This is a message to the white men!!

Exactly on point.... Exactly why I said you couldn't compete.....and you took way off base to the subjects not at hand and not referring is the thing....
I didn’t go off point actually, I just gave a reference to say how we aren’t that different. Can any other race compete in golf that is dominated by whites men? Of course they can. You can think however you want and that’s your choice. I know for a fact that I can compete and am “the man” in most gatherings. So yes, I can compete.
I didn’t go off point actually, I just gave a reference to say how we aren’t that different. Can any other race compete in golf that is dominated by whites men? Of course they can. You can think however you want and that’s your choice. I know for a fact that I can compete and am “the man” in most gatherings. So yes, I can compete.
It's statistically proven the heightened aspects that they do in fact have... Don't be simple though and just Google ... research! So again sir down you can't compete with this subject...and again watch what u choose to read
We really enjoy mfm fun with a (white) guy we know. He's a super cool guy. He's got a much bigger dick than me. Wife very obviously likes sex with him a LOT. We take turns with her, she loves when we switch out. He gets more sex time with her but I get plenty.
We're mid 50s, he's 34. Wife has no problem having an orgasm with him during intercourse. She has never had one with me during sex, oral, vibrator no prob. She typically has three good cums when he's with us, one from us licking her, one when he's doing her then another with him.
It's all good. There's absolutely no humiliation, she's never said anything about how he's bigger or better, she just says it's different.
We really enjoy mfm fun with a (white) guy we know. He's a super cool guy. He's got a much bigger dick than me. Wife very obviously likes sex with him a LOT. We take turns with her, she loves when we switch out. He gets more sex time with her but I get plenty.
We're mid 50s, he's 34. Wife has no problem having an orgasm with him during intercourse. She has never had one with me during sex, oral, vibrator no prob. She typically has three good cums when he's with us, one from us licking her, one when he's doing her then another with him.
It's all good. There's absolutely no humiliation, she's never said anything about how he's bigger or better, she just says it's different.
See humiliation no..... A feeling of can u not feel it?.... My word of advice to you is if u can't physically fuck her appropriately then at least mind fuck her til she gets wet.... everyone ain't the same but personally I crave someones mind over their dick...cause if he cant pull that then imma like the dick regardless
They are just caught up in fantasy land. Most people do not understand the lifestyle at all and just play into boring stereotypes.
Agree. It’s a fantasy that can become a great reality. Most of these people are just obsessed at being belittled and I guess I just got fired up because men aren’t men anymore. We can be real men and still love this kink
Exactly wys!!! Talking about they the dominate still... like no tf u ain't u just a boring bystandered that can't please your bitch... and half the time watch cause can't join ... I could never... to each its own but def don't understand this... it's brainwashing to them in my opinion cause still considering themselves the dominant even in fact u just a whole bitch n like you said not a real man.... cause at the end of the day a real man gonna join in on pleasing his woman
There are all kinds in this lifestyle. There are 24/7 cuck couples with cuck degradation and humiliation, all the way to couples where the wife only plays every few months or maybe once a year on her own. I don't judge any of it. Wherever a couple is within this lifestyle, they are having a sexual experience that blows away vanilla married couples.
BARDZO DOBRZE POWIEDZIANE!! Jestem... najprawdopodobniej uzależniony od porno w podczerwieni. KOCHAM oglądać Białe kobiety - szczególnie MAŁŻEŃSKIE Białe kobiety!! - pieprzyć się, ssać i dotykać czarnych kutasów, a także po prostu całować czarnych mężczyzn!!
Ale!!! .......... JESTEM DOŚĆ... samodegradacji, którą widzę na tej stronie. Naprawdę.
Rozumiem... chcesz oglądać jak ją GWAŁCĄ... KOCHAM TO!!


Wielu mężów, których widzę, dzielących się swoimi WSPANIAŁYMI białymi żonami, ma WIĘKSZYCH CHUTÓW niż czarny koleś!!

Przepraszam, ale... Biali Mężczyźni rodzą dzieci od TYSIĄC lat!


Biali ludzie PODBILI ŚWIAT! Najwięksi wojownicy w historii Ziemi!

Proszę, przestań mówić, że jesteś bezwartościowy, bo jesteś biały

Jeśli masz mikropenisa... po pierwsze, moje serce łamie się dla ciebie. Naprawdę, tak jest. Mam na myśli to. Łapię się na tym, że wołam do Nieba, pytając Wszechmogącego, JAK to sprawiedliwe, że Biały człowiek urodził się z takim wybrykiem biologicznym. Ja robię.

I ILE RAZY WIDZIAŁEM tu Białe Żony... WIERNE DO WADY!!! ... ODRZUĆ pomysł pieprzenia się z Czarnymi mężczyznami na LATA!!!


Niektórzy z was mają NIESAMOWITE ŻONY z po prostu NIESAMOWITYMI ciałami!! NIESAMOWICIE GORĄCE!!

KOCHAMY patrzeć, jak ruchają się z OGROMNYMI czarnymi kutasami. Tak.... Nie ma nic bardziej seksownego na świecie!! Niż biała żona obejmująca swoimi delikatnymi białymi dłońmi GRUBY, BŁYSZCZĄCY, czarny kutas... ze swoją błyszczącą, błyszczącą obrączką!! WOW!!!

Ale... to jest fetysz! To NIE jest... "przyszłość świata"

To po prostu nie jest

CHCIAŁBYM mieć 9 lub 10-calowego, grubego, lśniącego czarnego kutasa, który sprawiłby, że kobiety krzyczałyby. Tak jest!!

Mam... niecałe 7 cali, zakrzywionego bananowego fiuta. Kiedyś myślałem, że mogę sprawiać przyjemność kobietom i naprawdę próbowałem. I udało mi się, ale....

GRUBY i jednakowa grubość na całej długości penisa jest tym, czego pragną kobiety. TARCIE

TARCIE sprawia, że CUM

WIĘC!! Mężowie! Dziel się nią! KOCHAM ją oglądać!

Ale proszę, przestań z tym wszystkim… wiesz, co mam na myśli. Nie muszę powtarzać jego komentarzy.

Twoja rasa podbiła świat i ZBUDOWAŁA cały nowoczesny świat, do którego WSZYSCY na Ziemi chcą przyjść i być jego częścią! Przestań z tym samouwielbieniem! Proszę... jesteś lepszy i zasługujesz na coś lepszego!
Ok this is the white husband posting this. Just to be clear, I do like seeing my wife with other men (especially black men). I brought this kink to her. She dated many black men before me, yet she chose me. Imagine that? We are into just enjoying sex as a couple with a partner. I am not a cuck more stag( play a little here and there) type guy.

What I am trying to say is have confidence in yourself. I am so sick of the white guys shaming and putting themselves down. Have confidence in yourselves. Look, I am an alpha in 95% of the rooms I am in. I’ve taken many women from black dudes and have had women taken from me by white, black and Latino men. All of you think it’s about the size of the dick and yes, that helps but it’s more about confidence and energy.

I honestly feel sad for some of you and wish you would gain the confidence in yourselves that we have. The bulls know exactly what I mean. We can sense a beta, as well as a more alpha as soon as we are around them. I don’t understand what it is but it’s some sort of energy you put off. That is why my wife and I have a hard time finding guys to play with. I try not to give that energy but it comes out.

I just want you guys to stop falling into the racial BS trap and start having that positive energy. You can still enjoy the lifestyle but build your own confidence and do your thing as well. I know it’s hard when you see that dude that has a bigger dick or the contrast , but I promise that you will make a way better lover. Be strong and enjoy whatever routes you take.
The truth right there
No matter how hard I try I was not able to please my wife sexually. I do not think it was related to my size I just did not stimulate her plus I cum very fast. A second time just is not going to happen. I was able to please her orally but sometimes i would cum while performing oral on her. I could not help becoming more submissive and wanted to see her receive pleasure even if was with another man. Still wanting to provide pleasure I started to stroke and suck the occasional cock.
No matter how hard I try I was not able to please my wife sexually. I do not think it was related to my size I just did not stimulate her plus I cum very fast. A second time just is not going to happen. I was able to please her orally but sometimes i would cum while performing oral on her. I could not help becoming more submissive and wanted to see her receive pleasure even if was with another man. Still wanting to provide pleasure I started to stroke and suck the occasional cock.

I feel you Nancyscuck, this seems to be the process for cucks.

When the wife and the cuck realize that the hubby can no longer please the wife, things significantly change in the sexual relationship. Wife increases her involvement in the lifestyle, whether it be number of bulls, having one bull that can do what he pleases to her, increased humiliation to husband, gangbangs, allowing Bull to have friends eff her, etc.

And it seems as the wife increases her participation in the lifestyle, so does the husband. They take on the mantra, “if you can’t beat them, join them” and they end up sucking cock and even letting bulls eff them.


This lifestyle is so psychologically interesting
Thanks I am also fascinated by the phycology. In hindsight I can remember that feeling of humiliation mixed with the intense desire of jerking off. After many years I am finally beginning to understand where it came from. I also understand why I could not keep a girlfriend etc.
My wife currently has a non sexual guy friend and it feels so natural for me to want to see them together sexually.
I do wish there were better outlets for us wannabes to explore but other than sucking the occasional cock I do not see much in between. Even as of late porn is not as much of a turn on but prefer to fantasize and prefer mental stimulation.
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Again your so self absorbed your refer to race .... You can't compete with African kings and never will
How do you explain how I stole my ex black girlfriend from a 6 foot 4 black man 10 yrs younger and had more money? He kept texting her asking what black man is she laying with, said he would forgive her if she returned right now. I returned that text from her phone that I'm Italian and Iove fucking her black pussy and she loves my Italian sausage and she lives with me too, he didn't like that, but I'm a former boxer and kickboxer, and I fear no man!!!
All this is supposed to be fun and exciting, not a competition, interracial sex is hot both ways, unfortunately I end up in relationships with black girls instead of just enjoying the great sex, my mistake, a black girl will argue about everything under the sun, and never admit she is wrong, never apologize for the racist names she uses against you. And can't admit that she's jealous of other women checking us out. Totally incompatible and I can't wait to try it again!!!🤣
How do you explain how I stole my ex black girlfriend from a 6 foot 4 black man 10 yrs younger and had more money? He kept texting her asking what black man is she laying with, said he would forgive her if she returned right now. I returned that text from her phone that I'm Italian and Iove fucking her black pussy and she loves my Italian sausage and she lives with me too, he didn't like that, but I'm a former boxer and kickboxer, and I fear no man!!!
The fact u even mentioned's unimpressive to a real woman... so she picked u cause u did something different for her on a different level...and if you're Italian this post referred to Caucasians not you baby
Ok this is the white husband posting this. Just to be clear, I do like seeing my wife with other men (especially black men). I brought this kink to her. She dated many black men before me, yet she chose me. Imagine that? We are into just enjoying sex as a couple with a partner. I am not a cuck more stag( play a little here and there) type guy.

What I am trying to say is have confidence in yourself. I am so sick of the white guys shaming and putting themselves down. Have confidence in yourselves. Look, I am an alpha in 95% of the rooms I am in. I’ve taken many women from black dudes and have had women taken from me by white, black and Latino men. All of you think it’s about the size of the dick and yes, that helps but it’s more about confidence and energy.

I honestly feel sad for some of you and wish you would gain the confidence in yourselves that we have. The bulls know exactly what I mean. We can sense a beta, as well as a more alpha as soon as we are around them. I don’t understand what it is but it’s some sort of energy you put off. That is why my wife and I have a hard time finding guys to play with. I try not to give that energy but it comes out.

I just want you guys to stop falling into the racial BS trap and start having that positive energy. You can still enjoy the lifestyle but build your own confidence and do your thing as well. I know it’s hard when you see that dude that has a bigger dick or the contrast , but I promise that you will make a way better lover. Be strong and enjoy whatever routes you take.
I couldn’t agree more. I have veto power over my wife’s partners. She is not “black owned”. No one owns her. Black men are not superior to white men. This IS racism. She prefers black men for additional lovers. That’s all.
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Ok this is the white husband posting this. Just to be clear, I do like seeing my wife with other men (especially black men). I brought this kink to her. She dated many black men before me, yet she chose me. Imagine that? We are into just enjoying sex as a couple with a partner. I am not a cuck more stag( play a little here and there) type guy.

What I am trying to say is have confidence in yourself. I am so sick of the white guys shaming and putting themselves down. Have confidence in yourselves. Look, I am an alpha in 95% of the rooms I am in. I’ve taken many women from black dudes and have had women taken from me by white, black and Latino men. All of you think it’s about the size of the dick and yes, that helps but it’s more about confidence and energy.

I honestly feel sad for some of you and wish you would gain the confidence in yourselves that we have. The bulls know exactly what I mean. We can sense a beta, as well as a more alpha as soon as we are around them. I don’t understand what it is but it’s some sort of energy you put off. That is why my wife and I have a hard time finding guys to play with. I try not to give that energy but it comes out.

I just want you guys to stop falling into the racial BS trap and start having that positive energy. You can still enjoy the lifestyle but build your own confidence and do your thing as well. I know it’s hard when you see that dude that has a bigger dick or the contrast , but I promise that you will make a way better lover. Be strong and enjoy whatever routes you take.
Some pretty bizarre replies on this thread. Thank you for helping me realize my need for self confidence 😂
I see comments all the time about "he lost his girl" or "we can't compete". All this is BS. I am the first to make my wife cum internally, She does enjoy other men as it's different. As a man it's no different than gettin "strange". Yes its great at the time but you aren't leaving anyone for it.
Same here! My wife loves sex with black men and I love her having sex with black men. It's our kink that we enjoy.
We we have sex, I constantly think of her having sex with her BBC Bull and she thinks of her BBC Bull, as well.
I hate it when my misspellings are captured in reply lol. Yes. We are the same. I don’t like making sex about racial superiority. It’s about fun and pleasure.