How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Sometimes it is you can get more real news on there then CNN. You like the Clintons, good for you, I have never been that ignorant

oh....so russian is known for putting out ******* on different areas...you see something on you tube...and now it's fact....who is being ignorant?
like I said if the right had anything...anything at all on them they would be in jail
most facts are carried on the news...except for fox...and they are just an opinion channel as stated by other countries....each news channel may be a little slanted one way or the other...….but they are still presenting the facts...no matter which way they lean....don't channel your news from one specific channel and you might get a good idea of what is going on....except you tube!
now who is being ignorant?
Lol, you should call me for legal advice as one who has had alot of experience dealing with lawfare however not on the level of deep ******* that Trump is in. Funny enough, I actually had a trial in the same building that Manafort was tried in and I beat that case too. You know what the prosecution told me also, "don't tell no one else about this deal we made with you". Haha- 100% true story.
Ummmm....no....I won't be calling you for any help with "lawfare"...not even if you did stay in a Holiday Inn Express. I saw all I needed to know about your level of legal understanding back when you argued with me about emails on a private server even after I showed you the US Federal Appeals court ruling that in no uncertain terms said your claim was wrong.

My Gish Gallop meandering through all the BS that Trump has flip-flopped on is substantive enough on why Trump doesn't want to speak on record nor allows recorders to keep minutes of his meetings at the white-house because he lies so much. No need to try to disprove what you wrote because your not Trump's legal counsel and it wouldn't make a difference. His legal team knows he is a walking perjury timebomb mess. His own tweets incriminate himself as well as others around him.

You replied to my post, claiming I was wrong. Then when called out bury a statement in the middle of a paragraph in your rambling reply that you don't need to disprove it because I'm not Trump's counsel....even though my post had nothing to do with Trump. It was merely pointing out Mac's clear lack of understanding of what a perjury trap is. Sadly though, that's pretty much the level of intellectual discourse I expected.
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oh....so russian is known for putting out ******* on different areas...you see something on you tube...and now it's fact....who is being ignorant?
like I said if the right had anything...anything at all on them they would be in jail
most facts are carried on the news...except for fox...and they are just an opinion channel as stated by other countries....each news channel may be a little slanted one way or the other...….but they are still presenting the facts...no matter which way they lean....don't channel your news from one specific channel and you might get a good idea of what is going on....except you tube!
now who is being ignorant?
I never said a video on utube is a fact. The news tells us what they choose too. CNN, MSNBC in my opinion both present liberal left wing favoritism while FOX definitely favors the conservative right wing. I am not crazy about President Trump, never said I was. I don't like the Clintons, and Hillary while she tried to wrestle the nomination from Obama was hated by much of their own party, 8 years later they loved her? This is the last post on my end because they will do just what they want to do ,and we are just the people on the outside looking in.
I'm not anxious for the investigation to end because it will clear Trump's name. I'm anxious for it to end to rub your nose in it, and the nose of every other liberal nutjob who believed all those manufactured stories.
You don't have a clue. And frankly, neither do I. There is a lot of smoke for there not to be a fire. In the end, only Bob Mueller and his team know whay they know. You claiming unequivocally that nothing will come of the investigation is comical at best and moronic at worst.
Ummmm....no....I won't be calling you for any help with "lawfare"...not even if you did stay in a Holiday Inn Express. I saw all I needed to know about your level of legal understanding back when you argued with me about emails on a private server even after I showed you the US Federal Appeals court ruling that in no uncertain terms said your claim was wrong.
You replied to my post, claiming I was wrong. Then when called out bury a statement in the middle of a paragraph in your rambling reply that you don't need to disprove it because I'm not Trump's counsel....even though my post had nothing to do with Trump. It was merely pointing out Mac's clear lack of understanding of what a perjury trap is. Sadly though, that's pretty much the level of intellectual discourse I expected.

@hoping hubby - geez I see you have some strong love hate feelings about me. The fact that you ignore and gloss over the main subject which is about TRUMP and the legal situation he is ensnared in to begin with doesn't bode well for having any kind of discourse much less an intellectual one. In a discourse you first need to exchange information supported with facts to counter points or ideas expressed on the main subject which here is first and foremost as the thread title includes is about 'TRUMP', added with 'Giuliani', then add 'perjury trap'. This discussion here was never solely about the subject of 'perjury trap' which therefore nullifies such discourse or debate you even thought you were having on your own.

And for someone who has experience being also ensnared in legal trappings along with dealing with prosecutorial maneuvers does provide them with insight that shouldn't be dismissed and serves better than theoretical esoteric keyboard jockeying and internet surfing legal look-ups which account for zilch in the real world applications. There are some things that only experience teaches and you don't learn nor is taught in law school.

I vaguely remember what you are referring to about with "emails on a private server...the US Federal Appeals court ruling" however the fact that you do remember that and like to bring it up here to talk about someone's legal understanding does tell me alot about you and goes back to my point about this being a love-hate thing.

First off, its shows an obsession with trying to find fault with me personally. I also figure its about some slight you perceived where I offended you somewhere long ago or where someone else to include Mac or other people like us as every time you respond its as if you have to settle some score and never about countering any claims or again exchange information supported with facts to counter a point which is what you would do in a discourse or debate against the main subject 'TRUMP' + 'perjury trap'.

Second, why am I capitalizing the word 'TRUMP'. Again cause that's what this whole discussion, posting on here is all about which can never be separated and to quote your last statement here "....even though my post had nothing to do with Trump."

So that's where you are wrong once again in your posts directed at me here and lets go back now and point out how you are in error with what you responded to against MacnFries.

Although I didn't just reply to you solely but to 'All' of the posters who all were contesting Mac's statement but now I am singling you out directly on how you are wrong with what you were attempting to refute with what Mac stated about 'TRUMP' and a perjury trap. To go back to where this began I quote Mac's original statement:

"Its not a perjury trap if one doesn't LIE under oath ... you do know that, right? By saying its a perjury trap is saying you know Trump is a liar, which he most definitely is ... or do you deny THAT as well, Mr Rudy Giuliani?"

So you can't separate 'perjury trap' from the subjects Trump and Giuliani which you've particularly done here. Giuliani is the one introducing the idea of a perjury trap which we are refuting as incorrect for him to use in this case to defend why Trump shouldn't sit for a cross examination and is where any discourse should start with on their lawfare maneuvers.

Since you like to look-up legal findings and reviews refer to the perjury trap article below and applying it against the main subject which is what Mac was addressing with 'TRUMP' it supports his point and the beginning of this 'so-called' debate you are having all on your own.

".the subject of this Article: the deliberate use of the grand jury to secure perjured testimony, a practice dubbed by some courts the “perjury trap."
REF: https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/cgi...&httpsredir=1&article=1169&context=lawfaculty

And what is perjured testimony? To extrapolate a wikipedia article goes on to infer that it "...is a form of prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into [intentional deceit under oath]. Most often a perjury trap is employed because the prosecutor is unable to prosecute the defendant on other charges."

So the 'intent' part on the prosecution side here is key which is to say that the prosecutor knows he can't charge the defendant on some law he thinks was broken but instead wishes to catch the defendant lying under oath when called to testify to a grand jury and use that to hang, or charge the defendant.

As Mac first pointed out as well as i did, that is what Giuliani is trying to introduce as the idea which we counter saying if Trump knows the questions ahead of time that are going to be asked and provides a truthful recount (does not lie under oath) of what occurred to answer those questions he would have nothing to worry about. Mac's statement is 100% correct and how trials work in which people who are innocent or no evidence is found that convicts them without the shadow of any reasonable doubt finds them guilty.

Mueller and his team has already performed and is still continuing to perform a thorough investigation and put together cases and just wants Trump to explain or corroborate some of their findings which they even sent the questions ahead of time. So it wasn't for the singular intent and purpose of calling someone before a grand jury with no knowledge of what the possible examination would be about in order to catch them with some other line of questioning that could trip the defendant up which is what Giuliani now wants to spin the public narrative to debate about. I understand these tactics Trump's henchmen use all to well and see right through it as well as Mac did. But you fail to and make the arguments about us.

It is also easy to see the problem from Trump's side in that he makes up so much BS as he goes along he doesn't even remember what he first said or thought half the time so he therefore increases his own probabilities of perjury because as Mac said '...Trump is a liar'.

To support my exchange of points here on this now rightly correctly discourse on TRUMP+perjury trap I now cite from Bob Woodwards new upcoming book "Fear:Trump" in which he recounts from a source that testimony preparation performed by White House Counsel with Trump resulted in him bursting into profanity laced tirades 30minutes into the sessions on how its just a witch hunt and he has done nothing wrong. The White House counsel has resigned to the fact and has already written to Mueller's team that TRUMP cannot sit to testify. He looses his cool which would surely not do him any favors before he even gets to the point of lying under oath which would most likely happen as well.

I hold no grudge against you hoping hubby, this is all really very small inconsequential trivial matters to me that I don't find necessary to go tit for tat about cause there are much more important things to worry about in general.

Also the fact that there were actual whispers and discussions about the 25th amendment being utilized and the recent NYT OP ED on a high ranking White House staff official having to write how they are trying to save the republic from its elected Executive Officer who is doing grave harm to this country is what my whole threat here is about. Its not about me nor you nor Mac and where you all lose focus.

So if you want to have a discourse and an intellectual one at that then stay away from personal attacks, pop-cultural references to TV commercials equating to someones knowlege and experience which you know zilch about and lets have one but please stick to the main subject 'TRUMP'. I brush off your petty comments about me as this is all bigger than our words posted on here. Its the fate and balance of our nation that is at stake.

More headlines from today also support my point - what the hell is going on here where you have a President and his counsel openly having to making statements such as these instead of leading our nation which is what I started my very first post making this all about - not solely me or Trump but whats best for our nation overall:

Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 4.39.31 AM.png
REF: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-impeached-demand-supporters-montana-rally-2018-9

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ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/rudy-giuliani-says-trump-will-not-talk-to-mueller-2018-9

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geez I see you have some strong love hate feelings about me.
No I don't love or heat you. Much like Mac, I'm entertained by your posts. It's fun to watch the mental machinations of the anti Trump crowd on here. Each of you bring different "qualities" to the table. You're one of the most professional of the bunch. Mac quickly devolves into elementary school playground insults when proven wrong. You tend to fall back on an interesting combination of the Gish Gallop and a stream of consciousness that ultimately says little or nothing. This >1400 word filibuster is a masterpiece example.

By the way, that Pace University paper you linked to actually supports my original statement from post 1372. However, one's not likely to comprehend that if their legal background comes from Google searches and reading Wikipedia.
Much like Mac, I'm entertained by your posts. It's fun to watch the mental machinations of the anti Trump crowd on here. Each of you bring different "qualities" to the table. You're one of the most professional of the bunch.
He has to be, he's a 'bouncer' ... I don't. So, pic_GoFuckYourself3.jpg
No I don't love or heat you. Much like Mac, I'm entertained by your posts. It's fun to watch the mental machinations of the anti Trump crowd on here. Each of you bring different "qualities" to the table. You're one of the most professional of the bunch. Mac quickly devolves into elementary school playground insults when proven wrong. You tend to fall back on an interesting combination of the Gish Gallop and a stream of consciousness that ultimately says little or nothing. This >1400 word filibuster is a masterpiece example.

By the way, that Pace University paper you linked to actually supports my original statement from post 1372. However, one's not likely to comprehend that if their legal background comes from Google searches and reading Wikipedia.
Whilst you're being entertained by the anti trump brigade, be aware that most of the planet are laughing their cocks off at the antics of your great leader.
What is breathtaking is that there is an electorate politically unsophisticated enough to regard this man as the answer to anything. You basically have a giant egotistical toddler with fake tan in charge. It would be hilarious if the guy wasn't so powerful.
Whilst you're being entertained by the anti trump brigade, be aware that most of the planet are laughing their cocks off at the antics of your great leader.
What is breathtaking is that there is an electorate politically unsophisticated enough to regard this man as the answer to anything. You basically have a giant egotistical toddler with fake tan in charge. It would be hilarious if the guy wasn't so powerful.
No offence to non trump voters. You know.
This is what's going on while you whine about nonsense.

yeah it finally reached what it was in 2000
BUT wages went up 2.9% this year.....inflation went up 3.2%
wages are not keeping up with the cost of living
right now!...… non mortgage borrowing hitting a high...that means the lower and middle class is living off their credit card....Trump took all the checks and balances off that so the banks could lend more money....so what's next?...you figure it out while you defend this asshole in the WH
Let me make this clear... citizens of the US couldn't care less what you second-rate American wannabes think about us or our leader. He's given us a record economy, record low unemployment, brought jobs back to the US that the previous leader said would take a magic wand, and he's got the world's most dangerous leader at the negotiating table. The rest of the world can F off.
Personally I can’t wait till the lying, cheating racist gets buried in the city dump along with all the other garbage