How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: - good ******* @subhub174014



And still more to come:

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There is no way Trump will sit down with Mueller. It's all just a perjury trap. Mueller knows there is no evidence of collusion.
Its not a perjury trap if one doesn't LIE under oath ... you do know that, right? By saying its a perjury trap is saying you know Trump is a liar, which he most definitely is ... or do you deny THAT as well, Mr Rudy Giuliani?
You don't need Trump to sit down to talk to get that kind of information.
To talk about WHAT information? Collusion? As they've said, collusion, in and of itself, is not a crime, however, collusion leads to conspiracy which is a major crime ... punishable by years and years of federal prison time.

Mueller should subpoena Trump so Trump will decline it or ignore it ... then pull all his records ... tax returns for the past 10 years, banking activities, etc and if found suspicious, make them public to ******* the Republicans to remove him. Quit fucking with this man; he's a fake. He and Republicans are just playing for TIME!
Any President under federal investigation should be denied the right to name a Supreme Court Judge, as well, AND ... if found guilty, he should be denied any benefits from the federal government, including secret service or bodyguards. At this point in Trump's sham of a presidency, he shouldn't even have the privilege to FART in the White House.
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Its not a perjury trap if one doesn't LIE under oath ... you do know that, right?
You clearly don't know what a perjury trap is. If one doesn't lie under oath, it isn't perjury. A perjury trap is a prosecutorial technique, considered prosecutorial misconduct, where the prosecutor attempts to induce a perjurous statement which will allow him/her to then indict the target of the trap. Whether or not the target lies under oath has nothing to do with whether it was a perjury trap....it merely determines whether the perjury trap was successful or not.

If you haven't had the pleasure of being grilled under oath by a clever attorney, you should try it sometime. It can lead to tortured attempts to cover one's ass like saying "it depends upon what the meaning of the word "is" is"
You clearly don't know what a perjury trap is.
Regarding YOUR OPINION .... pic_GiveAShit2.jpg
You know, h-h, you are nothing but a pure fucking ASSHOLE ... you do NOTHING but look for something you can criticize or try to find fault with on this website.
.....Perjury trap refers to a principle that a perjury indictment against a person must be dismissed if the prosecution secures it by calling that person as a grand-jury witness in an effort to obtain evidence for a perjury charge especially when the person’s testimony does not relate to issues material to the ongoing grand-jury investigation.
.....The perjury trap is a form of entrapment defense, and thus must be affirmatively proven by the defendant. The defense is rarely proven, even though the claim is relatively common when grand jury testimony gives rise to perjury charges.
.....The perjury trap is, by definition, inapplicable in Trump's testimony. There is no question that Trump has relevant information for the investigation, particularly since one focus of the inquiry is whether he himself committed obstruction of justice.
...........You've been listening to too much Fox News & Rudy Giuliani, who is a NUT CASE.
Why don't you go look for a JOB and/or a WIFE since its obvious you don't have either one. Its very understandable why you don't have a wife, that's for sure.
And TRY to initiate a thread YOURSELF instead of going around looking for something to find fault with on someone else's posts.
Oh, and least I forget ...
pic_GiveAFuck.jpg ....... gif_Yellowball-finger.gif
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He clearly doesn't know what a perjury trap is.
LOL, yes that's quite obvious...and particularly humorous when he doubles down like this and winds up further demonstrating his ignorance. But hey at least he can google a phrase and cut and paste....even if he doesn't comprehend it.
No, it's me, the person who created the art that you use in your profile avatar.
I'm waiting patiently for the absolute farce of an investigation to conclude, if it ever does. I think Democrats will keep it going for as long as it takes for them to get back in power. So it could be another 6 years.
You are delusional.
You clearly don't know what a perjury trap is. If one doesn't lie under oath, it isn't perjury. A perjury trap is a prosecutorial technique, considered prosecutorial misconduct, where the prosecutor attempts to induce a perjurous statement which will allow him/her to then indict the target of the trap. Whether or not the target lies under oath has nothing to do with whether it was a perjury trap....it merely determines whether the perjury trap was successful or not.
If you haven't had the pleasure of being grilled under oath by a clever attorney, you should try it sometime. It can lead to tortured attempts to cover one's ass like saying "it depends upon what the meaning of the word "is" is"
He clearly doesn't know what a perjury trap is.
LOL, yes that's quite obvious...and particularly humorous when he doubles down like this and winds up further demonstrating his ignorance. But hey at least he can google a phrase and cut and paste....even if he doesn't comprehend it.
I'm already done wasting time trying to enlighten folks who's minds are too far gone from being brainwashing by Trump but I'll respond to this pile-on against Mac man.

Your all wrong on the perjury trap that Trump is trying to avoid and he can always plead the fifth to not answering some of the questions if he feels he would perjure himself. Now your all smoking the pipe Giuallini has lit for you with that perjury trap BS narrative excuse for why Trump shouldn't meet with the special counsel. As someone who has been questioned by authorities who were conducting an investigation so long as you willingly tell the truth on your account of the events and you haven't broken any laws they can't hang you on anything. I'm still walking free right now smiling but I would never do a tenth of the stuff that Trump has done either.

Mueller's team has already informed the Trump lawyers on what they want to ask so Trump knows before hand what he will be questioned on. Problem is Trump has told so many different versions of many events he doesn't even remember whats the truth so he has already ensnared himself in a web of lies.

First he fired Comey over the 'Russia thing', then it was because of how he handled the Hillary emails. Then he told Comey he never stayed the night over in Moscow, then when he was caught red-handed lying there it was crickets. Then he had Donald Jr. say the meeting at the Tower was about adoption for Russian children only to come out later and throw his own ******* under the Bus stating it was for opposition research which if even the case is illegal to receive assistance directly from a foreign government. Also receiving that opposition research through a computer break-in of someone's private communication systems is also a federal offense and to receive such information from those individuals is abetting in a crime.

Then he stands right next to his handler and Master P u tin and tells the whole world on camera when asked about the Russia hacking and interference in US elections: "Why would it be Russia..." only to try and rewrite history the next day when under immense pressure by his own party of weak lackys to finally cough up and say what I meant to say was "wouldn't", as in why wouldn't it be Russia but it could still be many others. Lol give me a break we see where his allegiance is at.

Oh yeah fellas, and what you think that the National Enquirer tabloid publisher who kept Trump’s secrets locked in a safe and now singing to the prosecutors right under grants of immunity is going to further reveal for even more headaches to Trump.

Only people smoking on any pipe are the ones buying all of the hot air of lies Trump expels that they are buying hook line and sinker. But its ok, although I don't care for Democratic policies at all someone needs finally up-hold their constitutional duties in keeping a balance of power and holding the President in check since the House Repubs won't hold him accountable.

Best believe the House will flip in November and so will further the mind of your agent orange Kremlin-gate tied moscovian candidate. Had Obama or Hillary been in office with all of these investigations and scandals occurring Repubs would've went nuclear already but we see how much a bunch of hypocrites they are. Not only did they hold 79 hearings on Benghazi and Hillary actually testified for 11-hours weathering testy cross-examination in front of the public with no perjury trap in which the GOP controlled House actually concluded in clearing her of any wrong-doing.

When the Demos finally regain and lead the House committees the country will finally get to uncover more of the truth that Repubs currently try to shield or simply won't call to question. The most immediate threat to Trump from the 'Blue-wave election is not impeachment, though we may eventually reach that point. Rather, it is the prospect of genuine oversight and serious investigation. The additional scrutiny will be Trump’s kryptonite and final un-doing and just before 2019 for the run-up to 2020.



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I would give my voice to this thread, but it just wouldn't matter and I am ignorant to most of this.
@Hottobe cucked Wise idea, just stay on the sidelines, I'm trying to leave it all alone also as its not worth it because Time is going to reveal the truth and who's right about all of this and if I'm wrong I'll be a man and admit I was wrong. However we've already seen enough to know exactly where this is headed if one's vision isn't clouded with bias and plain ignoring of the facts all presented.

Lets just go back to all having fun so long as Trump doesn't ruin that too for the country.
Please understand that Trump got in and I hope some good comes of it. I believe that the Clintons have paved the path they have taken ever since their college days with *******, debauchery. and criminal acts all along the way. I never did like the Clintons and would never have voted for either of them. We had nothing positive to choose from this time.
Please understand that Trump got in and I hope some good comes of it. I believe that the Clintons have paved the path they have taken ever since their college days with *******, debauchery. and criminal acts all along the way. I never did like the Clintons and would never have voted for either of them. We had nothing positive to choose from this time.

not saying they are innocent...no more than any other politician!
but the right has gone out of their way to end their careers in politics....Benghazi for one....look at all the investigations...for years... and nothing...don't you think they would have found something if they could?
throw in the Russian bots putting out their *******....look at the pizza place in NYC for one...people believe what they are told and if it keeps getting pushed as the right and Russia did...people buy it
I'm not saying she is a saint...she is in politics....and no one there is "clean"
but I think she was the lesser of two evils!
the man I wanted last time is considering it this time and I hope he doesn't change his mind
John Kerry!
From what I have read and learned, Hillary is either a lesbian or bi-sexual, met Bill in college, chose and married him because she saw in him a man that She with her family influence could make him into Presidential material. He was her puppet and if you can believe some of what is out there to read, they were not beyond ******* of anyone that threatened their success. I saw on you tube a video called the Clinton murders. I found it interesting whether it is all true or maybe has some truth that is not my call.
From what I have read and learned, Hillary is either a lesbian or bi-sexual, met Bill in college, chose and married him because she saw in him a man that She with her family influence could make him into Presidential material. He was her puppet and if you can believe some of what is out there to read, they were not beyond ******* of anyone that threatened their success. I saw on you tube a video called the Clinton murders. I found it interesting whether it is all true or maybe has some truth that is not my call.
What size is your tinfoil hat?
Sometimes it is you can get more real news on there then CNN. You like the Clintons, good for you, I have never been that ignorant, "I never had sex with that woman".
Your all wrong on the perjury trap that Trump is trying to avoid and he can always plead the fifth to not answering some of the questions if he feels he would perjure himself. Now your all smoking the pipe Giuallini has lit for you with that perjury trap BS narrative excuse for why Trump shouldn't meet with the special counsel.
No, what I said on the perjury trap issue is 100% correct. I merely pointed out that Mac's statement demonstrated (to anyone with even a sophomoric level of knowledge on the issue) that Mac didn't know what a perjury trap was followed by an explanation dumbed down to a level at least a few on here should be able to understand. Note, I said nothing about the veracity of the perjury trap claim regarding Trump's potential testimony.

Instead of your Gish Gallop meandering through Comey, Hillary emails, Russia, even the National Enquirer; try making some substantive statement to disprove what I actually said.

he can always plead the fifth to not answering some of the questions if he feels he would perjure himself.
He could attempt to plead the fifth, but Mueller could easily counter this with a grant of immunity. Such a grant takes away a person's fifth amendment protection against self incrimination. The Trump Deraingement Syndrome crowd would likely blow a gasket if Mueller granted Trump immunity. However, doing so would compel Trump's testimony and if they could trap him in any perjurous statement or other criminal count that testimony could be used against Trump in an impeachment proceeding.

As someone who has been questioned by authorities who were conducting an investigation so long as you willingly tell the truth on your account of the events and you haven't broken any laws they can't hang you on anything. I'm still walking free right now smiling but I would never do a tenth of the stuff that Trump has done either.
Wow that's an impressive background in perjury law. If only you had stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night too, I might hire you for legal advice. :rolleyes:
No, what I said on the perjury trap issue is 100% correct. I merely pointed out that Mac's statement demonstrated (to anyone with even a sophomoric level of knowledge on the issue) that Mac didn't know what a perjury trap was followed by an explanation dumbed down to a level at least a few on here should be able to understand. Note, I said nothing about the veracity of the perjury trap claim regarding Trump's potential testimony.
Instead of your Gish Gallop meandering through Comey, Hillary emails, Russia, even the National Enquirer; try making some substantive statement to disprove what I actually said.

He could attempt to plead the fifth, but Mueller could easily counter this with a grant of immunity. Such a grant takes away a person's fifth amendment protection against self incrimination. The Trump Deraingement Syndrome crowd would likely blow a gasket if Mueller granted Trump immunity. However, doing so would compel Trump's testimony and if they could trap him in any perjurous statement or other criminal count that testimony could be used against Trump in an impeachment proceeding.

Wow that's an impressive background in perjury law. If only you had stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night too, I might hire you for legal advice. :rolleyes:

Lol, you should call me for legal advice as one who has had alot of experience dealing with lawfare however not on the level of deep ******* that Trump is in. Funny enough, I actually had a trial in the same building that Manafort was tried in and I beat that case too. You know what the prosecution told me also, "don't tell no one else about this deal we made with you". Haha- 100% true story.

My Gish Gallop meandering through all the BS that Trump has flip-flopped on is substantive enough on why Trump doesn't want to speak on record nor allows recorders to keep minutes of his meetings at the white-house because he lies so much. No need to try to disprove what you wrote because your not Trump's legal counsel and it wouldn't make a difference. His legal team knows he is a walking perjury timebomb mess. His own tweets incriminate himself as well as others around him.

Anyway, this is a better question to ask. Would you personally accept and follow Guiliani's legal advice? After all he is Trump's legal counsel, doesn't matter what I think or say and good luck with following that BS that man pushes also.

I'm laughing now at all the hot water boiling that Trump is sitting in and reason I don't feel the need to sit here and have a discourse with 3 people about this nonsense because 60% of the people disagree with what that idiot is doing to the country and again time will tell soon enough where the chips will fall - you and I can agree on that. But I'd put money on where they will fall and you've already seen enough men who have fell from grace in Trump's circle to see where this is all going.

There is a great saying by Warren Buffet that goes "If a cop follows you for 500 miles, you’re going to get a ticket,". Bottom line somewhere along the line we all get caught with a traffic infraction. Well the cops have been following Trump for more than 500 miles and with all the wheeling and dealing Trump has done you think they haven't already found alot - its just a matter of getting him to corroborate some facts for the FEDs at this point. Cohen and the Tabloid king know where alot of Trump's skeletons in the closet are all laying. The idiot is only getting the karma he deserves is how I feel.

Anyway I'm content to resign from this thread as I already know how this movie of the Trump-pocalypse is going to end:




And as Meghan McCain so rightfully reminded everyone:


The Campaign launched in 2017 continues:

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