The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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I’m surprised - getting back to the thread topic - that no one has brought up that Sammy the elderly black man and moral compass of this movie - is the real hero - he knowingly gave his life saving all the other main characters - I believe he said “death is down there” yet he lost his life saving everyone else - it was the most dramatic and impactful part of the movie for me.
What in the actual heck are you talking about?

Do you realize that personal attacks are the mark of a conversational loser and a simple brain?

You are the true idiot if you believe government school is good for anything, other than creating slave-minded people like you!

You mom should have swallowed you!
Slave minded 😂
Oh you’re too precious
B-word, you have displayed such brain damage that it is honestly pointless to engage with such a mental midget...

You would make an excellent crown-polisher!

You keep attempting to make everything political- which shows what you are mentally capable of=very little.

I eat no meat- so you are wrong again... idiot assumptions... I have well water, I smoke no cigs (as you claimed I did), I accept no benefits... I am governed by me. Any other stupid assumption dear?

See the real difference is that you have no personality or individuality, so you seek to dissolve yourself into big groups that engage in group think... you are nobody so you need to hide it by always being in a group... you are the best example of a sheep who has turned off their brain to worship daddy government... You are the perfect slave.

As for bitchute- only haters of free speech say idiotic things like you did... there is garbage on EVERY platform (they let you in here, right?), but there are gems there too. Be stupid and keep making ASSumptions.

I believe you are a very miserable person- keep drowning in your obscurity and your collectives SHEEP!

Also idiot- I never claimed to have any answer... could it be the truth is self-evident for people who aren't indoctrinated?
Bitchute 😂😂😂😂😂
Like drinking from the toilet before eating your 💩 sandwich 😂😂😂
Imagine being such a loser and having NOTHING in your life that you actually care about politics... and even get lost in it... I give you Jane.
Imagine your first time using the keyboard having to use bold and large font to feel heard
True MAGA 😂😂😂
That's exactly what I said. And I stand by it- try to avoid being jealous of the people who didn't inject themselves with a ticking time bomb...
Ticking time bomb 😂😂😂
☝️when you left science class early and now only rely on bitchute and kkk rallies to get your information
Ticking time bomb
For someone who has something "valuable" to say- you sure do love personal attacks instead of staying on point...

I imagine you ALWAYS use insults 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Like I said ol one pack no six pack started with the body attacks . The poor dear will learn .
Also get off your high horse , you are MAGA, you literally believe a guy who lied and cheated on all three wives is telling YOU the truth .
Yea you the critical thinker 🤦‍♀️
Guess that’s what happens when ya run for president in a 🍌Republic like ole Debacle Joe has turned the good ole USA into.
Remind me did trumps attorneys get to select the jury ?
Or did bitch chute tell you and NC4Huge the attorneys were IN on it too. 😂😂😂
I love this site
Too many simpletons
Remind me did trumps attorneys get to select the jury ?
Or did bitch chute tell you and NC4Huge the attorneys were IN on it too. 😂😂😂
I love this site
Too many simpletons
I doubt your opinion counts for much in a free country. You live in Australia that was founded to be a prison camp and hasn’t changed much since. You people have as much liberty as the gulags in the old Soviet Union. You have stereotypes about the U.S. that can all be tracked directly to media talking points. In case you were unaware all of the media in the western world was bought up by the cabal and is now owned by 5 giant conglomerates. They are all run by the same freedom haters. Trust in the media has dropped from 92% to 28% in just one decade. Find some new propaganda.
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Deflection is a fantastic way to sum it up!

Although I'm unsure if it is exclusive to a political side... I think many people suffer from whatever Jane also suffers from...

Might deflection be a sign of having no leg to stand on (other than what her collective told her to say)?
Oh not typing in total bold .
It’s like you fit into group think 😂
I doubt your opinion counts for much in a free country. You live in Australia that was founded to be a prison camp and hasn’t changed much since. You people have as much liberty as the gulags in the old Soviet Union. You have stereotypes about the U.S. that can all be tracked directly to media talking points. In case you were unaware all of the media in the western world was bought up by the cabal and is now owned by 5 giant conglomerates. They are all run by the same freedom haters. Trust in the media has dropped from 92% to 28% in just one decade. Find some new propaganda.
Yes I hate being oppressed in australia . Imagine never having to worry about

1. Being shot in school, cinemas, nightclubs, shops or enjoying an ice cream.

2. A Republican candidate who struggles to grasp the English language or slurs or cries on social media -I’m the victim . Also your cult leader -impeached

3. Decent minimum wage

4. Affordable healthcare

5, vacation time- minimum 4 weeks. Work 10 years with same company get 3 months paid leave

What about you?

You quiet ..
If you watched the video of that you would have realized Trump condemned white supremacist neo nazis right before he said that. Maybe do some research before spreading lies next time?
Maybe … ok so trumps hates Nazis , why do Nazis endorse him and like what he says ? Didn’t trump meet one on one with a Nazi leader
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