Ok I will be honest. Please don't hate me for this but I have always equated white women with sex and being sexually adventurous. Why? I grew up on a small Caribbean island. population...all black. The only white people I saw growing up were those coming from the cruise ships and staying at the hotels. I was alerted at a very VERY young age of what was happening when I saw the white women from Germany, Sweden and the Uk mingling with the local young men. The older guys would tell us young bucks about fucking the women on the beach or in their car or yes on a jet ski, with their husbands watching or with the wives cheating. Some were paid some were clothed all were happy to do it for free so don't think it is a poor island guy situation, on the contrary we are very wealthy Caribbean island, this was just about sex. So I have always known and naively equated white women with sexual lust.
True transparency its hard for me to date white women from the relationship standpoint because I view them as the women who came to my island for sex nothing more.
However I think for me the eye opening race on the sexual front, are Asian women (the vast continent on the whole ). I think stereotypes in media of demure vanilla women may have clouded my view of them. They have been by far the greatest shock to my system when it comes to changing impressions