How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Yeah they really have their priorities in order. Get that worked up over a foreign leader's visit, but show little or no concern about Tommy Robinson's case or the Rotherham rapes and the disgraceful way they were handled. Just another example of the " social justice warriors" on the left selecting what to be outraged about. Or maybe George Soros decides for them.
Yeah they really have their priorities in order. Get that worked up over a foreign leader's visit, but show little or no concern about Tommy Robinson's case or the Rotherham rapes and the disgraceful way they were handled. Just another example of the " social justice warriors" on the left selecting what to be outraged about. Or maybe George Soros decides for them.
I've got time for Tony Robinson but he prejudiced a court case in progress and was therefore jailed. He won't be inside long.
You do realise trump is interfering in an ally's political process - unduly influencing democracy in a sovereign state?
Are you condoning that?
Liberal looney thread I see ... cnn cnn cnn .... OMFG ... sorry but wrong place for politics... Find a safe space or get a grip ... its been a year and everything is Great...
Trump 2020
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Move to Europe then if its so bad here now ... not arguing ... just saying ... this is a hook up site and you wanna cry cause you lost and can't face it ... ok ... but on here ???
Oh yea: what you gonna do when Trump is reelected in 2020 ???
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Move to Europe then if its so bad here now ... not arguing ... just saying ... this is a hook up site and you wanna cry cause you lost and can't face it ... ok ... but on here ???
Oh yea: what you gonna do when Trump is reelected in 2020 ???
This its off topic discussion, so don't pollute with your sex talk:)
I'm already in Europe lol. Just saying.
Liberal looney thread I see ... cnn cnn cnn .... OMFG ... sorry but wrong place for politics... Find a safe space or get a grip ... its been a year and everything is Great...
Trump 2020

* * * F A C T S * * *

Finally REPUBs are waking up and echoing the same thing I've been stating since this Moscovian Kremlin-Gate P u tin Puppet has been elected.

As the constitution defines Treason/traitor: "...Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

And it wasn't from CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post or the other Fake News Outlets it was Faux News giving it to ol Chump hard and direct:

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Man even the REPUB GOVERNATOR gave Chump the business

Straight Facts breaking down this unbelievable agent of a foreign power pretending to be a US President

Komptrat, handled, Compromised, and wholly owned

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* * * F A C T S * * *

Also from Chump's Surrender-Summit
P u tin on the question as to whether the Russians got Komptrat on Chump and how ridiculous the question is:


Oh no, we've never heard of him doing something like that:

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Dam, also never have we seen an American ever so owned by a Russian since Rocky IV.

For the trolls, don't you have any legit facts to state besides just whining about how the cheetoh cheating colluding, beyond a treasonable doubt moscovian owned idiot is so great and people who are pointing out how he is a clear and present danger are losers then you'll be muted for your repeated non-substantial posts to this thread.

Get a brain and think for yourself and stop drinking the chump-kool-aid or GTF off this thread and outta here with your repetitive B.S.


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Trump On Russia's Election Meddling: 'We're All To Blame'

To the trolls who keep repeating the same thing over and over about "...libs this, you lost and we won, Chump 2020", really look at what your stating and ask yourself who is brain washed.

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To the Trolls - you look like you got strings on the back of you making your mouths open and hands move up and down


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First, he has to do something wrong to get impeached. 2nd, stomping an opponent in an election is not doing something wrong (unless you're a libtard).
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Republican Rep. Will Hurd wrote in a New York Times op-ed that that President Donald Trump is participating in a disinformation campaign by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Texas Republican served as an undercover CIA officer before winning his first House race in 2014.

Hurd’s opinion piece comes after Trump’s meeting and news conference with the Russian president in Helsinki where he questioned the authority of his intelligence agencies and took Putin’s word that Russians didn’t meddle in U.S. elections.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd wrote.

Hurd cited Russia’s efforts to hack into political organizations like the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and hack state election boards.

Hurd said Russian “disinformation campaigns” on social media are also “well-documented.”

“The result has been Russian disinformation spreading like a virus throughout the Western world,” he said.

Hurd cited Congress passing sanctions on Russia and its providing assistance to Ukraine to stop disinformation campaigns.

He also praised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for asking Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to testify about Trump’s meetings with Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“Additionally, Congress must act to give the men and women of our intelligence agencies the tools they need to confront Moscow and prevent this from happening in the future,” Hurd wrote.

Hurd represents Texas’ 23rd district, which stretches along the U.S.-Mexico border, and is being challenged by Democrat Gina Ortiz Jones, an Air ******* veteran.

REF: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/19/opinion/trump-russia-Poroshenko-republican-congress.html?rref=collection/sectioncollection/opinion&action=click&contentCollection=opinion&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront

* * F A C T S * *

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The lack of tolerance in this thread for posters who have differing thoughts, ideas, and political beliefs is stunning. Especially coming from posters whose favored political party allegedly is the party of tolerance and inclusion.
The lack of tolerance in this thread for posters who have differing thoughts, ideas, and political beliefs is stunning. Especially coming from posters whose favored political party allegedly is the party of tolerance and inclusion.

Haha, but Au contraire, mon frère -dont you even go there. Not sure who your post is directed to but everyone is free to post any valid and supporting facts they would like that are rational and not demeaning towards anyone else. The name calling of libtards this, or right-wing that and your crying just cause Hillary lost over and over is what won't be tolerated on this thread.

Anyone that has something other than a bumper sticker slogan and just pure 'identity politics' propagranda (whether from right or left) to state that's rationale and dispassionate are welcomed and especially tolerated. Go back enough on the thread and youll see those who did have differing view points express them but gave up defending someone who is indefensible. Yeah I add on a bunch of memes at the end of my posts but they are satire and just fodder after I drop all the facts of the matter. I've never denigrated anyone or castigated a whole group of people in a non-beneficical polarized way of being just a liberal or a right-wing nut as its not helpful for any meaningful discussion you may be trying to have.

As far as political beliefs go I've never claimed nor held registration nor allegiance to any political party and if I had it would be libertarian. Rand Paul and most often Speaker Paul Ryan are politicians who are moderate and I agree with a majority of what they state. I'm a free capitalist, small government, keep the FEDs out of my life, extremely fiscally conservative low taxes 'Larry Kudlow' type of monetary Hawk, and I'm socially tolerant not liberal. I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman and people should plan to be parents and not use planned parenthood nor have abortions but I don't think the government should legislate for the same point you brought up about tolerance and again Government should stay out of people's personal lives.

As the American forefathers wrote into the fabric our nation with the Declaration of independence "“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

I've never really liked any politicians for presidency but Obama was a fresh energetic change when he ran. Whether you agreed or disagreed with his politics at least he upheld the honor of the office. I didn't like crooked Hillary and she could've been locked up for all I care and I agree that she fucked up with the private server and had classified material on it and should've been penalized/charged for it to the fullest extent. Im happy she lost.

Our country deserves better and I wish we had a 3rd party. The last Economist issue had a fantastic break down of as Trump calls it "the rigged system" and he is right. Get this issue right here, it breaks down how the Repubs and Demos rigg the system and have no incentives for fixing whats broke cause it would teeter everything too far in favor of the other party.

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The Repubs and the Demos gerrymander and rig it in their favor and keep 3rd parties locked out. But most importantly I also know the guy in office now from the beginning represents a clear and present danger and he is in deep with money ties and who knows what else with the Ruskies.

After all, how do you think Stormy Daniels got paid after Cohen got the money from the Russians? And this straight fact no liberal conspiracy theory BS.

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The truth that has been burried under a mountain of lies will eventually rise and see the light.

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  • A former DOJ prosecutor said revelations that Michael Cohen secretly recorded a sensitive conversation with President Donald Trump talking about payments to a Playboy model isn't the most interesting revelation to the story.
  • The former federal prosecutor said the key is where the payments originated.
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former longtime fixer and lawyer, threw the media and politics spheres into a frenzy late Tuesday night.

His lawyer released a secret recording Cohen made featuring himself and Trump discussing how to buy the rights to a former Playboy model's story about an alleged affair with Trump.

The model, Karen McDougal, was eventually paid $150,000 by the publisher of The National Enquirer, a Trump-friendly tabloid whose owner is close friends with the president. The story was never published, a tactic known as "catch-and-*******." But Jeffrey Cramer, a former federal prosecutor who spent 12 years at the Department of Justice, said the existence of Cohen's tape is not the most significant piece of the story.

"We knew, as best as anyone on the outside of an investigation can know, that Trump and Cohen were somehow involved in this payment," Cramer said. "This tape proves that and it certainly gives Cohen credibility and gives us more proof that Trump used other people to do his dirty work. But as far as having a substantive impact, I don't think the tapes themselves will change much."

Cramer said the amounts of the payments are "chump change" and amount to "a rounding error" in the grand scheme of Trump's spending.

The key question now, he said, is where the money came from.

'We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia'
Michael Cohen was Trump's longtime fixer. Jeenah Moon/Reuters

Cohen's links to Russia and Ukraine date back to his childhood. Seth Hettena, a longtime investigative journalist formerly of The Associated Press, wrote in Rolling Stone this year that Cohen spent much of his youth around Russian organized crime. Cohen first met Trump through his *******-in-law, the Ukrainian-born businessman Fima Shusterman.

Shusterman and two partners owned a taxicab business, and all three men were convicted of crimes related to money laundering in 1993, Hettena wrote. "Fima may have been a (possibly silent) business partner with Trump, perhaps even used as a conduit for Russian investors in Trump properties and other ventures," a former federal investigator told Hettena. "Cohen, who married into the family, was given the job with the Trump Org as a favor to Shusterman."

Cohen told Hettena the allegation was "untrue," adding that his source was "creating fake news."

In May, Michael Avenatti, the attorney for the adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, released an "executive summary" saying a Russian energy tycoon reimbursed Cohen for a $130,000 payment to Daniels prior to the 2016 election. Cramer, who worked on public corruption, fraud, and organized crime cases at the DOJ, said finding out where the payments Cohen made came from could help answer some of the biggest questions about Trump's ties to Russia .

"If you're following the money, and everything always comes down to money ... you have to figure out where Trump's and Cohen's loans are coming from," Cramer said. "If they're from [Russian or Ukrainian] oligarchs, through Cohen, there's your connection."

The Trump campaign is currently wrapped up in the investigation into whether any Trump associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump also floored observers last week when he praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and appeared to refuse to hold Russia accountable for its election meddling. The performance prompted national security experts to suggest that Trump is acting more and more like a Russian asset — wittingly or not.
"If you're wondering about Russian influence, money is the No. 1 major coercion or enticement," Cramer said. "If these guys are getting their loans or payments from Russia, that would answer a lot of questions about how beholden Trump is to Russian interests."

'Picture a wheel and spokes. Kiev is in the middle'
Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin in a controversial summit in Helsinki last week.

Trump has well-documented public financial connections to Russians. His eldest *******, Donald Trump Jr., said in 2008 that "in terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets."

"Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York," he added. "We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Reuters reported last year that at least 63 people with Russian passports or addresses bought a combined $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida.

The report said about one-third of the owners of units in the seven Trump buildings were LLCs, which are able to hide the identity of a property's true owner. Cramer pointed out that this would be where Trump's tax returns, which he has not released, would come into play.

"Picture a wheel and spokes," he said. "Kiev is in the middle. I'd be shocked if there weren't loans on there originating from Ukraine or other parts of eastern Europe. And Cohen may very well know about that, given his family's connections to the region."

Glenn Simpson, the cofounder of opposition research firm Fusion GPS, also touched on Cohen's link to Russia while testifying before the House Intelligence Committee last year.

He told lawmakers Cohen "had a lot of connections to the former Soviet Union, and that he seemed to have associations with organized crime figures in New York and Florida — Russian organized crime figures."

Simpson also emphasized another observation. During Trump's presidential campaign, he said, "serious questions about Donald Trump's activities in Russia and the former Soviet Union went to Michael Cohen. ... He was the only person who had information on that subject or was in a position to answer those questions."

ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-cohen-connection-to-ukraine-trump-2018-7
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And so finally another straw is added on top of all the other straws already piled up ready to break the camel's back and bring an end to the lying-king in office.

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  • Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, says Trump knew in advance that senior campaign officials planned to meet with a Kremlin-linked lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton at the height of the election, CNN reported.
  • The report says Cohen claims he and several others were present when Donald Trump Jr., who attended the meeting, informed Trump of the Russians' offer, and that Trump greenlit the meeting.
  • Cohen reportedly does not have evidence, like tape recordings, proving his claims but is willing to testify about it to the special counsel Robert Mueller under oath.
  • Cohen is the third Trump associate to hint that Trump may know more than he's letting on about the meeting.
BBB76: Who are the other two Trump associates to hint that Trump know's more than he's letting on about that meeting and how would he not know about the meeting that his ******* (Don Jr.), *******-in-law (Jared) and campaign manager (Manafort) would be attending in his own office building? Come-on use common-sense people.

ref: https://www.businessinsider.com/tru...016-trump-tower-meeting-russian-lawyer-2018-7

Just for the record - there was no crime right committed right? Ok...

* * * ALL FACTS * * *

Lets review the list of associates from Trump's team have ALL plead guilty to charges of a crime committed related to the Russian (Kremlin-gate) investigation in addition to the 23 Russians already indicted.


See the list of charges here:

humpty-trumpy thought he stood tall, then he had a big fall, and all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put humpty-trumpy back together again.


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"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln

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It's been a week since President Donald Trump’s widely panned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believes the Kremlin has compromising information on the American leader.

By a 51-to-35 percent margin, U.S. voters are convinced the Russian government has dirt on Trump, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll.

At a press conference in Helsinki on July 16, Trump stunned the world by accepting Putin's denial that Russia attacked the 2016 U.S. election, thus contradicting the findings of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be Russia,” Trump said. He tried to walk it back a day later by saying he had misspoken.

Trump’s performance at the summit, widely criticized on Capitol Hill by both parties, has raised further suspicions that Moscow has collected compromising material on the president as part of a wider campaign to influence the American political system. Allegations of the existence of such material surfaced with the disclosure of a dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer who was paid by Democrats to collect damaging information on Trump during the 2016 campaign.

The new poll also showed a decline in Americans' approval of Trump's overall job performance. His approval now sits at 38 percent, compared with 58 percent disapproval. His approval rating fell five points from a June 20 Quinnipiac poll that followed the president’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows that Trump's rating is underwater by nearly 10 points.

More findings on Russia

Republicans largely stand behind the president when it comes to Russia. Only 18 percent of GOP voters believe that Moscow has such information on Trump; some 70 percent say they don’t think the allegations are true, the latest Quinnipiac poll found.

Another silver lining for the president: Voters overall aren't convinced that Trump himself colluded with Russia to interfere in the election, by a 48-to-39 percent margin. But they’re divided on whether the Trump campaign in general did so; some 46 percent say it did, and 44 percent say it did not.

Men lie, Numbers dont.

Overall, voters deemed the Helsinki summit a failure for the U.S., by a 52-to-27 percent margin. Some 73 percent believe the summit was a success for Russia. Trump was not acting in the best interest of the U.S., according to 54 percent of voters surveyed. And 78 percent of voters said Trump should defend all of America's NATO allies.

The Helsinki summit left 68 percent of American voters "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" about President Trump's relationship with Russia.

ref: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/24/majority-believes-russia-has-dirt-on-trump-poll.html

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I'm a Proud Libertarian Right-leaning Patriot and here I stand in opposition from day one.

View media item 102646
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"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Abraham Lincoln
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Americans don't think President Trump has been tough enough on Russia, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll conducted after Trump's summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Nearly two-thirds said so, and it wasn't just Democrats. Almost half of Republicans surveyed (47 percent) also said Trump hasn't been tough enough on Russia, with just 20 percent saying he has taken about the right approach.

As to whether Trump should view Putin as a friend or foe, Americans are nearly evenly split, with 45 percent saying he should be seen as an enemy and 44 percent saying he is an ally. That might be a surprise to those who grew up in the Cold War era, but partisanship might have something to do with it. Among GOP voters, 58 percent view the Russian leader as an ally.

A majority of adults overall (59 percent) do think it's better for the U.S. to build relationships with Russia, while less than a third say the country should be treated as a threat. Still, half of Democrats think Russia should be treated as a threat, while more than three-quarters of Republicans say the U.S. should build relationships with the country. That happens to be Trump's position.

Americans overwhelmingly believe that Russia did seek to interfere in the 2016 elections — despite flip-flops from Trump as to whether he believes that to be true. Sixty-nine percent said they believe there was Russian interference in the 2016 election. That includes just over half of Republicans.

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A majority (57 percent) also believes that Russia is likely to try to interfere in November's midterm elections — something that intelligence chiefs have warned about but that Trump has downplayed. Most Republicans, however, side with Trump here, with 58 percent saying it's not very likely or not likely at all.

But a whopping 72 percent of Americans said they have faith in the CIA's and FBI's conclusions about the assessment of the Russian election interference, compared with just 15 percent who believe Putin's denials. Trump has said Putin strongly denies any involvement. Eighty-six percent of Democrats say they believe the intelligence community over Putin, and 63 percent of GOP voters say the same thing. However, 21 percent of Republicans do say they believe Putin's dismissals.

What is more, a majority of Americans believe that Russian interference in 2016 impacted the election, though just 37 percent said they believe it changed the outcome. Another 26 percent said it impacted the election but not enough to change the result, and 30 percent said it had no impact at all.

Almost half of the country (46 percent) thinks that Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in 2016 has been fair, with roughly a third disagreeing. Those opinions are, unsurprisingly, deeply split along partisan lines — 62 percent of Democrats say it has been fair, while half of Republicans say it has been unfair.

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More than two-thirds believe Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation though, including 60 percent of Republicans. Less than a quarter of GOP voters say Mueller should be fired.

But Republicans view the FBI, which Trump has repeatedly demonized, differently than the public at large does. Almost 6 in 10 people say that the FBI is just trying to do its job, while one-third of Americans say it is biased against the Trump administration. Fifty-five percent of Republicans think the FBI is biased against the president, compared with 85 percent of Democrats who say the law enforcement agency is just doing its job.

Most Americans don't believe that Trump has done something illegal in regards to his dealings with Russia and Putin. But just over a quarter think that he at least did something unethical. Those views, too, change along partisan lines.

Democrats are poised for gains in the midterm elections, buoyed by big advantages among women and with voter enthusiasm on their side. When registered voters were asked which party's candidate they're likely to vote for come November, they favored Democrats over the GOP, 47 percent to 40 percent. That 7-point advantage is up from a 5-point edge in an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey in April.

Female voters say they prefer Democrats this fall by a 21-point margin, 54 percent to 33 percent. Republicans win men by 9 points, 48 percent to 39 percent.

Negative opinions of Trump are pronounced among women. Trump's job approval has remained relatively static — still underwater at 39 percent approval to 51 percent disapproval among all Americans. But there is a staggering 43-point gender gap with 62 percent of women disapproving of Trump's job and half of men approving of his performance.

Fifty-seven percent of suburban women also strongly disapprove of Trump, and Democrats have a 28-point edge in which party suburban women would vote for in November. This is an ominous sign for Republicans given that these will be critical voters in many House battlefields.

"You would be hard-pressed to find a president who has more sharply divided the nation along gender lines," said Lee Miringoff, director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. "It remains to be seen what role this may play in the midterm elections, the 2020 presidential election, and political party affiliation going forward."

Among the party base, though, Trump is stronger than ever — 62 percent of Republicans strongly approve of the job he is doing, leading to overall, 25 percent of Americans strongly approving of his job, his highest mark in the poll.

Still, that doesn't erase the hotly negative views of him with 44 percent overall strongly disapproving of his job.

Trump's favorability rating has improved over the past three months, up 4 points to 41 percent. That's largely due to the 88 percent of Republicans who are still firmly in his court — something the GOP hopes translates to enthusiasm at the ballot box come November.

But there are other signs of greater Democratic engagement — 78 percent of Democrats say the midterm elections are very important, while 68 percent of Republicans say the same thing. And women, again, appear to be more fired up, with 72 percent saying their vote this November is very important.

A plurality of voters (46 percent) also say Trump has made them more likely to cast a vote for Democrats this fall, compared with 37 percent who say he has made them more likely to vote for the GOP candidate. Among women, 56 percent say Trump is pushing them toward the Democratic choice.

Part of that is because of Trump's personal attributes. A majority of Americans think Trump is untruthful — 61 percent say he only tells the truth some of the time, hardly ever or never, while 36 percent think he is truthful almost all or most of the time. Fifty-six percent also say he tells the truth less often than past presidents.

Americans also say they're dissatisfied with Trump's approach to foreign policy, his conduct abroad and his positions on immigration. By a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Americans say Trump's conduct as president makes them feel embarrassed. Among Republicans, though, 70 percent say he has made them proud, and 91 percent of Democrats feeling embarrassed.

Almost half (46 percent) say his actions during the NATO meeting earlier this month hurt U.S. relationships with European allies, while just 19 percent say they helped. Forty-seven percent also say he is changing U.S. foreign policy for the worse, while 37 percent say it's going in a better direction.

Nearly half of registered voters (48 percent) also say he is changing immigration policy for the worse, while 40 percent say he is improving it. Those numbers come in the wake of the administration's controversial move to separate children from their parents if detained at the border. The administration has reversed its position but has struggled to reunite children with their families.

Trump does still have an advantage on the economy, though. That is another thing Republicans hope will be their key to holding onto power in Congress. Just over half of registered voters — the most since Trump was inaugurated — say he is moving the economy in a better direction with about a third saying he is making it worse. By an 18-point margin, half of independent voters also think Trump has improved the economy.

Voters are evenly split on Trump's trade policy, however — 46 percent say they disapprove of his recent tariffs on imports and foreign-made goods, while 44 percent approve. But despite the party's long history of supporting free trade and the tariffs already hurting the agriculture sector, more than three-quarters of Republicans approve of Trump's decision to levy tariffs. The White House announced Tuesday that it will provide $12 billion in government assistance to farmers hurt by the escalating trade war.

With all of that, confidence in major democratic institutions is waning. Only a quarter say they have faith in Congress and the media, while a third have faith in the Democratic Party and even less in the GOP. Just 43 percent say they trust the presidency.

The military fares the best, with 88 percent saying they have confidence in it. A majority say they have trust in the Supreme Court and the FBI.
