transformation of the Germans


Gold Member
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
Only …. Bullshit 😂👍
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
bullshit. You don`t know anything about Germany.
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
Perhaps something has been learned from history and humanity has become better! :giggle:
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
Germany the Center of racism?
What makes you think that? Firstly, Germany did not fight alone in the Second World War. On the German side were Italy, Japan, Thailand, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland (Axis powers). Germany has waged war against other white countries (France, England, Belgium, usa, Russia). So what does that have to do with skin color? It was an ideology.

Please show us which countries in Africa or Asia were enslaved and robbed by Germany. Please show us whether we also kept Africans as slaves without rights, as in the usa. In France, Africans were kept in zoos at the time. In America they were servants without rights. The Dutch conquered South Africa and kept Africans without rights. France and England have enslaved Asia and Africa. So please tell us again how you came to the conclusion that Germany is the land of fascism and racism. When at the same time Afro-Americans were kept like animals in the usa. There was nothing like that in Germany.
Only …. Bullshit 😂👍
Wovon spricht der? Wurde Afrika oder Asien auch von Deutschland versklavt und beraubt, wie es England, Frankreich und die USA gemacht haben? Die Amerikaner reden heute immer noch von nazis in Deutschland obwohl sie über 300 Jahre Afrikaner als sklaven gehalten haben ohne rechte. Haben mit dem Finger auf Deutschland gezeigt und zur gleichen Zeit Afro Amerikaner auf offener Straße erschossen ohne dafür belangt zu werden. In welche Epoche wurden Afrikaner in Deutschland ohne Rechte wie Haustiere gehalten? Man versucht Deutschland immer und immer wieder zu diffamieren. Deutschland hatte doch Dutzende Verbündete die selber nicht weiß waren und haben gegen andere weiße krieg geführt. Wie passt das zusammen?
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
they used to be the baddies now it's time for REPIRATIONS
Germany the Center of racism?
What makes you think that? Firstly, Germany did not fight alone in the Second World War. On the German side were Italy, Japan, Thailand, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland (Axis powers). Germany has waged war against other white countries (France, England, Belgium, usa, Russia). So what does that have to do with skin color? It was an ideology.

Please show us which countries in Africa or Asia were enslaved and robbed by Germany. Please show us whether we also kept Africans as slaves without rights, as in the usa. In France, Africans were kept in zoos at the time. In America they were servants without rights. The Dutch conquered South Africa and kept Africans without rights. France and England have enslaved Asia and Africa. So please tell us again how you came to the conclusion that Germany is the land of fascism and racism. When at the same time Afro-Americans were kept like animals in the usa. There was nothing like that in Germany.
I think it is a sufficient reason that it is central and that when fascism and racism are mentioned in the 20th century, the first thing that comes to mind is N*zi Germany
I think it is a sufficient reason that it is central and that when fascism and racism are mentioned in the 20th century, the first thing that comes to mind is N*zi Germany
Paradoxical, isn't it? Jews were persecuted in Germany in the worst possible way. Jews who were themselves white. In other words, people were religiously persecuted. Nevertheless, Germany is called racist and fascist in the history books. The usa, on the other hand, who exterminated an entire race, the Indians, are not called fascists. The French and English who came to Africa and Asia and abducted, enslaved and killed people just because of their skin color are not called racists. In the usa, even in the 1960s, as I said, black people were still held as slaves without rights. Just from your own logic, regardless of how the usa has written history. Where do you think there was more racism in reality? In Germany, where people were persecuted because of their religion, or in the usa, where people were enslaved because of the color of their skin?

Im asking Chat gpt Only for fun and ChatGPT says, that the biggest racism in history Where in the usa. Not in Germany. The usa is and remains the land of double standards.
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
So leicht ist es glaube ich nicht.