compensated for either the spill or the use of their property during cleanup. TC said it is discussing compensation with landowners but would keep details private. The company said it has stayed in regular contact with landowners. Pannbacker said TC has not yet discussed compensation with them .

Pannbacker says he does not expect the grass on the pastureland to return for at least two or three years; there is a well site on the pasture used for the cattle that they will not be using either.


OPINION: That's RIGHT, RETHUGLICANS, let the Pipeline through and fuck up another 3-4 states over the aquifers. See how long it takes to recover "productive" farmland for food use. THEN watch the food prices sky-rocket, maybe Republicans can blame IT ALL on Biden & Democrats instead of "taking ownership" of their "fuckups" as good Republicans should. WAIT ... there ARE no good Republicans!

words_AndTheHitsJustKeepOnCum.jpg ..................... word_IDIOT.jpg
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Oh yeah, let's hear it from the KANSAS folks now .... 3 Keystone Pipeline ruptures in 5 years. And those are just the ones WE KNOW OF.
Just wait until one of the breaks occurs over an aquifer ... see how those ReThuglicans support that nasty crude oid crossing their farmland THEN.

TC Energy Keystone pipeline cleanup turns remote Kansas valley into a small town. TC has not said when repairs could be completed.

The once-quiet valley is currently a construction site buzzing with some 400 contractors, staff from pipeline operator TC Energy and federal, state and local officials. They are working into the night, leaving a glow from the high-intensity lamps seen from miles away.

The rupture on Dec. 7 is the third in the last five years for the Keystone Pipeline, and the worst of the three — more than 14,000 barrels of crude has spilled, and cleanup is expected to take weeks or months. Keystone's two previous spills happened in unincorporated areas in North Dakota and South Dakota. And while the city of Washington, Kansas, is small with just over 1,000 residents, it is surrounded by farms where wheat, corn and soybeans are planted, and cattle are raised. The spill in Washington County affected land owned by several people.

Farmer Bill Pannbacker got a call earlier this month from a representative from TC Energy Corp., telling him that its Keystone Pipeline, which runs through his farmland in rural Kansas, had suffered an oil leak. But he was not prepared for what he saw on his land, which he owns with his wife, Chris. Oil had shot out of the pipeline and coated what he estimated was about half a hectare of pasture uphill of the pipe, which is set into a valley.
The grass was blackened with diluent bitumen, one of the thickest of crude oils, which was being transported from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

Aerial photos showed a large, blackened swath of land that almost looks like an airborne object is throwing a shadow over the land. Pannbacker said that pasture was used for cattle grazing and calving, but with calving season over, there were no livestock there at the time. The oil-blackened grass on the land, which is owned by Pannbacker and his sisters as part of a family trust, is now completely gone. It was scraped away and is now confined to a giant mound of dirt that is noticeably darker at the bottom. But oil droplets on plants further up the hill were still visible.

Kansas State Representative Lisa Moser in a Facebook post said there are 14 landowners who are being compensated for either the spill or the use of their property during cleanup. TC said it is discussing compensation with landowners but would keep details private. The company said it has stayed in regular contact with landowners. Pannbacker said TC has not yet discussed compensation with them yet.

Pannbacker says he does not expect the grass on the pastureland to return for at least two or three years; there is a well site on the pasture used for the cattle that they will not be using either.


OPINION: That's RIGHT, RETHUGLICANS, let the Pipeline through and fuck up another 3-4 states over the aquifers. See how long it takes to recover "productive" farmland for food use. THEN watch the food prices sky-rocket, maybe you can blame IT ALL on Biden & Democrats instead of "taking ownership of your "fuckups" as you should.

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Still waiting for you to explain how you these would be prevented given trains are the only viable alternative to pipeline for oil transport:



Try to answer without further violations of FB's admonitions and then quietly leave the site forever as you agreed to do when you lost the bet.