TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Cause I haven’t got any answer yet - just HORSESHITE Dem talking points.

Mac you’re prolly the only Dem in here that will make a thoughtful attempt to answer and I will appreciate that if it be the case.

The question was do you approve and support what’s currently going on at our southern border ?
1. They are stopped and camped outside of the country. We are processing them and creating a file for them. They are not coming across without declaration or documentation.
2. Biden has assigned more immigration attorneys and judges to address this.
3. This yearly crisis will either ******* us to militarily invade some countries and crush the gangs and cartels or, more likely, address the lack of a comprehensive immigration policy.
4. Lots of low skilled labor positions need filling in this country, this will help.

Now. Can you answer my question about Dershowitz? Since he believes there is enough evidence to indict Trump, should Trump be criminally indicted?
1. They are stopped and camped outside of the country. We are processing them and creating a file for them. They are not coming across without declaration or documentation.
2. Biden has assigned more immigration attorneys and judges to address this.
3. This yearly crisis will either ******* us to militarily invade some countries and crush the gangs and cartels or, more likely, address the lack of a comprehensive immigration policy.
4. Lots of low skilled labor positions need filling in this country, this will help.

Now. Can you answer my question about Dershowitz? Since he believes there is enough evidence to indict Trump, should Trump be criminally indicted?

I believe he also said he doubted they would indict him. Their case is weak to none - Dershowitz said they wouldn’t indict if they didn’t think they had a strong enough case which he believed they didn’t.
He also stated the way the January 6th committee cut the part of his speech where he called for a patriotic and peaceful demonstration would NEVER fly in a court of law.
Cause I haven’t got any answer yet - just HORSESHITE Dem talking points.

Mac you’re prolly the only Dem in here that will make a thoughtful attempt to answer and I will appreciate that if it be the case.

The question was do you approve and support what’s currently going on at our southern border ?

Just a guess....but I will bet Reagan was asked that same thing.....did you care then

Ronald Reagan on Border Security

WebJun 18, 2019 · Ronald Reagan on Border Security. June 18, 2019. Reagan: IN HIS WORDS. The Ronald Reagan border security position is a topic that has been in the news a fair amount recently, as proponents on all sides of the hot-button issue of immigration

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

WebJul 04, 2010 · That the U.S. failed to regain control of the border -- making the 1986 law's amnesty provision an incentive for others to come to America illegally
Just a guess....but I will bet Reagan was asked that same thing.....did you care then

Ronald Reagan on Border Security

WebJun 18, 2019 · Ronald Reagan on Border Security. June 18, 2019. Reagan: IN HIS WORDS. The Ronald Reagan border security position is a topic that has been in the news a fair amount recently, as proponents on all sides of the hot-button issue of immigration

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR

WebJul 04, 2010 · That the U.S. failed to regain control of the border -- making the 1986 law's amnesty provision an incentive for others to come to America illegally

Reagan’s been buried a long arsed time - taint what I’m asking or taking about but a valiant attempt at typical Dem deflection.
Should he be indicted?

That would be up to the DOJ - but I think not.
You guys have been out to keep him from running again for a long time - hate to see that happen - right now he’s hurt himself politically in a myriad of other ways - I should think you Dems would want him to run again but obviously you’re still scared shiteless of him - I kinda like that.

Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders - Liberty Lobby
WebFeb 25, 2001 · Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders. President Bush's meeting with the Mexican president appeared innocent but it was used to set the stage for a surrender of …

What's Wrong With Bush's Militarize-the-Border Theatrics

WebMay 26, 2006 · In his Oval Office address, President Bush spoke of his support for and expansion of the Border Patrol. He seems to have forgotten that his fiscal year 2006 budget proposal provided for the hiring of only 210 Border Patrol agents, even though Congress had just recently passed an intelligence reform bill authorizing 2,000 new Border Patrol ...

Did George W. Bush Cause the Current Border Crisis?​

On Dec. 23, 2008, President George W. Bush signed the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act into law. White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto called the bill “a priority issue for the administration in preventing the trafficking of persons around the world,” adding, “So this is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign.”

The White House may have been excited about signing the legislation, but few others took notice. The country was teetering towards recession. Banks were failing. The president-elect was announcing his cabinet picks. Wilberforce was no biggie.

Over the last few months, however, as minors piled up at the border, the law has drawn a lot of attention — and blame.

Blaming the 2008 legislation for the current crisis is more than a bit overblown. But it’s catnip to those seeking to politicize the crisis.

Exhibit A: A Dallas Morning News editorial headlined: “Just like Iraq, immigration crisis has roots in GOP leadership.”


Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders - Liberty Lobby
WebFeb 25, 2001 · Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders. President Bush's meeting with the Mexican president appeared innocent but it was used to set the stage for a surrender of …

What's Wrong With Bush's Militarize-the-Border Theatrics

WebMay 26, 2006 · In his Oval Office address, President Bush spoke of his support for and expansion of the Border Patrol. He seems to have forgotten that his fiscal year 2006 budget proposal provided for the hiring of only 210 Border Patrol agents, even though Congress had just recently passed an intelligence reform bill authorizing 2,000 new Border Patrol ...

Did George W. Bush Cause the Current Border Crisis?​

On Dec. 23, 2008, President George W. Bush signed the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act into law. White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto called the bill “a priority issue for the administration in preventing the trafficking of persons around the world,” adding, “So this is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign.”

The White House may have been excited about signing the legislation, but few others took notice. The country was teetering towards recession. Banks were failing. The president-elect was announcing his cabinet picks. Wilberforce was no biggie.

Over the last few months, however, as minors piled up at the border, the law has drawn a lot of attention — and blame.

Blaming the 2008 legislation for the current crisis is more than a bit overblown. But it’s catnip to those seeking to politicize the crisis.

Exhibit A: A Dallas Morning News editorial headlined: “Just like Iraq, immigration crisis has roots in GOP leadership.”

That was then - this is NOW !!!!

YOU like the good ole USA being invaded - and - paying for it ??????!!
Who ya think pays for the schools - the healthcare - the transportation - the phones they’re given - the housing they’re provided with ????!! Not to mention the lawyers - the judges - the court system costs.
So Dems think we should have no border and anybody that can make it here - come on in - sure looking thataway.
That was then - this is NOW !!!!

YOU like the good ole USA being invaded - and - paying for it ??????!!
didn't read?....or can't read?......

Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders - Liberty Lobby

you like to cry Biden....but expect Biden to fix something been going on for years

WebFeb 25, 2001 · Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders. President Bush's meeting with the Mexican president appeared innocent but it was used to set the stage for a surrender of …
So Dems think we should have no border and anybody that can make it here - come on in - sure looking thataway.
who hires these people and gives them jobs....making it inviting to come sure isn't the american worker?

you like to shout off at the mouth and out your ass....but how many time do we have to show you the facts....which you will still ignore

hit him again C&J....he is well deserving of all you give him
Who ya think pays for the schools - the healthcare - the transportation - the phones they’re given - the housing they’re provided with ????!! Not to mention the lawyers - the judges - the court system costs.
well it sure wouldn't be trump now would it

why is you complain about tax money on them....but yet Praise trump for not paying any taxes?